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MGT502 Business Communication - Torrens University


Learning Outcomes

This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study
b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study
c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi-modal material in a business context
d) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment
e) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication

Topic - Communication in organization- Instant Messaging


Communication is necessary for the administrators in a business enterprise so they can function adequately the organisational functions and responsibilities (Mehrabian, 2017). The essential functions involve controlling, leading, organising and planning. It is essential that all the work responsibilities are appropriately allocated and the work role is communicated to them as required. The leaders of the organisation need to communicate with their subordinates so that they can attain their organisational goals and objectives (Samovar et al, 2015). Communication acts as a complete source of encouragement towards the employees regarding the task performance. Communication is a source of providing complete and relevant information to the members of the business enterprise. Communication has the potentiality in changing the attitude and behaviour of the people. It also helps in socialising. Be it, video conferencing or sending emails, communication in all forms is necessary for an organisation.

The report explains the various technologies used in the organisation both in business and in the academic environment. It also elucidates the importance of the modern form of communication in the business and inan academic environment. The benefit of aligning the communication with the organizational strategy is also, penned down (Habermas, 2015).


Organizational Communication

Communication is a chief element in any business organisation as it is required for interacting with clients, employees, managers and multiple parties. Effective communication assures the adequate flow of relevant information thus reducing conflicts and sues in an organisation. Communication in a business enterprise takes various forms such as oral communication, internal communication external communication and written communication. Some of the communication involves business networks, intranet and email. Communication is taking a vital place in today's multi-cultural workplace (Burgoonet al, 2016). The organisational communication is required to remain consistent and transparent across the multiple channels.

There are various means of effective communication such as written means (Business letters), visual means electronic means and oral means of communication. Electronic means of communication involve voicemails, loudspeakers, bells buzzers, and a voice in tap, internal communication links, mobiles, emails and the internet (disruptive technology). Visual means of communication involve advertisement, charts, picture, diagrams and pages of the computer-generated images, photograph, drawing, poster or sign (Coombs, 2014).

Importance of Effective Organizational Communication

Importantly, effective communication requires to flow from the top down. The manner a manager communicates with his employees serves as an indicator regarding how a business enterprise is being, operated. Communication provides a clear sense of understanding. Organisational communication is a procedure where the members collect important information regarding business enterprise goals and the alterations taking place (Berkenkotter and Huckin, 2016). Another objective of organizational communication is to develop a community in the business enterprise itself. Meaningful communication acts a support strategy to the employees. Meaningful communication also needs cognitive,organizational reorientation. Any change taking place in an organization depends upon the informative and communicative skills of the employees.

Communication helps to handle the queries of the employees, reduce uncertainty, assures job security, provides feedback, promote the community spirit, develop trust, build employee commitment, increase employee participation and motivate the employees. The modern form of communication are websites, electronic mail, and social media and brand ubiquity.

Modern Form of Organizational Communication

Websites are, considered to be making free marketing presence for the small business organisations. A well-structured websitecan share information regarding service and product lists and its related expense. Some business enterprises host blog posts, documents, videos and customer discussion forums on their websites. The intimate ambience of the organisation depends upon the email (McQuail and Windahl, 2015). The business organisations of today utilise the mail system to communicate with their customers. Email is secure,and no cost is involved. Mails are, used to establish compliance in an organisation.

The current trend of the modern organisation is to use social media for marketing purpose. Sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, MySpace and Facebook are used to keep the customers engaged with the company. Some business even targets the fan of their product and organises marketing events to increase the brand awareness of the product. The next step of the social communication is that later it becomes word of mouth advertising (Stiff and Mongeau, 2016).

With social media and sponsorships, the idea of brand ubiquity offers businesses with significant power of communication. Brand ubiquity means developing a brand's consistent image through the making of slogans, templates, taglines and logos. This helps them to position the company's brand in the target market.

Skype is a software, which can be downloaded where its user is able to take or make free messages and phone calls which the connectivity of the internet. Without an internetconnection, this technology will not work.Video calling option is also available in the application. The immediacy and convenience of the Skype communication tool have benefitted the normal as well as the professional users of the business world (Thussu, 2018).

The revolution bought by the mobile phones has bought altogether a new reality that can change the work scenario of an organisation. The approach of the smartphone has provided the platforms to the other technology to display their business talents. Therefore, smartphones became the first basis of the target of communicating its means and objective. Later as communication wasenhanced,various applications came into view to providing large options to the users to select the right applicationto communicate (Duncan, 2017).

Instant messaging or IMing makes the users capable of communicating with one another. After the content is, created, the messages are, instantly delivered. It is considered the less cumbersome type of email. It isthe quickest way to facilitate a full conversation that is being, done in real time. Some examples of such technologically infused communication are America Online, Facebook, Yahoo, and MSN. These are all messaging tools (Jandt, 2017). It has becomes the widest medium in the online platform of business communication. It is faster and quickest than email. The cost involved here is less. It increases the positive influence in the work ambience and in the educational platform. It is, used for personal chatting purpose and has the tendency to reduce the productivity of the employee. IM is replacing the fax, phone, and email. It enhances the communication capability of a business organization.

Feedback is necessary in every type of communication. Comments on social media serves as feedback, report card services as student's educational feedback. Feedback helps to eliminate the loopholes in the entire business process.

Video conferencing provides the closest means of hearing and seeing each other without being present together at the same place and at the same time. People can be at two different time zone and still stay connected. The modern technologies that are, used in video conferencing are internet connectivity, equipment control pad, and compressor - decompress (codec), microphone, camera and monitor screen. For conducting video conferencing, the person is, provided with a separate room with the available technologies that are required for communicating. The people can speak and exhibit, without the physical presence of the person.


Need for Organizational Communication in Business and Educational or Academic Environment

Today's modern form of communication has no time constraint;it saves the cost of travelling and communicating, provide immediate feedback thus eliminating the loopholes from the work process. Pop up chat boxes on the website are the best tool for marketing the most complex services and products. Today's customer depends upon online shopping,so they visit the company's website to get desired information regarding the product specification, price, quality information, other customers feedback and others. Most of the professional communication tool have video call option. This has facilitated the interview processes in the organisation (Barnlund, 2017). Recruitments around the world have significantly increased due to the secure connectivity of two people. Prompt feedback is essential in today's business processes to adapt itself to the dynamic business environment. There are push notification options that are, provided in some chat options to get relevant messages and keep the customers informed and engaged.

Today the workplace is more like the digital workplace. It uses technologies staff to do the task. It is, a natural evolution of the workplace that is taking place to present across all the business enterprise (Garvey, 2014). The communication tools can range from core business communication applications, HR applications, enterprise social media tools, portals, intranets and instant messaging applications. A digital workplace allows setting a holistic environment, tools and platforms so that the work activity can be delivered in a productive, coherent and usable way. An intranet is a type of single hub that can only be availed by the authorised users in a business organisation. It is, necessarily used for the collaboration and internal communications.

Communication forms the basis of planning an effective operational strategy that is implemented all over the business world. To function the office efficiently and smoothly communication is mandatory. Interpersonal relations staycomfortable and close,and that is happening for the implementation of effective communication has the potentiality to bring change to an organisation. Feedback cannot be obtained if communication is not donecorrectly. Communication enhances the planning for the various organisational activities and goals. In the decision, making process communication helps in choosing and identifying the alternatives depending upon their preferences and values (Wood, 2015). Alternatives ad figuresrequire reports, facts, data and other information thus helping in effective decision-making. Communication helps in monitoring the organisationalactivities that areasked on the work standards of the organisation. It assiststo set targets and standards. Effective coordination can be donethrough communication. Coordination requires the exchange of information, ideas, problems and feelings between two or more personnels.

Communication is used in a various level of the organisation. HR' use different strategy for communicating with their employees and top administrative. Some information is kept personal,and some are provided to the employees as required.They are thus providing an information ecosystem and centralised communication for the employees.

Communication in an Educational or Academic and Business Environment

As for the academic environments, the professors must plan a communication strategy to make the learning process more exciting and innovative. The Principals can implement a range of informal and formal communication skills regularly. It can be non-digital, digital, and verbal, video written, face to face, ad-hoc or planned. The objective to raise the particular dialogues must be understood. The way it should be delivered must be subtle and not aggressive (Fries, 2015). The words should math with the actions. In the academic environment, the students must be developed with proper leadership communication skills. Communication is a two-way process. One must be a patient listener to understand the person's whole context of the conversation (Ulmer et al, 2017). The objective or the content of the conversation must be analysed so that effective solutions can be provided.The solution improves business process.


Effective communication amongst the employees working across the various places and time can be at times challenging. As a presentbusiness,organisationswork on the aligned technologies that are available,so communications must also be, strategised according to the organisation's goals. One can do it by assessing the requirements of tools of the communication and by examining the communication requirements. Implementing the intranet platform within the organisation can facilitate internal communication among the employees working in various departments. Organisational communication must always focus on attaining the company's goals and must as take into account cultural presence within or outside the organisation. Delivering personalised and secured information can be done and should be done in today's challenging business environment.Common mail group, LinkedIn pages, video conferencing must be there both in the business as well as in the academic environment. The student must know how communication takes place in the professional or corporate world.


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