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Network Analysis Using Wireshark

MN504 - Networked Application Management, Melbourne Institute Of Technology, Australia


Introduction: In the modern world computer network is a very important aspect in any business or organization, also for personal usage people are very much dependent of internet. As the network is expanding the monitoring of the network is becoming very difficult and we are using a network which is very unsecure and unreliable. So, to solve these issues many hardware, software and protocols have been implemented in the network, but using firewall is not only the solution, we need to monitor the network regularly for the security, performance and additional information. Now the sniffing software like Wireshark, NMAP, and Microsoft Message Analyser etc can be used in both good way or bad way. The hackers or unauthorized persons can gather the important information using these software and hack into a system. So, we need to know every aspect of sniffing tools, how it can be used to monitor various performance parameters like Throughput, Round trip time or delay, IP /TCP protocols like HTTP, Ethernet etc. The routing table created by the routers used as networking devices to connect the different network addresses in network layer protocol of OSI model. The sniffing tool can look into the routing protocols like dynamic one as OSPF, RIP etc and give the data flow diagram of the packets being transporting in the internet.

Question 1: The first part of the report should be about general statistics of all four captures using Wireshark that must include:

1.1: Start time of capture

Answer: General Statistics: In this undertaking, the Wireshark sniffing device is to be utilized to screen the sites from home system and MIT arrange. The sites are live gushing radio channel and news channel having various pictures and records. The instrument is to screen every one of the parcels that move through the host wherein Wireshark is introduced. We have to assemble data with respect to the IP address, throughput, delay and so forth. We will have four follow records toward the end.

Time of capture: Time of capture is the statistics that show when the packets are captured by the Wireshark first. To know this first we need to open Wireshark then use specific HTTP address of our choice in the browser , then in Wireshark the start button is clicked , immediately it will start capturing the packets flowing through the internet .

Steps for knowing the packets capture time

For All packets -

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and go to statistics tool

Step 3: Then click on the capture file properties.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 1.jpg

As shown in above figure, the start capture packet is 2019-05-30 11:31:15

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 2.jpg

For particular packet -

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and click on the packet in home page

Step 3: At bottom of the page there is frame number , which on expanding shows the capture time

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 3.jpg

In the above figure the time of capture is may 30 ,2019 11:49:20.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 4.jpg

1.2: Total number of captured packets for each protocol

Answer: Total number of captured packets: Steps for knowing the total captured packets

For All packets -

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and go to statistics tool

Step 3: Then click on the capture file properties.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 5.jpg

As in the above figure the total captured packets are 3102.

In TCP/IP protocol the files are transferred in form of packets as per the Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols which includes the IP address, MAC address and other details of the source and destination beside the main data.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 6.jpg


1.3: Total Number of lost packets

Answer: Total Number of lost packets: Steps for knowing the total lost packets

For All packets -

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and go to statistics tool

Step 3: Then click on the capture file properties.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 7.jpg

As appeared in the figure there are zero percent broken or lost bundles. The HTTP parcel counter is utilized in Wireshark to accumulate the report of effective and ineffective bundles. The parcels streams among customer and server and in the middle of their comes many systems administration gadgets and programming, which runs an alternate conventions, so [packets might be lost in this procedure. It is significant for a system to examine the lost parcels and appropriately demand for new bundles for the lost ones.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 8.jpg

1.4: IP addresses of the client and server

Answer: IP addresses of the client and server: Steps for knowing the total lost packets

For All packets -

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and go to statistics tool

Step 3: Then click on the IPv4

Step 4: In IPv4 there is option for source and destination IP address

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 9.jpg

The IP address is the coherent location which is utilized by the systems administration gadgets to know the source and goal where the information needs to stream. As in the above figure, the source and goal IP locations are given. For the most part home PCs have private IP address and this location is changed over to Public IP utilizing Network address interpreter to advance the IP in open web.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 10.jpg

Question 2: analyse the network performance for the assigned websites considering following aspects:

2.1: Throughput

Answer: Throughput: System benefits in the greater part of the present systems depend on best-exertion (flighty what's more, questionable) conveyance. Notwithstanding best-exertion conveyance, we look at some new sorts of administrations, including elite, unsurprising (stochastic or probabilistic), and ensured administrations. These new administrations require some extraordinary methods for taking a gander at systems, and you will perceive how to fuse such administrations into your engineering and structure. We additionally take a gander at single-level and numerous level executions in the system, and tell the best way to recognize them and how they identify with best-exertion, unsurprising, and ensured administrations.

Steps for knowing the throughput

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and go to statistics tool

Step 3: Then click on the TCP stream graphs

Step 4: In TCP stream graphs there is throughput

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 11.jpg

The above figure shows the throughput between the client network and the server network It shows the segment length is 40 bytes long in an average and the average throughput is maximum of 10500.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 12.jpg


2.2: Round Trip Time

Answer: Round Trip Time: There are times when an application's prerequisite for deferral is a significant thought in the system engineering and structure, and different occasions when it isn't. At whatever point we can specifically disregard a few applications, also, center around others, the system engineering and plan issues become more tractable. a limit can be characterized to recognize low and high execution for a specific administration. Both low-and elite dimensions are adjusting to the administration, and the limit is utilized to show when the limit is crossed. This limit can be estimated and checked in the system, activating some activity (e.g., a glimmering red light on a director's reassure) when this limit is crossed. A case of this may be in estimating the round-trip delay of a way. An edge of N ms is connected to this estimation. On the off chance that the round-trip times surpass N ms, an alarm is produced at a system the executives' station.

Steps for knowing the throughput

Step 1: Start capture in Wireshark after entering the http in the browser

Step 2: Stop capture and go to statistics tool

Step 3: Then click on the TCP stream graphs

Step 4: In TCP stream graphs there is round trip time

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 13.jpg

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 14.jpg

2.3: Packet Loss

Answer: Packet Loss: The packets are the data frames that are lost during the transferring process from the source and destination. Source can be client as of home PC or server, to which we have used in our browser to request data from. The data can be lost due to congestion in the network or protocol mismatch etc. This a very important parameter which we need to look for better data communication.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 15.jpg

As shown in the figure the packet lost is zero percent

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 16.jpg

Question 3: Comparing the collected Wireshark statistics of the two different networked applications on two different networks.

Answer: Comparison of the sites in Wireshark: As appeared in the figure there are zero percent broken or lost parcels in the two cases. The HTTP bundle counter is utilized in Wireshark to accumulate the report of fruitful and ineffective parcels. The bundles streams among customer and server and in the middle of their comes many systems administration gadgets and programming, which runs an alternate conventions, so [packets might be lost in this procedure. It is significant for a system to break down the lost parcels and in like manner demand for new bundles for the lost ones. Round outing time demonstrates the postponement in the information stream, in the figure above it very well may be seen that the deferral was more at first then it drops and become predictable .As we click on specific bundles in the fundamental window of Wireshark; it will give TCP blunders which are parcel misfortune.

The bundle lost is zero percent in both yet the deferral or round excursion time and throughput is unique, as the gushing webpage has loads of information stream than the photos, so the round trip time and throughput of news site is not exactly spilling website.

As the live streaming website has too much data that is transferred from the server to client , the throughput is more and the news website has less throughput.


Question 4: Download, install, use and compare another free network performance measurement tool from the Internet on their home computer.

Answer: Comparison of the Microsoft message Analyzer with Wireshark

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 17.jpg

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 18.jpg

Above figure shows live tracing of packets flowing though the internet.

Network Analysis Using Wireshark 19.jpg

Some basic comparisons of NMAP with Wireshark


Microsoft Message analyzer


Ease of access and use

It is GUI , the usage is easy but the filtering and graph options are limited so the access is little difficult

The usage is easy as it has GUI as well as cli bases , the I/O graphs and statistics are more easier to understand

GUI/ Visualization of traffic

it can be used in PING,UDP scan,IP scan and packet loss etc. MMA contains system call traces also beside network traces

The throughput , Delay , Round trip time , HTTP and various protocols can be visualize easily as shown in the above screen shots . 

Licensing and cost

Proprietary, free of cost

GNU General Public License, free of cost

Operating system or platform

windows only

LINUX , windows ,MAC , so it is cross platform supported


Does not support promiscuous mode

It supports promiscuous mode

Summary: The venture here arrangements with the web checking instruments particularly in Wireshark. In this venture we considered the Wireshark and NMAP sniffing apparatuses in subtleties, the devices were utilized to screen two sites from the home system and MIT organize, this site contains spilling and pictures as the information, which is mentioned by the customer and the server furnishes the information with certain misfortunes. The throughput, IP address, conventions and so forth are dissected and screen captures are included the report. The report presented here contains the detailed comparison of Wireshark sniffing tool with Microsoft message analyzer. Both of them are free of cost the better user experience is observed in Wireshark.

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