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Negotiation and Third-Party Mediation Assignment Help

Briefly compare (similarities and differences between) negotiation and third party mediation.

Explain any insights that you had or conclusions that you now can draw based on your comparison.

Explain whether you think the conflict that you selected would be better addressed through negotiation or third party mediation and why you think that your selection would be most appropriate and/or effective.

Explain how you might use the approach that you selected.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

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Similarity and Differences between Negotiation and Third-party mediation:

Fundamentally Negotiation and third-party mediation both do have a common objective of resolving the conflict and inevitably both of them are aimed to draw a solution that can be acceptable for both the parties involved in the conflict.  Both the parties are allowed to take up legal advice or lawyers support while negotiation as well during the discussion of MOA for a final agreement between the two parties (Wallensteen, 2018).  However, the differences between the two exist, that the negotiation and mediation are both different in the procedures employed in getting the acceptable resolutions. There will be third party involvement in the latter case, whereas there won't be any third party involvement in the first case. Negotiation proceeds with the involvement of both the parties or their representatives, there will be a series of discussions and communications to arrive at a commonly acceptable resolution. However third party mediation will call for interference from a neutral third party, who will clarify the stand of each party to the other and will promote quicker facilitation of the solution. 


Fundamentally it is evident that both the negotiation as well as the third-party mediation procedures is much quicker in resolving the conflicts than any other model like arbitration through court proceedings and so and so forth. The key insight that is clear is that either negotiation or third party mediations can prove more economical as well as effective for conflicting parties. However, for third party mediation success it is very much needed to have a skillful and neutral mediator to enable unbiased conflict resolution (Golann & Folberg, 2016).

Example and Illustration

Very recently I did witness a conflict between the board of school education and the school teacher regarding the new polity of longer school days. Teachers reluctant to move for longer school days and hence went on for a long strike damaging the progress. In this regard, a dynamic mayor from the ruling party took the initiative to mediate with both the parties and settled the case favoring both the parties. This ended a ten-day strike. The resolution involved acceptance of long school day by the teachers and increased annual compensation from the board. It is a win-win situation. I believe this was the right strategy employed in this conflict resolution case. There is a solution, however, both the parties could not arrive at the solution, for the first 10 days and hence meditation can be an all-time right solution for resolving such cases.  Hence in any such conflicts where there is no clear solution seen in spite of attempts for negotiation, a mediation approach can be tried, before thinking of other solutions like arbitration with the courts, etc. 

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