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MGT5OBR Organisational Behaviour - La Trobe University


Analyse two key organisational behaviour theories, concepts or frameworks you intend to use in your group assignment.

1. Introduce. Briefly describe the two (2) CHOSEN theories, concepts or frameworks.


Organisational behaviour can be well understood by a method of study ofemployees' behaviour within the workforce management system. This can be achieved by constant assumption, comprehension, and management of employees of a particular organisation. The ultimate objective is to achieve a larger scale of profit by maintaining the appropriate organisation's behaviour within office premises. To run smooth and flawless business operation an appropriate approach and strict disciplinary action have to be adopted in organisational behaviour and culture. Hence this study inculcates understanding human behaviour in a group or as an individual to assess their personalities and performances against the external and internal stimulus. It is essential to understand what are the positive changes can be brought into the system to draw the attention of better potential customers. Managers, his decision making and teamwork, are three vital attributes for an attractive employee organisation relationship.A capable team spirit offers solutions to the redundancy of preventive practices.Most of the successful business organisation as "Shell" implement and practice an appropriate organisational culture and behaviour to maintain a healthy and balanced working lifestyle, interpersonal relation in between employees and higher subordinates. This study exhibits how to do an organisation's decision influences individual and team behaviour and performance.

2. Analyse and critically examine your first CHOSEN concept, theory or framework. Consider the pros and cons in order to come to a supported assessment and conclusion. Explain and clarify using concrete examples.

3. Analyse and critically examine your second CHOSEN concept, theory or framework. Consider the pros and cons in order to come to a supported assessment and conclusion. Explain and clarify using concrete examples.

4. Connect your two (2) CHOSEN concepts, theories or frameworks. Discuss the linkages you see between your CHOOSEN concepts. Explain and clarify your position with the use concrete examples.



The managers oughtto take a firm decision to construct a new team. This step has been chosen due to a less desirable state in organisational behaviour and productivity. The company has incorporated to use new mechanisms during this transition. The theories are mentioned below:

Path-Goal Theory
The objective of the path-goal theory is to figure out a leader's behaviour or style that fits into the scenario where an employee can be driven towards achieving success (Jordán et al., 2018). This is possible if employees get satisfied and motivated. Employees are empowered, appreciated, and this is, in turn, increase the productivity of the company.
Furthermore, the leaders should have the quality of leadership so that they can handle a team of employees. Leaders should be proactive in guiding their team to understand their ownership. There are different types of leadership categories of Shell as follows:

Supportive leadership
Leaders are cooperative and supportive, and they assist their workers for betterment at work.

Directive leadership
Higher authority introduces a set of standards for their employees to execute. This should bring more productivity and hard work. These instructions should include the process of workflow and the expected outcome too.

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Figure 1:Leadership styles

Participative leadership

Before making any significant decision at work, the manager should encourage employees' involvement and opinions. Hence employees are valued, and they feel worthy to the company as well. Leader's active participation makes people more committed to actions which are being assigned to them.

Achievement-oriented leadership

Managers are entitled to allot feasible target to their employees so that they feel empowered and valued.

As the Revenue of this company is getting decreased day by day, therefore HR should take initiatives to look into the grievance part of employees. They should treat all the employees to form a perspective view (Jordán et al., 2018). They should mentor and train their employees so that employees teach time management to complete their tasks. If staffs are not happy, then this should be a matter of concern for the HR manager. HR of "Shell"should address the problem and solve it right away. The proper solution to each question can turn them in the right direction. Henceforth Business will be as good as it is expected.

Leadership styles that improve team performance and productivity

A true leader is always an inspiration to his staff. Right kind of attitude can work out effectively to bring about sudden growth in business. A leader should apply the right view at the right time to improve overall team performance as well as productivity.

Contingency theory

This theory tells that making an important decision is obvious to lead an organisation into the path of success. Regardless of everything, an organisation's business is entirely based on how a leader thinks and evaluates his or her employees in a critical situation. A leader should be chosen in such a way so that they fit the environment. "Shell" should sincerely follow this contingency theory as per changing the business situation.(Popp & Hadwich,2018).

A company like "Shell" faces several challenges to implant behavioural and cultural structure within its office premises. These are as follows:

Undefined goals
There should be transparency within the entire workforce management system so that proper initiatives can be taken to meet the business aim and positive professional behaviour. Moreover, it requires more time to improve performance quotient (Zaghini et al., 2017). The constraint is when they don't communicate among themselves and complications arise due to lack of communications. It may hamper the entire workforce management system. Excellent communication smoothen organisational behaviour and work culture.

Unclear communication
Unclear communication is a constraint to organisational behaviour and effective performance. Many organisations like Shells" does not emphasis on transparent communication among their hierarchies which results in vain.


To navigate the management of team performance effectively, team theories need to be implemented whereinteam cooperation is a necessity for all business organisation. Only this determines improving impacts over the sectors in which they are operating. There are three types of teams, problem-solving team, project team, functional team and project team. The problem-solving team can be defined as It Support or technical support employees. The functional unit explains sales, marketing, finance or accounts team of an organisation's project team refers to a group of employees working on a similar project, and the entire job is being bifurcated. With the emerging technology in niche areas helps the manager to facilitate communication among team members in an efficient manner. Various upcoming technologies improve the standard and quality of teamwork which in turn increase organisations performance. Conferencing technology is one of the available and most popular in the market for accomplishing real-time interaction among coworkers(Miner, 2015).

Team Dynamics and Teamwork
Team dynamics are formed by understanding the psychology of team members, nature of work, flow of work. The atmosphere within the team as well as team spirit and relation, interpersonal skill with each other are the determining key factors for deriving a team towards achieving success (Olivier-Pijpers et al., 2018). The right attitude and positive mind frame lead a team to execute a particular job within the time stipulated.Application of Trackman's theory of team development and Belbin's typology of managing team causes an organisation to suffer less compromising work principles.

To accelerate the productivity of an entireorganisation, building and managing an effective and efficient team through Truckman's theory is indispensable. Stages are below:

Forming: In this stage, employees are unaware of their and utterly unfamiliar to each other (Salmon et al., 2017).
Storming: Employees are trained and groomed about their roles and responsibilities.
Norming: This stage assists in explaining the significance of teamwork and people identify their true potential.
Performing: Target are being assigned to the team members, and they get motivated to achieve and chase the target.
Adjourning: In this stage, both productivity and profitability are met. A task which is allotted to the team is accomplished.

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Figure 2: Truckman's theory

Belbin's typology of managing team Role Theory: In this theory, Belbin developed nine clusters of behaviour to accelerate team productivity. For monitoring team performance, nine team role theories need to get accessed by every team and team leaders. To increase the performance level, nine clusters of behaviours' of equal importance and strength need to be understood. These nine clusters of practices are team worker,co-coordinator, investigator,evaluator, monitor,and specialist and so on. However, these have drawbacks too (Bester et al., 2015).A manager proactively identifies core competencies and place them in the correct team to get the best result out of them. For this above nine method should be followed aiming to build a qualified and skilled team and they will work united to achieve a common business goal. The successful organisation use both hard and soft communication to their employees to prevail in a proper working environment within the firm.

Linking between Decision making and teamwork

People come from different backgrounds, traits, skill sets, intelligence, and values. Hence, to get them to work under a single management system is called the importance of integrity. This develops an effective teamwork. A team spirit prevails by building trust within the team. This teamwork is achieved based on the correct decision (Dyer, 2015).The employee is an essential entity in decision-making. Therefore, they should be well aware of the system they are working in (Hacker, 2017). The cohesiveness of team members imparts the sense of stability and embarks on organisation culture. Thus security is vital.

Charles Handy's Model of Organizational culture

An organisational decision making imparts cohesiveness within the team behaviour in developing employee engagement. Charles Handy's Model of Organizational Culture has been incorporated by a successful business organisation like shell or 4complc. Every organisation has some values, principle thatsets the company apart from others.

The behavioural structure and working culture of an organisation can be linked to the features of Task culture and roles culture those are well defined in Charles Handy's Model (Van Knippenberg & Hogg, 2018). For the smooth functioning of an organisation like 4complc or shell or any other successful organisation Charles Hany's model has been taken.

Role Culture
Employees get maximum security and benefits which causes an employee to stay. So in role culture, Stability is a measuring factor, and this is highly job oriented approach that can get implemented mostly on Company's norms, procedures and agreements (De Vasconcelos et al., 2016). This culture is not very flexible as ownership of tasks takes place using clear job instructions. Rules are more important than results. Think like people with common interests come together to build a team

Task Culture

A person in this culture can work independently, and they are experienced. They drive towards solving problems relying on both their expertise as well as of colleagues. To work with close cooperation, Task culture organisations deploy temporary teams (Intezzari & Mckenna, 2018). The result is more important than rules. Task gets accomplished via durable hierarchical power operated through the entire organisation.

Employees are the base of pillars of an organisation. They get optimistic about working together and synchronise their job roles. This way the company improves its performance level and gear up to maximum level. Employee wellbeing in the workplace is a measurable unit of integration and differentiation. In every domain, the team is a critical aspect in terms of generating revenue and expanding the business growth in every fiscal year. A strong sense of commitment and bonding between them do well in accomplishing company goal. The decision is in the hand of employees who are the decision makers of their fates (Intezzari & Mckenna, 2018). An organisation's analytical point of view accumulates the core competencies of its employees. This is an amalgamation of ethics, mixed reactions and shared opinions towards a common goal in perspective of working employees with the organisation.

5. Conclude the discussion. Summarise key points made in the essay.


A conclusion can be drawn from the above report, that an organisation's politics, power and influence can drastically change the behaviour and performance of a team as well as of individuals. To obtain the best outcomes, employees get motivated and highly charged up. To accomplish a task within the time stipulated, the employee should learn time management and complete the job within given deadlines. This generates business revenue for the organisation. 4com Plc offers motivational schemes for their employees in the workplace. These are alluring attributes of one's performance. Feasible goals, incentives, and professional growths are in effects till the time they are on boards. The effectiveness of teamwork is based on employee involvement, smooth communications, and leadership behaviour and so on. Organisational behaviour reflects the employee's behaviour. If employees are well mannered, their performance will behave properly. Managers should conduct periodic training to guide their employees. During training employees are mentored, empowered. They have a part in practice to strengthen their skill sets. The managers can figure out the drawbacks within their employees, and that can be corrected. If one can grow as an individual, then it is contributing to the overall growth of the organisation.


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