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Mental Health And Illness

NSB 204 Mental Health: Self And Others, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Systematic Reflection


Introduction: A plea for insanity from the persons that has a criminal charge against them may be considered as diminished capacity. In the present study the involuntary treatment and stigma and discrimination issues from the case of Mrs Blanche Duvall would be analysed. Based on the discussion, the knowledge would be aligned with the existing beliefs and the knowledge would be integrated with the practice.

Question 1. Reporting - what is the situation in the article about? What are the key issues?

Answer: It has been observed from the case study that Mrs was declared insane shortly after she has been charged for killing former Chief of Police Al Miller. However, the arrangements to send other three insane people along with Mrs Duvall have also been planned after the Jury takes action. This case involves two issues such as involuntary treatment and stigmatization. As the case is highlighted in the media the clients like Mrs Duvall could be stigmatized. Moreover, the treatment of these four people mentioned in the case was not supported by the consent of the mentally unhealthy people themselves. Therefore, the case of Mrs Duvall and three others mentally unhealthy people would raise these two issues.

Question 2. Responding - how your beliefs, attitudes and opinions about mental health and illness have formed.

Answer: One of the major issues that people face at the time of pleading for insanity defense is stigmatization. However, the stigma can be of several kinds such as Internalised stigma, Social stigma, Structural stigma and so on (Evans, Nizette, & O'Brien, 2017, p. 204). I have observed that the person that plea for insanity are more prone to Stigma and labelled as "Insane". It has also been observed from the study of Spezzaferri et al. (2017, p.178) that mostly, people qualified for defence have chosen to be imprisoned rather than being shied away. Moreover, as stated by Perlin (2016), p.17, the representation of the case on media sets a ground for stigmatization where name and personal information of the people are disclosed.

On the other hand, it has been observed in the case study that there is an indication of involuntary treatment of the four mentioned people. As per the views of (Helm, Ceci & Burd (2016), p.209, often people considered as insane are treated in clinical setting without the consent of the person. Based on this, I could understand that as the people are held insane and with diminished capacity, consent often is not considered from them before starting treatment. From my prior knowledge I can reflect on the present case that the people considered as insane may be treated against their will.


Question 3. Relating - factors to consider include: your knowledge base (including how the media contributes to your understanding); your culture (age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, class, and ability/disability), social context.

Answer: It can be said that people in India faces major mental health issues though the prevalence rate of depression and anxiety is mostly high. However, there are some other issues such as stigmatization that the Indian people face mostly. As per the views of Williams (2016), 26% of the people in India have been classified of being afraid about being mentally ill. Not only people from lower socio-economic status, but the people from the high socio-economic status also belong to this category. As a reason of this Maulik et al. (2017), indicated towards the fear of stigmatization. Due to this most of the people in India do not avail treatment. However, as studied by Gupta et al. (2017), the young people in India found to be supportive of the mental health and less likely to stigmatize people for their mental illness.

It has been observed by Colucci et al. (2015), in Australia mental illness are treated mostly as any other illness. Not only that, it has also been found that people in Australia are more open to enter into a discussion about the mental health issues in comparison to India. However, it has been found by Rodda et al. (2018), there is a high rate of involuntary treatment in Australia. Therefore, it can be stated that people in Australia are more prone to be involuntary treatment.

Question 4. Reasoning - reflection on how the key issues presented align with your existing knowledge, opinions and thinking about mental health and illness.

Answer: Depending on the existing knowledge I could build an understanding of the issues and position of Marshall Love that had been making arrangements to send the four unfortunates to Oregon Asylum. As stated before, people considered as with diminished capacity against a criminal charge often labelled as insane, it can be related to the fact considered by (Wanyama, 2017, p.65), that this labelling influence the people to develop negative feelings within themselves. As observed in the case of Mrs Blanche Duvall she has also been labelled as mentally unhealthy and due to that reason she is being prepared to sent in the asylum. This issue creates a barrier to treatment of people with "insanity". It has been observed that, mentally unhealthy people with a criminal charge against them can be treated without taking their consent. As per the views of Murekian, de Paula Faleiros & Jouet (2018, p.87), often people with mental illness lack the capacity to become self aware. Depending on this, it can be stated that, lack of self awareness leads to reduced capacity to grow competency to provide consent. Therefore, the involvement of the experts and the relatives of the people considered as mentally unhealthy would determine the authenticity of the treatment. Therefore, depending on this existing knowledge an arrangement has been done to send the four people that are considered as mentally unhealthy.


Question 5. Reconstructing - how you will integrate your new understandings of mental health and illness into your nursing practice.

Why is the issue significant?

What have I learned about the professional health care practice?

How will the situation affect my future learning and the way I practice health care?

Answer: The issues discussed previously were stigmatization associated with mental treatment and treating a person without the consent.

Integrating knowledge into practice: It has been observed from the existing knowledge that, due to the stigmatization, treatment of people with mental health issue and a criminal charge can develop negative feelings and the mental health condition can deteriorate due to that. Therefore, as influenced by Garvey, (2018, p.94), in practice this fact would be considered before starting any kind of treatment. Integrating this fact in the treatment process, such actions cannot be taken under consideration that hurt the value and belief of the people availing treatment. Moreover, as influenced by Peña-Guzmán (2016, p.48), in a person centred care setting, the treatment practice attempt to make the clients empowered would be taken. However, the threat of involuntary treatment can be reduced by incorporating expert opinion from the mental health professionals. As per the views of Perlin (2016, p.57), it is required to show positive regard to the people availing treatment from mental health experts. At the time of building therapeutic relationships, importance would be provided to create a respectful relationship with the people availing treatment. It is an attempt to diminish the chance of getting affected by the social stigma.

Following the considerations in a person centred care; mentally unhealthy people would be allowed to take active participation by their viewpoints in availing treatment, their intention to be involved in the treatment as so on. In the patient centred care the care users would be treated in a respectful and responsive manner. As per the views of Wahlbeck (2015), the clinical decisions would be made through the help of the treatment seeker. Therefore, depending on these points it can be said that active involvement of the care user in the treatment would reduce the tendency of involuntary treatment and the clients would not be stigmatized. As per the views of Ramon et al. (2017), the progress of treatment depends on the therapeutic relationship. Therefore, the relationship would be built in a way that the person does not feel stigmatised and feel valued.

Conclusion: The given case indicates two issues such as not taking consent from the people considered as "insane" while having a criminal charge against them. Additionally, if people with criminal charges get the consideration due to diminished capacity are often stigmatised. As observed in the present study, this stigmatization creates negative feelings that delay the treatment process. Moreover, the knowledge gathered from the study has been attempted to integrate with the practice and it could be stated that people in this kind of situation would be treated through providing positive regard and consent would be considered as the basic requirement before involving a person into treatment.


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