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Organisational Dialogue: Theory And Practice


Part A: The critical incident

Describe an experience or ‘critical incident' you have experienced or witnessed in a work- based setting, involving an aspect of poor communication. You may draw on experiences you have had as an employee, as a customer or simply as an observer of organisational life. How did you feel about the incident? Given your insights from the subject's learning materials - why was the communication so poor and how could it have been improved?

Answer: Effective communication is one of the ways, through which the companies and the team can synchronize towards a common goal and work on drawing conclusions that would be dependent on the single frame of reference. With the ineffective communication, it even falls within the parties' failure those results in the lack of adherence to important aspects and the interpretation of the communication. It would include the process of the swift message, sender, and receiver along with following a medium of communication. Often such miscommunication would be due to the differences in gender along with significant culture education levels, medium used and also the affected age. With better communication, it is important to have a changing view and a perspective that can help to interpret what one thinks or feels.

Feelings: In one of the instance, I faced an issue of the miscommunication while communicating with the global counterparts. As English is my native language and while communicating with the Indian counterparts, I faced a significant issue of giving directions and information in my style, tone, and the ascent. My India counterparts just looked at me with amusement and nodded. I failed to ask any questions and even was not able to understand their non-verbal behavior. In my views, I have fully explained them, but in reality, due to the heavy accent, tone and difficult vocabulary used, it created an environment of chaos, confusion and resulted in lack of transparency. It was not a poor communication, but as a communicator what I am speaking should be well received and interpreted in the same flow of communication, which I have failed during this meeting. As globally companies are emerging, it would have been beneficial if I would have taken an interpreter or even documented the meeting agenda and circulated it.

In another instance, my global manager has used some racist comments while discussing with the team and came with the generalized statement such as "Not every Chinese would provide quality results". It resulted in the block thoughts of the audiences and the people stopped connecting with the global manager (Hartnell, 2019). It only results in the misunderstanding, confusion, and misinterpretation of the messages being sent.

Poor Communication & How to improve: The miscommunication can cost business and it is important to have high-quality communication and interpretation. Due to the poor communication, it resulted in gaps, delays and the failure to complete projects.

To improve, one should be able to personally access the situation, interpret it and quickly use an alternative mode of communication. It is recommended to use an emotional quotient while interacting with others. As it even leads to high-stress levels, it is important to include a proper code of communication.

Another way is not to blame others and not to use a defense mechanism, rather one should use a proper form of training of soft skills interpretation and communication which would help to interpret the given situation.

It is equally essential to provide clear instructions, mentoring and a support system, which would help to connect through an open forum. While communicating it would be important to understand the cultural differences, to be fair and consistent that can help to improve the workplace interactions.

To avoid any racially biased statements or any biased statements which would only result in unacceptance and would results in barriers while connecting. It is important to use concise pointers, keep the communication transparent and not to use words or language which would only create barriers while communicating. To have crisp, precise soft spoken skills would only value add to the communication style being adopted (Fitria, 2017).



Overcoming challenges


As a Global Manager, what was mentioned was not directly understood similarly.

It was overcome by analyzing the situation and making the audience understand through verbal and written communication.


 Chinese men are not able to provide quality results, resulted in the blocked perception of the audience.

It was done by avoiding passing racial comments and correcting it with a rational approach.


Challenged with the limited vocabulary and discussion styles.

By collaborating and coordinating with team and understanding at a ground level, helped to overcome the barrier.


Part B: Your business communication skills (to be completed prior to submission in week 6)

In engaging with the subject's learning materials, what insights did you gain for the development of your own interpersonal communication skills in work-based settings? How can these insights inform the way you communicate with people in the future?

Answer: Your business communication skills: Insights gained from the development of your interpersonal communication skills in work-based settings

The rule of thumb is to understand how interpersonal skills work progressively in work-based settings. Not only helps to improve on a personal level but it also helps to widen the scope of deliverables and coordination in a better manner. With the better devised interpersonal skills, it helps to bring betterment in the individuality and to associate with the groups that can deliver in a better way in the professional and personal lives.

The importance of the interpersonal skills helps to communicate effectively and develop parallel with the teammates, colleagues along with the staff members and coordinating with the clients.

The first development was to include ina positive attitude in the workplace which would bring better-coordinated results.

Helps to improve the problem-solving skills as one aims for the co-operation the results would be approached in a better manner. The interpersonal skills also help in managing the tactics, taking on additional responsibilities, managing one etiquette and developing a better social and general awareness things (Fitria, 2017).

Insights related to the communication with people in the future

Skills with better communication help to improve the career graph. An individual with better effective and efficient interpersonal skills aims in delivering with a better vision and delivering in coordination results.

Co-operation, being an ardent listener, solving the conflicts, being attentive to others are some tactics which have helped me in delivering coordinated results.



Overcoming challenges


Promotion to the global manager and bit hesitant about delivering a global result.

It was done with a better aim to deliver results in sync through the improved interpersonal skills


 Adamant in speech and not open to listening (Fitria, 2017).

It resulted in conflicts, which was solved over some time with the problem-solving approach and better ways.


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