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Mature Industry Assignment Help

How much of an impact does the "maturity" level of the industry or company have on strategy?

How can you be innovative in a mature industry?

How can you be conservative in an introductory/rapid growth situation?

Should you be conservative??? Back up your assertions with resources, and your own research or experience.

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Answer 1

The maturity level of the industry or company creates an impact on the company's strategy by enhancing sustainable growth and helps in achieving the desired target (Beasley, Branson & Pagach, 2015).

Answer 2

According to my experience, it is important for an organization to promote innovation and to strengthen the relationship with the clients to innovate in a mature industry.

Answer 3

In an introductory/rapid growth situations, a conservative mindset is not appropriate as rapid growth is an active way to implement something that is going to be effective (Schumacher, Erol & Sihn, 2016).

Answer 4

Therefore, it can be said that the companies must not be conservative as it may create a negative impact on the business. Being conservative may also hinder the rapid growth of an industry or company.

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