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Media-Related Story to Healthcare Contract Breach Violations Assignment Help

Research current media-related stories to healthcare contract breach violations, through newspapers, radio, T.V., Internet search, etc. -Provide a brief summary paragraph of your research. Consider the case of National Renal Alliance LLC software vendor or choose one of your own.

Summarize your reviews onto a single Word document, and ensure you have taken the time to format your document carefully and in an organized way.

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A breach of contract is alleged when the terms of the agreement are violated, and it leads towards court case. In cases of healthcare, the plaintiff needs to prove that breach of the agreement by showing the evidence that there is an executed agreement, the needs have been by the plaintiff, and the defendant failed to fulfil the obligations of the contract, and so the plaintiff has faced financial losses. A healthcare firm must also prove the reasons for the importance of the terms of agreement for them.  The paper will summarize the case of Gaia Healthcare Systems versus National Renal Alliance from the Nashville Post. 

Summary of the Research

In the case of Gaia Healthcare Systems versus National Renal Alliance (NRA), the NRA was the plaintiff, and Gaia was the defendant. Software is sold by defendant, Gaia to the owners of dialysis firms. One of such dialysis firms is NRA who gives dialysis treatment to the patients at almost 30 healthcare organizations. Three software of Gaia was used by NRA, and they were EMR Software, GE Software and Middleware Software. On 27th January in the year 2007, a written contract was executed by both the firms only for GE Software and Middleware Software. An arbitration clause based on the Arbitration Association of America was included in the contract (Bankins, 2015). It stated that any party could submit mediation, and the unsuccessful mediation will lead to arbitration.

In October of the year 2008, the software firm based in Colorado named as Gaia Healthcare Systems along with Arbitration Association of America claimed more than $178,000 against a dialysis company based in Brentwood, NRA (Lawley, 2010). They were seeking the claim for unsettled fees of software licenses as well as other damages from NRA, The charges from dialysis firm were that NRA had stopped paying for its systems in July of the year 2007 but was continuing to utilize its software and also making ridiculous and false statements about the dialysis company.

The allegations of Gaia was denied by NRA, and a counterclaim of misrepresentation, fraud and breach of agreement was issued by the company against the software company (Gupta, Agarwal, & Khatri, 2016). NRA claimed that the software provided by Gaia was performing as promised by the firm and led to delays in billing, which caused interference in collecting payments.  The dialysis firm was forced to stop its credit systems, paid its staffs overtime and hired temporary staffs for correcting the errors created by the software. 

The petition was filed in the District Court of USA along with Arbitration Association of America for an arbitrator named as Middle Tennessee on 13th September 2010, and they gave the decision in favor of NRA (Cassar & Buttigieg, 2015). They entirely denied the claims of Gaia and awarded $305,000 to NRA and award was confirmed by order of the court.  NRA was represented by Tim Harvey and Steven Riley of Riley Warnock and Jacobson PLC. Gaia was represented by Elizabeth Peros and Barry Schwartz of Kamlet Shepherd & Reichert LLP based in Denver. Thus, the dialysis firm, NRA won the case of breach of the agreement and collected $305,000 from the medical vendor of billing software, Gaia Healthcare Systems. 


The paper considered the case of Gaia Healthcare Systems versus National Renal Alliance from the Nashville Post. Both the plaintiff and defendant defended themselves on the findings of contract breach such as fraud, illegality, duress and wrong information. But, NRA won the case against Gaia as the dialysis company was successful in proving all the reasons for alleging the contract's breach against the dialysis firm. 

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