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MN610 Virtual Private Networks

Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Assignment  – VPN Technologies and Security issues

Unit Learning Outcomes

You should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:

a. Analyse and discuss the significance of VPN for contemporary organisations and how it addresses their concerns and security issues.

b. Explain the role of VPN, its limitations and works done to address these limitations as well as to supporting the security of businesses and corporations


Assignment Description

Question Task

Write a review article for the following topic

Topic  -  Significance of VPN for contemporary organisationsthat have branches nationally and internationally

A virtual private network uses a public network’s infrastructure to make the connections among geographicallydispersed nodes, instead of using cables owned or leased exclusively for one single network’s use, eg using of network that as is typical for a wide area network (WAN). To the user, a VPN looks like a private network, even thoughit shares the network with other users. There are several uses for a VPN.

Analyse and discuss the significance of VPN for these contemporary organisations. List the concerns of contemporary organizations in communicating among their employees and clients, and comment if VPN can address their concerns.

Discuss how VPN can be advantageous for securing computer communications.Address the issue of VPN security in details as described in section 3.

Answer : Significance of VPN for contemporary organisations

line 1: 1st Given Name Surname

line 2: dept. name of organization (of Affiliation)

line 3:

line 1: 2nd Given Name Surname

line 2: dept. name of organization (of Affiliation)

line 1: 3rd Given Name Surname

line 2: dept. name of organization (of Affiliation)

Abstract—The virtual private network uses the public network infrastructure with making connections among the geographically dispersed nodes. The cables owned or leased are exclusively for the one single network use. The use of the network is based on the typical for the wide area network (WAN) with the users focusing on the VPN looks like a private network. The analysis and significance of VPN with contemporary organization with concerns in communicating among employees and clients.

The VPN providers utilize the systems that are widely open for the attacks with the potential that make use of the VPN services with browsing history and other internet related traffic which is viewed by external actors. VPN industry needs to focus on the user internet traffic with using VPN internet traffic that is hoping to infiltrate the servers that the person behind the traffic.

Keywords—VPN, contemporary, organizations.



VPN has been used for the public network infrastructure which helps in making the connections for the dispersed nodes. The use of the cable owned or leased for single network use with use of network with typical wide area network. The use of VPN looks for the private network with shares that are for the network setup with other users. There are different uses of VPN which includes the additional security using the public network. There are different security methods like encryption and VPN which is able to safetyguard and handle the transmission of data across the network. The business is mainly to embrace the working of mobile and facing the increased pressure with protective sensitive information. There are VPNs that are used by organizations’ with remote access and site-to-site with underlying the network to give the users a proper access to the private network organization. The practices involve the user with VPN gateway on mobile and desktop devices that would authenticate on identity [1]. The VPN is for the software and the equipment which is for employing the slightly different purpose.

The network includes the connection of entire network which is based on the one-location to the other network. The proof is about how one is able to share resources with companies employing a site-to-site VPN which can benefit the enhanced collaboration. VPN includes the comparison with the other technologies that will help in providing the better and secured network infrastructure with cost savings and network scalability [2]. The clients access the network with the reduced long-distance telephone charges. The organizations’ need to rent the network capacity with secured connectivity with office location. The VPN includes the public network infrastructure which includes the internet to make connections and tap into virtual network [3].

VPN Network scalability includes the company with simply tapping on the public lines and the network capability which is readily available. The use of the client needs to posses the network software with local network and computers. VPN solutions are easy to use and made to work automatically with network sign on. The VPN products and solutions comes from different vendors to support the costs with maintaining the servers that tends to be less than the other approaches mainly because the organizations’ can be outsourced [4]. The use of VPN requires to assess and the network software and hardware support on the local networking and computers.


VPN network includes the contemporary organizations’ for communicating the employees and clients with VPN to address the concerns. The cost savings include the implementation of saving the money with long distance leased lines. The organizations’ need to handle the virtual network to reach from within the network. VPN network scalability is determined for dedicated private network with business expansions that would require to handle the increased costs [5]. The security is for the VPN with setup of business with easy transfer sensitive information between locations and clients.

Figure-VPN Configuration.jpg

Figure: VPN Configuration

VPN is the technology that will include the activities from the internet service providers. The data encryptions are using the VPN to prevent the forms of Man in the Middle attack where the adversaries generally attempt to intercept the data. The use of VPN will help in handling the information with identifying the connected devices. The malicious websites and the log can be for the IP address for the VPN servers [6]. This is against the attacks which are regarded as the valuable component that helps in identifying the visitors with additional processing power that is needed to encrypt or decrypt the data. The communication is done to facilitate the operational activities which are critical for the organization that look forward to growing and be active in the increased competitive environment.

The IPSec provides the layer protection for the internet with VPNs eliminating the barriers which is related to communication with activities. The productivity concepts without compromising the data security and corporate systems that reflect the gains that include the financial ones for the companies [7]. VPN allow the shortening of distances with facilitating the communication between the people and the companies. The technology includes the growth which has been changing over the time of 5 years or so with joining the flexibility and the security that includes the removal of deployment and communication challenges [8]. The VPN includes the needs with providing the replacement of old private lines and cheaper technologies to connect the business and the business units which are at the lower costs. the use of the untrusted communication is for handling the traffic communication safely. The scenario is based on challenging the security experts to maintain the core security concepts with making the internet continued to ensure the greater integration efficiency with productivity. The critical factors are including the growth with staying active for being competitive in the market.



There is an enhancement of the security with remote control that helps in improving the greater advantages and sharing files. The online anonymity is through bringing the changes with the aim to deceive or capturing the business and people [9]. The current scenario challenges are defined for the security experts with maintaining core with security concepts in organizations’. The efficiency and productivity is for the enterprises with remote access, based on VPN. The use  of uninterrupted and untrusted connection networks need to handle the traffic information safely with accessing the files, business applications and the other resources.

The change IP address include the accessing of the blocking of the websites and bypassing internet filters. The increased number of VPN services includes the change IP addresses with better performance. The bandwidth and efficiency is based on the reduced costs with network setup and surveillance which is not more a concern. The speed and connectivity and reliability with VPN services that includes the servers with VPN services. The applications are compatible for focusing on customer support with choosing VPN providers who are handling support through email and the support ticket systems [10].

 Figure-Security Model.jpg

Figure: Security Model

VPN requires to make use of the public telecommunication infrastructure like the internet. It helps in providing the remote offices and the individual user with secured access for the organization network. VPN works for the providing of organization with the capabilities that are at a lowered costs. The working is done through using shared public infrastructure and maintaining the privacy with security procedures. The protocols are used by encrypting the data and then sending the information at the receiving end.

The business grows with the expansions to different shops and offices that helps in managing the things and the locations. The planning is done for the travelling of employees with equal security and reliability to connect to the business network from the remote locations. The technology of VPN would require the use of public network to connect the sites and the users with routing that is done through the internet from business private network. The encryption of data helps in providing with the confidentiality of data where the data is sent between the clients of VPN and the server for the shared public network. The server encryptions also handles the protocol with encryption that is done with layer Two Tunneling Protocol [11].

Figure 1-Remote Access VPNs.jpg

Figure 1: Remote Access VPNs

The scalability is the major factor which is considered to be important for setting the VPN and the business also needs to be considered as the factor for the potential growth. There are increased sectors which includes the larger employee numbers or the busy periods where the organizations’ will not require to replace the VPN technology and so the factor needs to be started from the start [12]. The planning is done for the protocols which will directly not affect the end-users in a way which will affect or secure the VPN. The planning is about the IPSec and the PPTP and the L2TP that are considered to be the major and common VPN protocols.

There are different problems or the disadvantages like the complexity and the control where the VPN networks can require to setup and configure the systems. The business also need to ensure about the team which is in charge to setup the detailed knowledge of the network security and to ensure about the protection of the public network which is robust completely [13]. There are controls and the performances with the VPN hosted over the network which is not under the business control. Hence, one would need to rely on the internet services for meeting the standards of performances.

Figure 2-VPN Setup.jpg

Figure 2: VPN Setup


The remote access VPN make use of the underlying public network to give the users a complete access for the organization in the private network. It requires to highlight on the business applications and the documents with the enabling of employees to access the work network and then include the local intranets where they are set. VPN can greatly reduce the risks of the security breaches and the cyberattacks where there are problems of the number of zero-day vulnerabilities [14]. There are encouragement of productivity and the logging of the public networks which requires to match with clients and customers that wary for trusting the email appearing to be sent from the overseas areas. The VPN are found to be affordable if there is a proper upgradation of the same which is worth the costs.

 Figure-Benefits and features.jpg

Figure: Benefits and features


The network security has been one of the trending factors which is considered to handle the world with the increased importance. The business organization is not limited to a place, but they need to work on the security of cheap pricing that can fulfill the VPN with modern tunneling of the protocol. There are virtual private networks which does not offer the failsafe security and so the business need to decide about the external VPN service provider that is important to be considered [15]. The reliability is important for the different devices with mobile working that has been important for the workplace so that the employees are able to receive the consistent experience from VPN whether assessing it or through desktop PC. VPN helps the business with the security to share the resources and then plan about not only handling the offices at different times but also boost the sales which will be offering the working of times and locations [16].


The virtual private networks can be helpful and affordable than the physical private network where there are lease long distance network connections that are for achieving the secured and the safe data transfer with the business that is used for handling the existing public network. The research needs to be tested for the VPN with attempts that are made for the websites and users to access and handle the actual content of communication. The offering is to study the security of the mobile platforms and then security the network which is not leaked. The future includes the security that is for the company private network and the outside network that will help the internet through which the remote users can easily be connected. The security is for the firewall and then there are clients to handle the connection of the servers as well.


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