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My Future Goal Assignment Help

1. My goals for the future and how I plan to achieve them.My goal for the future Nurse 

2. A personal challenge which I had to overcome and how I overcome it. I had lip note in my throat and it affect my speech and I had a problem formulating my words. 

3. Why I should be considered for the Progressive Club Scholarship. 

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My Future Goal

With the ramified economic changes, there are several goals and objective which are chosen by particular individual.  My personal goal is humble and I have never fall into the game of money. My goal for the future is to become nurse.  I have considered that achieving goal of becoming nurse is possible with the proper level of planning, hard work, divergent thinking and dedication. I have chosen this goal as from the starting of my career I have been more inclined towards caring other and helping them without any personal motive. I rather choose to look after those who are in need of proper care for their rehabilitation program than being money oriented. It not only enrich my soul but also strengthen my own feeling towards positivity.  This selected goal reflect my own choices, wishes and hobbies in my life.

How I Plan To Achieve Them

In order to achieve my nursing goal, I firstly has to assess my initial motivations for being a nurse. After that I need to align my personal goal with my professional career. To achieve my long term professional nursing goal, I have to open up myself for the professional career opportunities. Firstly I need to enrol my-self in bachelor of nursing course in which I will learn the core aspects of the nursing and health care program.  Aligning to that, I also need to set my own learning outcomes related to nursing courses and practices such as learning nursing curriculum, safe therapeutic interventions, achieving nursing test score and develop own self more organized and efficient. After that, I will find a good health care center to compete my apprenticeship where I would be indulged in taking care of patients for their well-being. This would give me practice knowledge and help me to adapt myself as per patient's need. After that I will enrol my-self for master foundation science and nursing course in which I would learn fundamental of nursing and core details of the patient centered and person focused care. This will assist me to take advantage of my own professional development opportunities to build my nursing resume with clinical, internship and perfect professional experience. This will help me to get a good job in public health care center. Nonetheless, once I passed my all clinical and professional curriculum requirement for nursing program, I would start preparing for my upcoming exams such as NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN for nursing license. The systematic work structure and proper planning would help me to achieve my set objective in effective manner.

Therefore, I could say that if I will follow systematic method and set process then I could easily achieve my set goal and objective. However, I have also focused on aligning my personal goals and hobbies with my nursing goal. This will help me to develop a unique understanding and give me different level of learning outcomes in nursing course. 

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