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Missed nursing care (MNC) Assignment Help

You will need to write 2 discussion posts - one for each of the following topics. Assistance for this assessment is provided in the PC lab activity scheduled in Week One.

? Post Discussion topic 1 to the discussion thread ‘Discussion topic 1'.

? Post Discussion topic 2 to the discussion thread ‘Discussion topic 2'

Discussion Topic 1: Describe and discuss at least two of the nursing and/or midwifery workforce factors that are known to influence the quality and safety of healthcare delivery, such as avoidable adverse events and/or hospital-acquired complications.

Discussion topic 2: Read the conclusions made in study, Aiken et al., 2017. These can be seen both in the abstract and the section of the journal paper titled conclusion. In light of the conclusions made in the reading Aiken et al 2017: What are the implications of the results of this study for nurse managers and for bedside nurses?

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Missed nursing care (MNC) 

Discussion 1

Describe and discuss at least two of the nursing and/or midwifery workforce factors that are known to influence the quality and safety of healthcare delivery, such as avoidable adverse events and/or hospital-acquired complications.

Factor 1: Lack of adequate competency to use evidence-based practices.

Lack of competency is one of the important factors that lead to deteriorate the quality of clinical outcome and affect patient safety. A holistic approach of clinical practice must include looking into literature and identifying the factors that can cause medication error, contraindication, and adverse drug reactions. Additionally, the practice also requires to maintain proper communication and making use of experiences of coworkers (Robbins et al., 2017). These approaches not only increase the competency of nurses but also help in raising their knowledge and skills of handling medication use for specific patient cases. Doing so is helpful in avoiding the poor outcomes of clinical practices.

Factor 2: Lack of proper documentation

Proper documentation is mainly helpful when the patient is managed by multi-disciplinary professionals. The documentation mainly includes information related to patient history, trigger factors, contraindication or allergies, and assessment tools used. Furthermore, hospitals also schedule nursing responsibilities in shifts, thus documentation in such cases helps in passing the responsibility and making the clinical procedure error-free (Zamanzadeh, Valizadeh, Tabrizi, Behshid&Lotfi, 2015). Often due to lack of proper competency as well as due to careless working attitude, documentation procedure invites wrong information or missing of crucial data. As a result of which, the subsequent procedure of intervention, medication, and improvement in patient condition falls within the scope of human error and results in poor clinical outcomes. Thus, proper documentation is a vital factor that affects the quality and safety of healthcare delivery.

Discussion 2

Read the conclusions made in study, Aiken et al., 2017. These can be seen both in the abstract and the section of the journal paper titled conclusion. In light of the conclusions made in the reading Aiken et al 2017: What are the implications of the results of this study for nurse managers and for bedside nurses?

Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D., Griffiths, P., Rafferty, A. M., Bruyneel, L., McHugh, M., ... &amp; Sermeus, W. (2017). Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: cross-sectional study of the association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care. BMJ QualSaf, 26(7), 559-568.

The article by Aiken et al. (2017), uses the survey tool to analyze the impact of using nursing skill mix in conjunction to the patient rating for care, patient mortality, and other factors associated with the quality of care. In particular, nurse managers are engaged in fulfilling the clinical requirement along with facing the shortage of experienced professionals. As a result of which using nursing skill mix can help in handling high in-flow of patients, however, the nursing skill mix must be ensured of adequate competencies. For example, nurses are assigned the responsibility of maintaining documentation, communicating the risk of patient health to the physician, and are also given with responsibility to offer palliative care to the patient and their family members. As a result of which, it leads to increased in work burden and the nurses are not having sufficient time to raise their skills or competencies. Furthermore, this increased work burden issue is also responsible for elevated dissatisfaction among the professionals and employee turnover rate, in clinical settings.

For bedside nurses, it is important to raise their competency level with appropriate training, using improved communication skills, and implementing evidence-based practices. The managers, on the other hand, should pay attention of specific skill required for managing the patient condition, and accordingly, appropriate skilful nurses must be engaged (Staggs, Olds, Cramer &Shorr, 2017). Implementing these standards will not only ensure the safety of the patient but can raise the satisfaction level of the patient in conjunction with the received care facility. Additionally, using skilful nurses appropriately for patient care will not raise the dissatisfaction level, which in turn can minimize the disruptive turnover rate and the shortage of nursing professionals in the hospitals.

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