MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Assignment Help
In this report, you must demonstrate an understanding and application of various consumer behaviour concepts and theories by analyzing the facts gathered from the video and the survey, and present strategic recommendations. You will be required to incorporate recent peer-reviewed literature in order to justify your proposed recommendations.
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Selected Product or Service Overview
Google revealed Duo at its Google I/O developer meeting in 2016. This has underlined as Duo that is free as well as exist for IOS and Android devices around the globe, as a modest video calling application for each people. This is generally a FaceTime/WhatsApp/Skype competitor. Google Duo is present for both iOS and Android devices and targets to uncomplicated the video communication experiences by providing simple controls along with only individual-to-individual contact. This does not need a discrete account or log in with the phone numbers, and communicate with other Duo customers based on their phone numbers in the contact list already registered. Google Duo also provides a web version. The company's use of the WedRTC standard suggest that desktop customers (even ones that not increased by Google) can also have the capability to use the services (Simonnetet al.,2017).
As of the performance and capability reports, Google Duo provides an unique feature named as "Knock Knock", which acts as a player to start the video of a user, thus one can know who is there and what that individual may want before the other one select to answer the video calls. This video calling service and calls stream at 720p high-definition quality of video calling, flattened for low-bandwidth mobile phones applying a mixture of open-source as well as exclusive standards along with WebRTC (Tiptonet al., 2016). As the Netflix Application, when Google Duo senses complications related to bandwidth, this lower the quality of the video calling service in order to collect the state of the connection. It would even change between the cell signal and Wi-Fi connections to develop the qualities and bandwidth of the call. Google Duo also has structure, by default, end-to-end encryption.
Critical Analysis
Google Marketing communication mix
The marketing communication mix has been defined as the specific mix consisting of sales promotion, personal selling, advertising, direct marketing and public relation, which are followed by an organisation to pursue their marketing and advertisement objectives.
Google's marketing communication mix is a major contributor the success the business has accumulated internationally. The marketing communication mix of the organisation is a testament to how carefully engineered strategies could support the growth of a business. The marketing communication mix of Google explains the manners in which the direct marketing tools, public relations, experiences and events, advertisement and sales promotions are used by the organisation for communicating their marketing message to the targeted customer segment. The critical analysis of service (Google Duo) and company's stand points have been decided based on its acceptability and alignment with the consumer behaviour stances. This study will underline the advertising policies, marketing mix decisions, sales promotions and other marketing strategies as per the consumer needs and purchasing behaviours and changes in decisions.
Google has emerged as one of the most popular alternatives for the conventional media and print advertising and has changed the advertising industry on an international level to a major extent. Google Duo has been aimed at revamping the brand's messaging suite, coming with a hosted of functionality which will help the business in providing more comprehensive video call services (Malthouse. and Li,2017). The advertising of the services has been carried on mainly the blogs and the social media platforms hosted by the company. The advertising has also been conducted on the YouTube and Television media platform.
Sales promotion
Sales promotion implies the stimulation of the sales which is achieved through merchandising, offers, point-on-sale displays, games, giveaways, trade shows or exhibition, discounts, demonstration and contests (Lindsey-Mullikin and Borin,2017). As a part of their sales promotion for Google Duo, the organisation has teamed with OnePlus for brining Google Duo integration for video call services on their devices. Google Duo application will be integrated in the OnePlus devices across various multiple functions such as Messaging, Dial pad, contacts and Call Logs. OnePlus states that it will help in enhancing the video call service utility for the consumers. In addition, the application has been featured in the developer conferences and the exhibitions as a marketing strategy of the organisation (The Verge, 2016). Google Duo is dependent on the support of the parent company, Google, for more promotion on the social media and print platforms for gaining greater exposure. Google Duo is also dependent on the mouth publicity, enabling the clients to be the advertising tools. Similarly, Google Duo, to appeal to the consumer, provides safe and seamless connection, which helps in increasing customer confidence in the service and helps in enhancing the usage rate.
The application also provides certain innovative abilities such as Knock-Knock, a functionality designed for seeing the caller beforehand and deciding whether to receive the call or not. AN individual also could block numbers, make international calls, Limit the consumption of cellular data among other functionalities ingrained in the application.
Marketing strategy
Duo is a video calling application providing an interface for one-t-one communication, supported only on mobile devices and has integrated Web Real-Time communication support. The application, as claimed by Google, will provide for more effective communication on the smartphones, prevent dropped call, and support handoffs from and to Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity. The application stands as standalone. as a part of the broader offering of consumer facing communication applications.
Google effectively segments their services, products based on the psychographic, geographic, and demographics variables in the market with the aim of catering to the growing demands and needs of the consumers. The application has been positioned in the marketplace with seeking to rival the iOS counterpart, Face time, providing for a more secure, effectively and reliable medium for communicating. The use of WebRTC has enabled the application top function effectively even with lower bandwidth and switch in between Wi-Fi and cellular networks for providing seamless connectivity (The Verge, 2016). The application has been delivered to the consumers through their application store and is available on both the iOS and Android platform. The application has been focused on one-on-one communication initially, but recent updates support group video conferencing, unlike Hangouts, which is, is primarily B2B in its approach. In their campaign for Google Duo, Google studied the data from the Google Trends for analysing the various trends in the marketplace and ascertaining the needs and demands of the consumers. The use of the partner and source agencies, Google has been able to gather insights, which help in ensuring that the products such as Google Duo are compatible to the market demands and is able to sustain itself in the presence of a tough competitive market (Fourcade and Healy, 2016).
Google Duo has been fuelled by the programming fuels and dynamic creativity of the organisation, allowing the application to be crafted in manner, which incorporated the insights, gathered from the consumers and presents them in a more refined manner. The application has also added the ability to add text and draw on the video messages, with an added functionality in the form of data saving model for limiting the consumption of cellular data for the users. Google seeks to influence the consumer buying decision process with appealing to them with a revamped messaging application, supporting essential end-to-end encryption and providing added security. The privacy concerns have been effectively addressed in the application which has helped the business in appealing to the consumer's attitude and promoting the service in a more effective and credible manner (Lifewire, 2019).
As per their marketing strategy, Google aims to improve the attitude of the consumer towards the brand with providing them the option of whether they are willing to share their personal information or not. The privacy concerns are also addressed with the lesser data collection, providing for more freedom for the consumers. Similarly, with the use of personalised advertisement recommendation, Google has effectively been able to influence the consumers; Google has ingrained the knowledge function in their products and service for providing the customers with a more appealing user experience (Simonand Tossan, 2018). They have been monitoring the feedback, reviews and comments regarding their products and services with a methodological rigor, helping them to design updates and provide the users with a better experience, for example the update for supporting multiple calling in Google Duo which the consumers were demanding. The marketing strategy as stated by the company officials is to relay on word of mouth for influencing the behaviour of the consumers, focusing on building functional applications which will generate positive word of mouth for the services.
Strategic Recommendations
It has been seen that transmitting audio and video in high definition quality sometimes demand a high-bandwidth connection. To attain life-like experiences, important delays should be insignificant for human eyes and ears. Bandwidth needs for 1080p communications are underlined as 15 Mbit/s, which is megabits per second). Additional bandwidth will be need to connect extra individuals to a conversation or even offices to a conference, while applying a low level, but high definition resolution of around 720p will decay bandwidth demands (Jang-Jaccardet al., 2016).

While the demands for bandwidth speeds to the top, so too do the level of the services present. In the year 2006, there were almost 280 million internet service providers and subscribers in around 166 countries, projecting two-thirds of the entire number of internet users. Offering the telepresence experiences, though, might still need dedicated connectivity, as its outcomes in more difficult for network service operators than merely providing developed bandwidth. On the other hand, ITU-T is recently testing with distant collaboration technology, involving GoToMeeting as well as WedEx, as a process of facilitating distant engagement in its meetings, specifically from emerging countries (Tran, 2016). As the initial trial is being placed with the connection among ITU’s in Cairo and Geneva. This type of distant collaboration techniques, which might incorporate additive video transmission as well as do not need more than a web browser along with a fundamental internet connection.
It has been noticed that flexibility must be at importance for decision-makers who are searching for application of video conferencing for a bigger scale of operations. It is need to remember that cloud-based collaborative communications would tend to rap up with the demands, as these options are far more flexible and scalable than the bequest and other fundamental processes to data and communication technologies. Finally, researches have point out that involvement among video conferencing and other video calling tools would be placed at the main point of concentration moving forward, as organizations try to provide customers the best possible quality and opportunities around the channels. Again, it has been noticed that the cloud-based UC offered by a trustable managed services organization could assist organizations get these aspects in order (Sharmaet al., 2016).
A new famous use of Tech Target provider Tracee Herbaugh underlined that "huddle rooms" are developing popularity around sectors, and are developing to expand demands for video calling solutions, which come at a low-cost level. It exhibits that scalability does not only suggest preparing systems for more wanted activities, but also having the capability to specialized specific services for small projects. cloud-based UC solutions involving vide calling software would be precious as organizations work to rationalise and optimize their connections framework in the coming years (Hubleret al., 2016).
With the development of group calling facilities, Google Duo is also targeting to develop its operations even more. It has been identified that, the group call facilities have been developed to only 8 individuals and though, this is not official yet, this seems to be speeded out around the globe, however, can possibly be behind the server-side flag. Therefore, some of the consumers might have the capability to use it while others not. This type of technology development and capability building should be carried out as per the needs and wants of the users. In this way, user number and brand awareness could be developed through only one service and low-cost upgradations (Walterset al., 2016). On the other hand, it could be said that current notifications for various events could be officially send to a wider range of people awareness.
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