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Mediation and Workplace Conflict Assignment Help

Address the following in your essay:

·  Define and explain two key concepts from each chapter that stood out to you; please include page numbers, cite from the textbook, and end the essay with a reference to the textbook (citations/ references should be in APA style).

·  Include suggestions the authors make for each chapter that would help you better manage conflicts (again include page numbers and references to the textbook)

·  Then explain how you could use the concepts that you identified to better manage a conflict in the past, present, or future (it may be one conflict for both chapters or a separate conflict for each chapter).

In Chapter 11, the authors explain how you can transfer the principles and techniques taught in formal mediation training to mediate disputes between other people you know – family, friends, students, and co-workers. You are also asked to apply the principles and skills from the workplace as described in Chapter 12 to conflicts that have or may confront you where you currently work (If you are not employed or a full time student, you might consider writing about an internship, part-time job, an organization you belong to, or job you used to have.) The purpose of this essay is to apply correctly the key concepts, principles, and suggestions from Chapters 11 and 12 to conflicts in your life.

Note that this essay should be based on two chapters, equally. In some cases you can integrate the two chapters as you write, but in other cases you may first want to discuss one chapter and then the other. In either case, you must treat both chapters equally

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Mediation and Workplace Conflict

Conflicts remain as one of the primary challenges in an environment, existing because of the deep divisions in the society, which are carried onto interpersonal relationships and could affect the functioning of an individual in a workplace. The question, which arises, is why is there a need for mediating the conflicts? The divide in between two individual could effectively result in conflicts in the workplace, which could hamper the productivity potential of the individual and could be detrimental for the workplace. Statistics highlight how 27% of the employees have witnessed workplace conflicts resulting in personal attacks, which is a very detrimental consequence for an organization and hence further necessitates the need for ensuring mediation of the conflicts with proper strategically intervention and employee engagement measures(Leon-Perez et al., 2015).

As stated in Page248 of Chapter 11, Mediation refers to the instance in which a particular third party helps in achieving an agreement and resolving the conflict. The need for management is very vital for ensuring that the environment is healthy and the dispute is being resolved with a methodological process.The Role of a mediator, as stated in Page 252of Chapter 11, is to guide and assist the parties involved towards resolution and helping them to understand and focus on the issue, which is required for reaching the resolution. The Conflicts due to diversity in the workplace, as stated in Page 281of Chapter 12, could arise in a diverse workplace because of the contrasting nature of the opinions of different diverse individuals. The differencescould be based on work style, personality, generation and culture.The Conflicts due to the difference in task roles, as mentioned in Page 275of Chapter 12, could arise from the disputes in difference in opinions regarding policies and procedures, managing expectations, interpretation and judgment and resourcedivision(Cahn& Abigail, 2013).

The authors have highlighted several suggestions, which could function as an effective mediation measures for conflict management in an environment. The first step of the mediation process is the clarification of what the disagreement is, the clarification of the disagreement will help in obtaining information regarding the conflict and incorporate them for achieving a mutual understanding. There is a need for establishing a common goal of the parties involved will help in finding common grounds in between the parties. The mediation process should involve brainstorming, communication and listening together, this will help in discussing the ways for meeting the common objectives. The Barriers to the common goals should be comprehended and acknowledge for the conflict resolution process, understanding the barriers will help in proactive search for solutions. Another step in the conflict management process is to acknowledge the solution agreed upon and determine roles and responsibilities of the parties involved for mediating the conflicts. The conflicts in the workplace arising due to diversity, as stated in Chapter 12, could be addressed with promoting a more open environment in the workplace with proper communication and respect for ethnicities and cultural aspects(Cahn& Abigail, 2013).

Considering a situation whether a conflictmay arises in a diverse workplace because of the differences in between individual regarding their opinions, the conflict could be resolved with involving a mediation process. The mediator will ensure that the two involved parties, who are facing difficulty because of their contrasting opinions stemming from their diversebackgrounds, are able to reachan effective and apt resolution(McKenzie, 2015). The individuals from different diverse backgrounds will have conflicting opinions, the mediation process will involve making the parties understand the position of the opposite party and seek to reach a common goal. There need to be mutual acknowledgment of the differences and proper training measures should be adopted for promoting more cultural awareness in the workplace.

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