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Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Assignment Help

what evidenced-based practice (EBP) is. Briefly discuss the history behind EBP

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Evidence-based practices refer to the interdisciplinary approach to clinical practice that was introduced and developed for the purpose of improving the quality of healthcare services in a given medical setting. Second, such practices will allow the clinicians to promote healthcare in a given working environment (Magers, 2013). 

There are different activities conducted in this approach such as - questioning to the patients, conducting meticulous observation, recording evidence for systematic retrieval, and adhering to the legal laws and regulations. It will thereby allow both the clinicians and nursing staff to improve their current practices in a given operational environment (Magers, 2013). 

Today, with advent of new technologies and increased awareness levels, patients are expecting better quality services in a given working environment. Thus, it will become a moral responsibility of the nursing and other staff of the healthcare organization to deploy this working approach at their workplace (Wilson, 2013). 

This practice was started in 1992 and combines clinical expertise with the research evidence to deliver state-of-the-art services to the patients in a given environment. The clinicians will be required to first convert information into answerable clinical question(Wilson, 2013). Second, they need to find the best evidence through which they will be to answer these questions. 

Further, it will be important for the nursing staff to validate the responses gathered. They thereby need to integrate the evidence into clinical decision making so that it will assist them to take better decisions for the patients. They can even suggest better ways to the patients so that they can get recovered soon from the present situation in a given medical environment. 

However, the top-level management and the Human Resources (HR) department needs to monitor such practise through performance analysis mechanisms (South& Phillips, 2014). They can accordingly determine the gaps, if any, and accordingly provide recommendations to improvise the future outcomes in a given environment.

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