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Network Management Assignment Help

In this paper, you will research and report on network management tools associated with

(1) policy compliance,

(2) bandwidth management, and

(3) asset management.

Compare and contrast, at least, one tool for each of the three network management areas. What is the best tool for each area? Can one tool be used for managing more than one area? Why or why not?



The paper will help in evaluating the association of the network management tools with policy compliance, bandwidth management and the assets management. The paper will further provide the desired comparison and contrasting between the tools to find out the best one for the execution of the concerned work processes.

Network Management

The methodology which is used to reinforce the security of the network of a company by restricting the availability of resources of the network to the endpoint device which imitates to the discrete security policy is referred to as Network Access Control (NAC). NAC is predominantly undertaken by a network access server, which authorizes and authenticates functions for the possible end users by the assistance of particular login verification. It executes anti-threat applications such as anti-viruses, spyware detection system and firewalls. It also restricts data to which an individual can have access. NAC thus, regulates and restricts the possible activities by an individual when he/she is connected to the network. For large agencies, organizations, and companies it helps in allowing the user environment to be controlled firmly and the NACs are ideal for this (Gârleanu & Pedersen, 2018). There have been concerns regarding the operationalization of the Network Access Control, especially in the networks that are related to a huge number of varied devices and users which are categorized by vibrant changes such as various access points and departments with diverse background and objectives. In these years, NAC has advanced into a tool that is used for mitigation of risk due to the vulnerable and compromised network in the contemporary vivacious networks.

Through, gaining visibility of wide-ranging network, reacting automatically to contain corrupted networks, executing segmentation of network, tackling of vulnerabilities, NAC helps the organizations to fight against cyber threats (Johnson & Schaltegger, 2016). The hierarchical network design and the network campus design are the utmost common ideal design that is the cost-efficient, scalable and reliable network. A network design which consists of a large network providing more than 1000 devices, the medium network comprising 200 to 1000 devices and a small network comprising up to 200 devices is known as enterprise network campus design. Therefore, depending on the size of the needs of the organization the network design changes.  The hierarchical design consists of three functional layers core layers, distribution, and access. It helps in designing the network into tiers in the hierarchy which gives precise functions that outlines its part in the overall network (Khan, Naeem, Iqbal, Qaisar & Anpalagan, 2016). Thus, this empowers the correct selection and optimization of the right features, software, and hardware that is needed while performing a specific role in a given layer. Both WAN and LAN designs are applied.

Tools associated with Policy Compliance

Partly management of risks involves a periodic evaluation of enforcement programs, policies and updating the technology and guidelines so as to ensure systems and staff stick to them. The aim of policy compliance is verifying the controls which are described in the policy and are being properly implemented (Wickboldt et al., 2015). Thus, policy compliance is a constant process of monitoring, implementing and verifying. Practically compliance is the system of information technology that is in charge though it is checked by an auditor. Technological controls are therefore undertaken as an alternative of a configuration where the system controls are undertaken as configuration alternative in comparable gadgets, routers, switches and network (Modieginyane, Letswamotse, Malekian & Abu-Mahfouz, 2018). Therefore it can be said that it is the Network Configuration and Change Management Software (NCCM) that are the ideal policy and risk management tool because it guards gadgets and configurations against unwarranted changes and administers configuration alterations. An example of network management can be the access to devices which will help in unauthorized access to various other gadgets by applying Change Management console and Network Configuration.

Tools associated with bandwidth management

Tools associated with bandit management are those tools which monitor the performance where bandwidth utilization can be calculated by scanning the traffic for errors. In the process, details about asset are provided which includes the installed hardware, software, operating system and the general performance and availability of the element of the network are informed. Real-time network traffic for any SNMP device which gives the bandwidth utilization both an interface and device level are provided by the tools of bandwidth monitoring. These tools utilize the SNMP to pursue the details of bandwidth utilization of the network boundary where the bandwidth utilization of the devices demonstrations an assessment of the individual traffic of its interfaces. Volume utilization, packets transferred, monitoring the speed of bandwidth, threshold-based alerts, exporting bandwidth reports to XLS format, monitoring agentless bandwidth, historical trends of bandwidth usage are the features of these tools (Stodden, Seiler & Ma, 2018). An example can be provided in this context which includes the switch port mappers that assists the engineers in identifying the switch port where a device has been connected which eliminates the need for manually tracing the network cables. Visibility into the availability of ports, status, IP and MAC is gained by the use of these tools. It shows the speed and operational status of each port and it helps in mapping the switch ports to the devices which are attached to them.

Tools associated with Asset Management

Network asset management software acting as a supervisor assists in saving downtime, money and thus prevents the security disasters before they occur. It comprises of the embedded software that is installed at every workstation, a management application that displays, organizes and collects information for every workstation thereby collecting information from software, hardware and users. It records the asset tag, the user to whom it was assigned and the date of purchase, displaying and recording their email address, contact number, organizations department and name (Safa, Von Solms & Furnell, 2016). Therefore, it helps in enhancing the decision making regarding software and hardware, ensuring the compliance of software license, monitoring and managing hardware's and software's assets, tracking of contracts and purchase order, managing IT Asset lifecycle and discovering all the assets in the network. It also helps in knowing the total cost of ownership of an asset.

The Network Change and Configuration Management (NCCM) has become essential for the IT companies in service provider environments, government, and enterprise. It focusses on the company, updating and maintaining the configurations for every component on the computer network for all the components on the computer network-both software and hardware. The change can be tracked easily as the configuration information are kept in a database. Thus device configurations are easily identified and traced. The configuration management tool allows any differences made to be easily rolled back and documented when they are not successful. After the occurrence of a fault having an audit trail of configuration changes can help in identifying the source of the problem (Natalicchio, Ardito, Savino & Albino, 2017). Intelligent configuration management can help in rolling out the changes automatically and it then reduces errors and saving time. NCCM is the enduring configuration management which is targeted at security and network components. This tool is designed in such a manner so that it reduces the degradation of service by carefully scheduling secure configuration backups of all target devices combined with alerting and monitoring services. NCCM also alerts customer staff and personnel who are alike to any unauthorized or authorized changes of configuration (Whyte, Stasis & Lindkvist, 2016). NCCM becomes invaluable when there is a need for replacement in hardware as most of the replacement hardware is directly sent from the distribution (Howlett, 2016). After the arrival of a vendor engineer on the site, it must be ensured that the person has the latest configuration files.


The paper provide the comparison and association of the network management tools and their association with policy compliance, assets and bandwidth management for the execution of the business processes. It can be concluded that the policy compliance tool is ideal because, it can be utilized to monitor policies along with assets and bandwidths as it is holistic, in its scope.


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