MKT01906 International Tourism Systems Assignment Help
Identify key issues for the destination from international tourism and contrast them with ideas discussed in at least eight recent and relevant academic sources. Draw on other sources to support. Follow the structure and criteria below.
Case study structure
1 Introduce the destination and outline main themes to be discussed in the case study.
2 Describe tourist visitation to your destination. Use relevant statistics to support your answer.
3 Explain what makes the destination attractive to tourists.
4 Identify and describe one negative and one positive impact from tourism activity on the host community at the destination.
5 Identify and explain two key issues which occur at the location related to tourism and destination development.
6 Identify and explain two policy implications which stem from tourism for the destination.
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Hungary has considered one of the polyglot Austro-Hungarian Empire countries that have been collapsed during the Second World War. This country was undertaken the Moscow intervention in early 1956 when the revolt occurred. On the contrary, there a swift turn in the field of politics of created which leads to the country towards a rapid moving dominating democracy. As the tourism business has gained popularity since the few last decades, therefore, a good running of tourism business is helping the hospital industry of separate regions in order to make it economically strong. In this bibliography, the impact of Hungarian Tourism towards host community, its contribution towards wellness, impacts, key issues, and sustainable development will be discussed.
Tourism visitation
Hungary is one of those countries that make the highest tourist visits every year. According to the case study, since some years the country has been rated as high as thirteen countries globally that is capable to proceed with the maximum numbers of tourists. It is worth mentioning the fact that the number of tourists is increasing year by year from 2004 to 2019. It is seen that the worldwide maximum of visitors is from a European country. The considerable visitors from Germany, Austria, and Slovakia have also made up the largest number from other countries. The session of tourism in this country is between April to October. Out of all the country cities, Budapest makes the maximum number of tourists every year (Attila, 2016).
Hungary provides great accommodations and great facilities for the expatriates. Expatriates in this country consist of good availed location such as residential flats and apartments where tourists will able to track the accommodated facilities. At present, there are various online rental facilities have been started in some of the regions that provide rental services to expatriates visitors. In addition, all kind of rooms along with diverse facilities by providing accommodated furnishes, accommodated unfurnished of different classes (Tóth, 2016).
GDP impact on Hungary Tourism
Tourism and the travel domains impacts on the GDP of Hungary. However, the revenues have been obtained from this department that has considered with the overall country GDP. During expressing among the billion of Hungarians, the considered help by divided the contributions with fractions of GDP gross and the Hungary industrial tourism that are growing rapidly (Haller, 2016).

(Figure 1: GDP Growth rate of Hungary Tourism)
(Source: Haller, 2016)
Statistics analysis
In every year, economic growth in the economic sector of the country is increasing from the expatriates. As a result, typical revenues have been received on behalf of the country along with a favorable growth rate. Here a statistical analysis has provided that indicates the gradual hiking regarding revenues of the country tourism. The following figures are analysis of the revenues that are keeping the trend of increasing consistently.

(Figure 2: Revenues and the year (Billions of Hungarian Flintols)
(Source: Haller, 2016)

(Figure 3: Revenues growth rate)
(Source: Haller, 2016)

Figure 4: Revenues and The growth rate
(Source: Haller, 2016)
From the above statistical analysis, it is cleared that the revenues observations since some years have indicated the polynomials growing rates. Owning the fact that, the increase of the revenues will continue for the forthcoming years. The efficient regression has identified by the straight lines that have plotted near about 91% (Zsarnoczky, 2017).
Destination attractiveness
As Budapest is considered as the main attraction of Hungary tourism, therefore the attraction is incomplete without its discussion. According to the researchers, Budapest has all the potential that make the destination attractive to tourists. Since the 17th century, Budapest castle have been marked. This castle was rebuilt in later included attractive interior decoration and a huge number of decorated rooms. As a result, it is considered with the place for visiting that make the major elements for those the place is called as ‘Paris of the East’. Danue River moves through the city by splitting into two parts along with its own beauty. The several cities in this region made up by naturally hot springs as the spa cities. A lake island named Tihany and a holiday resort generally considered the great place for visiting. Some other vital attractions such as Caves of Lillafured, sopron (place of cultural and architectures features), Eger Castle (gateway), St. peter Cathedral (great historical place), Visegrad Royal (hilltop castle), Buda hills, Aggtelek national park and caves attract the foreign tourists.
Impacts of tourism
Tourism connects people from different regions worldwide. As a result, it is seen that interactions among local people and the travelers create. As per the tourism methods, the host community of Hungary generally comes from the foreign countries that lead to some positive impacts as well as negative on the host community of Hungary. The complexity of the relationship among the local hosts and the tourists express demands towards different region according to the nature of impacts. As per the researchers, it can be said that quality improvement of local residents and life is considered as the positive impacts as it interacts with the culture. On the contrary, the negative impacts are related to the cost structures and the distortion towards cultural values.
Positive Impacts
Hungary tourism has given importance towards requirements and importance that enhance the social well being. It is also seen that eventually, it leads to positive factors towards the Hungarian local residents. As tourism affects the socio-cultural dimension of a particular region, therefore the major objectives are only revealing the Hungarian local communities. A positive impact that the researchers have considered is the influence of tourism. The contribution of tourism that is improving Hungarian people’s lives among local communities also processes the stimulated act that attends the welfare societies of Hungary. It is worth mentioning the fact that the local alien and the hosts meet each other by sharing their values and customs, traditions, festivals, foods and more several cultures. As it stimulates the understanding and interaction between duos, therefore the tourism of the country also helps the fostering growth of the local people those exposed by the Hungarian cultures and unique proposed ideas.
Negative Impacts
A negative impact that has been pointed out is local Hungary is the volunteer of tourism. It can be said that volunteer tourism has not developed yet by the popularity of growth regarding sustainable tourism. However, it causes various negative impacts upon the Hungarian people. Sometimes, the requests and the desires of the local communities that have got neglected frequently can lead to the revolted feeling and the dissatisfaction among the people of host communities. As the tourism of Hungary has risen to many crimes mainly bags’ snatching and pick pocketing, therefore tourists become targeted as for the application of those outbreaks of violence of crimes and several frauds of different types mainly in the country of Hungary. Budapest which is the main attractive destination in Hungary has got the negative impacts from the damage of the environment which also damages the traditional and cultural changes that have been already set out for the country. In it worth mentioning on the fact that, in few cases of Hungary, negative impacts leads by attacking the local residents in some the particular regions in Hungary. In some areas of Hungary that proceeds with high rich traditions and cultures, refuse to continue their lives with these unfavorable spoiled conditions. It has been seen that the people who are concerned about their tradition and cultures also keep their cultural values and faiths. Another negative has been marked is pollution in tourism. Deeping with the crowds and clean strictness about the regulations also get affected by the pollution. In addition, the congested destinations that provide to stimulating the crimes also create a negative impact on the local residents. Those above mentioned negative impacts of the host community of Hungary are considered as illegal; for the trafficked people and the country goals and objectives (Ratz and Michalko, 2011).
Issue analysis
The government of Hungary has developed the National Tourism Development Strategy in 2005. The strategy has helped by recognizing the affected factors regarding developing the Hungarian Tourism and boosting. For the proper development and growth into the destination, the important facts are considered is the importance of local inhabitants those have a positive outlook towards destination development. A radical change has suggested for coming up with the existed tourism needs.
Sustainability Assessment of Hungarian Lakeside Tourism Development
“Pomucz, A. and Csete, M. (2015). Sustainability Assessment of Hungarian Lakeside Tourism Development. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 23(2), pp.121-132”
In this article, the authors have been focused on the certain issues that can be arisen during development and management in the lakeside destinations has been highlighted. The developing process that is required proper planning in having a relationship with the social, economic and environmental; they are aspect by the tourism in the destination. In tourism in Hungary, lakesides residents played an important role by keeping up with some significance. The significance that is related with the Lakeside tourist locations in Hungary mainly named as Lake Balaton, Lake Valences, Lake Ferto and Lake Tiska. It is said that Lake Balaton is considered as the largest that belongs to Central Europe and since the past was the major tourist destinations in Hungary. Among all tourists’ destinations of Hungary, these Lakesides destinations always remain at the high position. The characteristics of economics and social situations create issues regarding sustainability in their existing place. As Hungary earns the major portion from its tourism, therefore, the economic welfare of the country keep up their importance through the potential developments. It is worth mentioning the fact that generally the tourism gets affected for the lack of natural maintenance such as lakes’ preservation, large water bodies, those are attached to the environment of a country. Hence, develop sustainable tourism highlights the needs and requirements of the outside visitors along with a mind keeping regarding local residential requirements. The major key issues that are pointed out in this report are over congesting, climate changing, water and land pollution, and deterioration of the water quality during the development of the tourism sectors. The recommendations that can lead to the decrease these mentioned issues are spreading several types of awareness regarding environmental safety along with the foreigners and local people, creating new vacancies in the tourism departments, income tax management with the tourism service and products. On the contrary, the visitors are also suggested to full fill their needs and requirements by ensuring the satisfaction, measurement and improving air and land quality. The cultural and traditional preservation values of the local communities and their quality lives are counted also important for the improvement of the key issues (Pomucz and Csete, 2015).
Developments in Tourism Climatology
“A. Matzarakis, C. R. de Freitas, D. Scott, 2007 - Developments in Tourism Climatology”
The authors have argued with the previous article by stating about the country tourism is get affected directly by the climatic situation. In present days, this is considered as an important issue and special attention that is required to pay attention. In the tourism of Hungary, it’s become the major issue, for now, a day. That’s why the tourism department of Hungary requires the development of making adapt to climate services and climatic conditions. The factors such as storm, drought, floods, and extreme weather level are the significant events that are needed to be considered for the improvement of this country tourism. An example that has been spotted is the violent storm that was occurred in 2006 in Budapest, became the major cause of people’s death along with attacking the injuries of some others regions people. As many visitors were got affected by this incident, it turned into a serious matter. Not only that, it had become the first step that pushes to spread awareness towards tourism and the tourists those were injured by this incident. For this sudden occurring, Hungary destinations have been started to know by this spectacular streams, landscaping views, lakes and rivers, and other natural factors. It is worth mentioning on the fact theta, for being a natural based tourism; Hungary becomes hit by the very probable climatic mishaps. In addition, the economic growth of Hungary is depended basically upon the tourism industry. In recent, the competitive strengths of Hungary tourism have been declined slightly. According to the researchers, the reasons for these declinations might be attached to the issues regarding climatology. The unexpected of the climatic conditions is suggested to monitoring at a regular basis. Extreme conditions of the climate can be led to the extreme consequences for the tourists along with the local inhabitants such as damaging ecological lives, socio-cultural lives of the country. In this report the major key issues those is clearly related to the main scheme of the country has been pointed out along with the solutions (Matzarakis, De Freitas and Scott, 2007)
Policy Implications
Since few years, it is seen that the government of Hungary has taken some necessary steps for the improvement of the industry of Hungary Tourism.
OECD tourism trends and policies: Hungary
“OECD tourism trends and policies, 2010. (2010). Choice Reviews Online, 48(01), pp.48-0055-48-0055.”
The several policies, programmers’ and the trends of the Hungarian Government That that is related to the tourism industry carries the responsibility regarding development, plans and implication. The Deputy Secretary of the Tourism and Catering department of Hungary Tourism and the Ministry of National Development of Hungary imply and provide policies and net funding for the Hungarian Tourism respectively. The Standing Committee takes the initial steps for performing the policy proposals that are attached to Tourism and sports, in the Parliament of Hungary. Some other departments of Hungary such as Ministry of Rural Development For developing the rural tourism and the Human Resource Ministry of Cultural Tourism have been operated by the Department Of Catering and Tourism in order to make the tour eco friendly. According to the “OECD tourism trends and policies, 2010. (2010). Choice Reviews Online, 48(01), pp.48-0055-48-0055”, between the year 2014 to 2024, the certain policies had been guided by the concept of Tourism Development. In this article some key information has been provided that are related to the concept of planning along with the aim of not provided quality tourism services towards the visitors. In addition, this aim also has minimized the cost structure of tourism for creating and managing the balances and the preservation of environment respectively. This policy newly formed an aim of fill up the gaps that are considered as potential and the promotion of Hungary as an attractive and popular tourist destination.
Tourism Diversification and Its Implications for Smart Specialization
“Weidenfeld, A. (2018). Tourism Diversification and Its Implications for Smart Specialisation. Sustainability, 10(2), p.319.”
The complexity characteristics of Tourism Industry and the various challenges have focused by an academic article named ‘Tourism Diversification and Its Implications for Smart Specializations. Sustainability, 10(2), p.319’ that is laid in the tourism policies implemented processing. It is seen that, the activities of tourism generally act as an overall potential development of a nation. The factors such as economical development and the destination development also get importance as potential development. Tourism leads to get back an efficient return on investment, aiding employment by created vacancies in this department, earns foreign exchanges and tax related incomes. Some contexts such as economical development at regional, local and national level take place within the country. The exclusive and innovative location basis policies keep accordance with a Regional Innovation Systems (RISs). Some specific regions that got attracted by tourists are considered as beneficial with the helpful policies of mobilized local resources. Strategies that are diversificated for tourism, social involvements, and product development are derived for developing sustainability. Hence the discussion in this article regarding policies that are diversification and well specialized of Hungarian Tourism. Though it is not directly connected with the study still provides the understanding about the topic (Weidenfeld, 2018).
The tourism industry of Hungary’s impacts is considered due to the Hungary GDP. Except the attractive existence for the tourist locations, there is also a convenience and comforts are also available throughout the country for the tourists that are taking up the accommodation. Therefore the tourism industry in the country is flourishing along with providing the outcomes of progressing the same trend, investments and the directions that might be brought revenues back towards Hungary. As the maximum number of Europeans visit, therefore the proper advertisement, promoting, proper planning can lead by reaching the remote countries such as Middle East and Asia.
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