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"Marriage Is Not an Obsolete Institution" Assignment Help

Argumentative essay in the favor of topic "Marriage is not an obsolete institution".

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It is seen that marriage is considered important for bringing the stability in the life of a person. For this, there are studies which help in highlighting about the different co-habitant factors that includes about only lending oneself to the different stability performances and the psychological standards. But there are different commitment levels, between the couple, which the society recognize and so the marriage is important in everyone's life. This is not to discredit any single parent with the acknowledgement to improvement the forms with working over the marriage institutes where the consideration is about setting the relationship to love and desire for extending a family. Marriage is a tradition that ages back to the ancient societies with providing a secured environment for the perpetuation of the different species along with handling the different rights of the person. The focus is on the variations of the marriage system which have been evolving over the time like the polygamy of one man.

Marriage is not obsolete

Considering the approach about presuming that marriage is an institution which helps in providing with the focus on the complete child stability. The important relationship is between the parents and the attitude or their relationship with the child that helps in making the bond stronger. The stable cohabitation situation is stronger and for those who are the children coming from the marriage who are unhappy people.

It has become to the highlight about the people who are staying and working depending upon the age. They are mainly under the social pressure than before to be happy which tend to outweigh the necessity to make the marriage work (Petrovic et al., 2015). Hence, the fidelity, which is considered to be a major factor, is not only determined through the marriage certificate. It is seen that the marriages are depending upon the scope of expectancy of life where the planning is done to pursue the freedom standards. The goal is to work on the choice and the society is able to work over handling the life partners with the choice of choosing the right partner for the marriage. It is seen that the marriage is not an obsolete institution where the opportunity has been mainly to bring the security for women. The women are considered to be classified as the property for the original conditions where the high advanced societies worked on the female empowerment and the independence that have been able to prove about the different measures of the gender equality. The ability to earn and provide a better approach for the personal choice than the social obligation has been more important. Here, the correlation is about dealing between the declined rate of the religious practices and then work on the marriage among the millennials and the young adults (Wardle, 2016).

It is often the restrictions of the society which includes the view of marriage that can lead to different problems. The relationship is considered to be a boredom to take the partner for granted and then manifest for the marital disputes. There are constraints of the marriage which are opposing the forms and the standards with the partners working on the trap for the unwanted relationship (McGovern et al., 2018). Thereby, it leads to different variant problems. The marriages are important for the cultural growth and then understand how it is associated to the stable families They are able to produce a better approach for happy children and then bringing stability with lesser crime and the other social issues. There are different financial benefits which are associated to it and the taxes are determined with sharing the burden and responsibilities with less stress.

Hence, it has been seen that the law is able to incorporate the protection for the couples with the "common law marriage" where the jurisdictions are set over the inheritance and the ownership (McGovern et al., 2018). The planning is done to focus on the different practical standards to avoid any of the problems related to the proceedings which are done on the legal basis. Here, the events are based on the relationship breakdown along with working over the different standards (Syrett, 2018). The only factor is about the marriage gains with the social recognition that holds the sense of the emotional stability with working on the divorce rates that are indicative for the different factors under the relationship which is set to fail. Here, the institution is about the marriage which will not save it. According to the analysis, the marriages gives the child two parents which can help in developing a balanced and a happy adult. They are considered different role for the looking up and then handling the potential support, emotionally and practically (Zafar 2018). The partners need to know about the desires with long term relationship. The monogamy has been about the reduction of the health risks like the sexually transmitted diseases.

The major focus is on the planning and handling the religious standards that is considered important for working over the different standards. Here, the declined factors include the region in countries like Britain and focusing over the different majority beliefs. There are diversifications now with the moral consensus that is seen to be going beyond the small groups. The government usually promote the marriages using the laws and the budget allocations or the other administrative regulations (Rogers 2017). They generally work in the favor of the married people for the promotion of wedlock. The instances are about granted tax breaks with favorable inheritance laws. The government might also use the tools to discourage the un-married or the single parents.


The marriage is important for the over-sensitivity and then handling the different modern attitudes which tend to mainly focus on the equality. The married men are expected to be one of the breadwinner in the marriage where the wife role is more centered around the children care and the other domestic chores (Mair, 2016). In the traditional marriage, the men tend to have a higher status with the involvement of the careers and the jobs to play less of a direct role in childcare. accepts instant and short deadlines order for "Marriage Is Not an Obsolete Institution"  assignment – order today for excellence!

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