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Organizational Culture Affect Leadership In An Organization Assignment Help

How does organizational culture affect leadership in an organization?

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Effective performance of an organisation can be attained by implementing culture that motivates individual employee and also increase sharing of information with the management. The elements covered in this study have outlined the information obtained regarding the impact of culture to leadership mechanism of organisation.

Outline of the assignment

The assignment has utilised journal information to state the effect of cultural factors of an organisation. It is relevant for contemporary organisation to promote a positive culture that can help in motivating working individuals of the company. The productive performance of the company is invariably related to stable emotions of a leader so that appropriate management of business can be conducted by the leaders. This section of assignment has considered ten relevant journals regarding organisational behaviour and journals. The evaluation of these journals has stated that emotional attachment is a possibility among working individuals with a positive organisational culture. The acquisition of emotional attachment is important for effective utilisation of team performance and also allows them to promote higher productivity against rival competition. An organisational culture needs to attain their culture from innovative, community, bureaucratic and competitiveness for acquiring an influential position in the industry. The practice of this culture assists an individual leader to inspect company performance and share relevant details for proper cooperation within the members of a particular team.

A leader is empowered to acquire relevant innovation and cooperation by working employees under the framework of innovative and community culture of an organisation. This process does not only signify the details of the required objective but also make provisions for varieties of job role that challenges an individual capability. In order to keep the employees motivated, respective leaders can imply a variety of responsibilities that test the employability skills of an individual employee. Therefore, it becomes critical for leaders to make a cordial relationship with working employees so that any changes within the company can be readily adopted. Apart from employee contribution, a leader needs to exude leadership style that promotes communication and sharing of ideas with employees of the company. In order to make necessary provision for positive culture and higher performance, democratic style of leadership can be considered to provide equal opportunity to employees of the firm.  The theoretical perspective is also reflected in the assignment by reviewing the impact transformational leadership that motivates an employee to resonate with company objectives and also include positive culture into the company. However, the ethics of business organisation is necessary for contemporary organisation to maintain legal formalities and also avoid internal conflicts within the organisation. The section including potential elements of project discussed about the possibilities of secondary way of collecting data. A justification on utilising secondary sources for information is stated to express the efficiency in proposing the impact of organizational culture on leadership style.


The conclusion that can be drawn is that positive work space allows leaders to make provision for effective teamwork and higher productivity. Democratic leadership style has been considered an efficient approach to allow cooperation and sharing of ideas.

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