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Ethical and spiritual decision making in health care.

Have any of you had any experience with hospice or end of life clinical work? If so, what has been your experience with this as it relates to suicide and euthanasia?

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Response to Statement 1

As per the statement presented by Jeremy Bon, many people state that nobody dies in the operating room but this idea is furthest from the truth. Jeremy experienced a large number of issues in regards to watching the death of countless people at the operating room. These deaths have occurred due to sudden medical issues relating to health or long term cardiac problems that could not be diagnosed. Therefore, it can be stated that people who feel that nobody dies at the operating table either provide biased views or do not have actual experiences at the operating table. On the other hand, Jeremy has a realistic view of the situation. Jeremy also states that life is short and fragile and it is important to live life in the best possible way. This view is positive in regards to the fact that death is inevitable and no amount of denial can change it (Zheng, Lee & Bloomer, 2018). Accepting that every person has to die someday contributes to mental peace and has positive psychological impacts on the mindsets of people involved.

Response to Statement 2

Based on the statement presented by Binda, death and dying are highly sensitive factors and proper use of respect and empathy is required while communicating in regards to this topic. It was stated that Binda works as a Case Manager for a Managed Medicare Program. Even though she did not experience death of patients at the firm, a large number of members have passed away or have been experiencing major health issues leading to their admission into hospice or palliative care. Binda also states that she used to work as a floor nurse and had experienced death of patients firsthand. She also realized that coping with death is necessary in order to live to the best of abilities. As per Rodenbach et al. (2016), death is an integral part of life and everyone faces death sooner or later. Death of loved ones and family members are bound to occur sometime and thus it is important to accept it. As per Derrida (2017), accepting death can lead to freedom of the soul and can also have positive impacts on the development of a clear and healthy mindset.

PACU Experience

I have prior experience in end of life clinical work due to my involvements in surgery. I have worked at the Post-Anesthesia care unit for a significant amount of time and have experienced major deaths firsthand. During my time working at the hospital, I encountered a patient with spinal tumors who experienced severe back pains. The patient was not diagnosed before due to a lack of knowledge regarding the growth of tumor in the spinal region. A surgical excision was required for ensuring proper accomplishment of the surgery. After the provision of anesthesia, the surgical incision process was used in order to remove the tumor. However, the provision of anesthesia contributed to the development of a highly dreadful allergic reaction upon contact with blood. The reaction was could not be controlled and the patient experienced significant suffering for days. I had to realize the fact that death cannot be controlled and it is inevitable. As per Beardsley, Brown & Sandroussi (2018), the concept of euthanasia deals with providing relief from the suffering of patients experienced due to medical conditions that cannot be treated or reversed. After careful consideration and communication with the family members, the life support system was stopped in order to relieve the pain via death in compliance with the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act of 2017.

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