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Mission vision and core values of Pullman park Assignment Help

In the next reports you are required to reflect on and record your critical observations and thoughts on the experience of working with your host employer and in the hospitality industry in general (reflective practice). You should reflect on workplace activities weekly; more often if you prefer. In addition, each of the reports has a focus. Report 2 requires you to identify, reflect on and analyse the Mission, Vision and Values of your organisation.

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In this report, there is a brief description of the Pullman, Park hotel, Melbourn, CBD, its mission, vision and core values.
This hotel in Australia is renowned for its majestic architectural affluence, its location from the largest casino, Crown Perth and Albert Park. Here room related ambiances are very highly featured. Here, the mission, vision and core values of this hotel are discussed in an explanatory manner. Mission, vision and core values of an organization are as important as working framework through which all the working units continue their activities. Mission and the other two components make the smooth pathway through which both of the employees and employers are guided towards socio-economic growth and developments (Sagoo et al., 2018).

In this research Quinn et al., (2000) based survey procedure is utilized as the qualitative methodology. In this aspect, this survey-based skill taste provides a rough idea on the competency and other kinds of managerial skills of a person. Along with the competency level, in this skill teste t is also observed that how a person lacks from some of the most of important managerial skills and how those lacks can be recovered. In this aspect, what steps should be taken that are also discussed here? In this survey, there are 120 questions which are mainly applied on the applicant to judge the leadership power in a person as well as to judge that how they can handle the managerial role with a proper leadership style with their employees and colleagues (Murphy & Quinn 2018).

The required competencies which are required for true leadership and managerial activities, how those can be achieved are discussed here in a brief mode in the following portion of the assignment.


Part 1:

Key work-related activities:

2.1: Pre-placement time:

I have come in contact with Pullman, Park hotel, Melbourn, CBD as I have to do a 6 months placement in the 5-star hotel. After the completion of my master degree in hospitality management, I have joined here. My placement is done in food and beverages in-room dining and MiniBar. In this period I have gone through different websites and other secondary sources of information to know about the employee's reviews and about their career growth and others. From all these sources I have got the confirmation that this hotel will be the best option for me to start my career.

I had invited as the applicant for the interview process in the Perk hotel, on 17th September 2018. After the interview related procedures, I have got the official confirmation about my placement on 19th October 2018. In this interim period, I was very much worried about the joining procedure academic obligations and other procedures as I have no such family members or relatives in CBD, Melbourne. In this period I have participated in the interviews of Crown Perth and many other hotels to start my career. In this aspect, I have observed the differences in compensation related charges and others also. This session has provided me a long term to get habituated with such hotel related environments. After this period when I have got official confirmations from Park, then I have fixed this hotel at the starting point of my career. In this period, the Human resource manager of the Perk, Melbourn CBD and my university-based counseling officer, Lisa had helped me a lot and their advice has helped me a lot to start my official activities in this hotel (Hepp 2018).

Induction procedure:

Induction in the Pullman Perk hotel was conducted on 12th December 2018. It was really a professional induction as in this session I and all other new joined en[loyees become familiar with this workplace. On the other hand, in this session, we are also instructed about our daily based activities. Some senior persons were also present in this session too,give us some advice about how we become complete all our daily activities with great perfection. As the main aim of the activities is to cater hospitality to the guests of the hotel., so it is highly crucial to learn about the procedure and it helps us to learn everything on hand. Here in this induction session Human resources officials like John, Kids, and many others also tell us about the existing activities, vision, mission, core values, practices and cultures of the great hotel. It also helps us a lot (Lejano et al., 2018).

2.3. Daily based activities:

I have joined in the food and minibar section of Pullman Park, CBD Melbourne. In this aspect, I have the tasks mainly to serve different kinds of foods to the lodged guests of our hotel as well as to serve the guests who have come from outside from the retail outlets of the hotel. on the other hand, to continue my work in the minibar of Pullman Park I have the responsibilities to serve drinks and beverages to the guests according to different tastes and flavors. In all the events and functions of Pullman Park, there was a great session for drinking and entertainments. Minibar of Pullman Park was a very busy section in the hotel. As a result, I have to work for a long time. Excluding these activities, I have the duty to manage team members as all the guests can enjoy their events in a fluent manner. In some events, I have gathered the experiences of buffet services and cocktail services also. To handle the activities of minibar I have gathered some procedures of drink mixing and brewing to make some delicious drink services towards the guest. Not only providing the drinks and beverages but also there are three types of services. Firstly in the morning there are breakfast services for all guests, then at noon there is lunch, and at the night it is dinner. In all these shifts there are the daily activities to help other employees in the cleaning of glass materials, bowls, and others and in the cleaning procedure. On the other hand, I have gathered some experiences about food servicing also, mainly in the serving procedure of sweets and desserts where gardening and representation are very crucial (Breidbach et al., 2018).

Part 2:

3.1: Vission of the hotel:

The mission of Pullan Park, Melbourn CBD is to serve their gusts to break down the boundaries between working period and leisure period through providing all kinds of premium professional and sports-related amenities.

The mission of the hotel:

"To make you satisfied" is the mission of hotel. In this aspect, Pullman Park has the motto to provide some commands where guests will find their inspirations of a better life and will be able to make a connection with other versions of life. In this hotel, the main thing is its premium technological ambiances where all the guests are offered high definition experiences.

Values of the hotel:

In this hotel core values are :
We are better
We grow together
We make the trend
We make the change

Challenges and competing value skills:

In this period after joining I have made great efforts to overcome all the activities related challenges and others regarding my competing value. In this aspect, my challenges and how I have overcome those are discussed below.

Time and stress management:

I have an intense desire to develop my time and stress management skill as one of my very crucial competency skill. In this aspect, there is a very important thing to develop time and stress management. Both of these management things are very crucial in the troubleshooting period (Miller & Gonzalez 2019).

Effective communication establishment:

Effective and integrative communication building is also very important as it is a helpful thing which can be done through verbal and non-verbal communication procedure. In this aspect, I will emphasize up on the GVV process or Giving Voice to Value. In this session, I will practice what I will say to them during inviting a guest. In this period they will be able to say about their expectations. In this context, maintenances of positive body languages are also very crucial (Baker 2018).


I will do the motivation related works very properly as it is a thing that when I would say an employee about his best performances that appraisals will motivate him to continue the best work.

Team management:

Team management is another crucial thing in my job designation. In this period I will be able to make some manage and control my team members.


From all of these discussions, it can be concluded that proper maintenances of competency skill and other developments I will get a great advantage to develop and promote my career in Pullman Park, CBD, Melbourne.


In this aspect some things can be recommended:
Training highly needs to get the best performances from the employees
Proper induction and technological training along with post-training examination are the things which help employees to provide their best outputs to the working place.
In this time period, all employees should be connected with social media like facebook, and others when all the employees will be able to exchange and share their knowledge. Indirectly it will help them in troubleshooting period.
Maintenances of all these recommendations will provide great socio-economic growth and development to both employees and employers.

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