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MN504 Networked Application Management Assignment - Network Analysis using Wireshark, Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO) - This assignment is designed to develop deeper analytical understanding of different distributed network conditions. At the completion of this assessment students should be able to:

a. Analyse performance and deployment issues for networked applications;

b. Compare appropriate industry tools and techniques to manage networked applications;

The aim of the assignment is to develop an analytical understanding of performance and management of different types of networked applications.


Network Analysis using Wireshark -

Project Scope and Overview

The motivation behind the endeavor is to build up an interpretive comprehension of execution and the main gathering of various sorts of created applications. The endeavor will permit to get arrange execution and the chairmen issues of sorted out applications utilizing top level devices. These activities permit showing methodical point of confinement of reviewing surrounded frameworks execution, Nature of Service and association the board.

There is a need to catch divides two frameworks, at their home framework and at MIT mastermind while getting to the going with locales. One site is of a news channel and the other one is a site for live spilling. The understudies are required to catch packs of different pictures from the news channel site and catch bundles from the live stream site while spilling for 10 minutes once at MIT in a social affair and after that on their home framework independently.

In surveying application limit necessities we have to consider applications that require a great deal of farthest point similarly as those that require a specific regard (peak, least, bolstered) or extent of cutoff points. The sniffing devices like Wireshark or NMAP are apparatuses that can get the data utilizing TCP or UDP conventions for the active and approaching parcels, this make the clients effectively distinguish the information stream and the bundle misfortune , the purposes behind this misfortune. The bundle misfortune isn't just the purpose behind utilizing these devices, the throughput, delays and the IP address of servers and unlawful assaults on the system are different issues that are tended to by these.

Network Performance Analysis

Delay and Throughput

Investigation of these frameworks-how they work and interoperate-is verified in detail later in this book. Framework and structure flightiness is nonlinear. Framework headway must consider battling and habitually conflicting necessities. Additionally, various social occasions with fluctuating musings and needs (e.g., customers, corporate organization, sort out staff) sway the framework structure. The framework is either organized by leading body of trustees or through an exact approach that the social occasions can surrender to. Frameworks have created to meld progressively refined capacities. Early (unique) frameworks focused on supporting basic accessibility among devices and on the most ideal way corresponding frameworks to help creating amounts of customers (e.g., isolating frameworks using expansions or switches). Second-age frameworks focused on interoperability to broaden the degree and size of frameworks to allow relationship among various exceptional frameworks. We are by and by at the stage in sort out headway where organization movement is fundamental to the accomplishment of customers and their applications. This stage can be seen as the third time of frameworks organization. Depicts the various times of frameworks organization and their associations. We are beginning to see adventures toward front line limits, for instance, basic essential administration inside the framework. It may be ordinary that pieces of the framework will progress to finish up self-configurable and sensible, especially for those frameworks that must be masterminded or controlled by end customers (e.g., Telecommuters, customers of adaptability/convenience organizations). Point of fact, this will transform into imperative as the multifaceted nature and execution of frameworks increase and as organizations offered by frameworks become progressively refined. Network frameworks are a sensible development in this heading. Customers, applications, and devices are in like manner growing continuously propelled limits. An instance of this is the dynamic among movement and grouped assortment that can be found in the present Internet. As application and device traffic streams create to combine information concerning quality, execution, and cost (e.g., consistent Execution is the game-plan of levels for purpose of containment, suspension, and RMA in a structure. It is usually beguiling to streamline these estimations, either for all (client, application, and gadget) traffic streams in the system, or for in any occasion one heaps of traffic streams, in light of get-togethers of clients, applications, and furthermore gadgets. In help of execution in the system, an execution building is the game plan of execution structures to arrangement, work, control, course of action, and record for assets in the system that help traffic streams. The execution setup indicates where these portions are related inside the system, and the plans of inward and outside relationship among this and other part structures. Around there we find a few solutions concerning system assets and about sections to control moreover, regulate them. A basic piece of structure up this arrangement is picking the execution focuses for your system.


Project Requirements

In this project, the Wireshark sniffing tool is to be used to monitor the websites from home network and MIT network. The websites are live streaming radio channel and news channel having multiple pictures and files. The tool is to monitor all the packets that flow through the host in which Wireshark is installed. We need to gather information regarding the IP address, throughput, delay etc. We will have four trace files at the end.

Part 1: The first part of the report should be about general statistics of all four captures using Wireshark that must include:

1. Start time of capture

2. Total number of captured packets for each protocol

3. Total Number of lost packets

4. IP addresses of the client and server

Start time of capture

Networked Application Management Assignment.png

From the figure above we can see the start time of capture , it is given as Arrival time , in this capture it is may 28 ,2019 15:32:09

This is shown in the frame , the type of encapsulation is given as Ethernet and the time duration relating to the packets are all shown in the frame .

Total number of captured packets for each protocol

Networked Application Management Assignment1.png

The above figure shows the total number of packets in percentage , for each protocols being used . the protocols Ethernet protocols like IPv6,IPv4 UDP etc. in UDP DNS , Name service etc comes. The TCP protocol is used in the internet for transport layer security.

Total Number of lost packets

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As shown in the figure there are zero percent broken or lost packets. The HTTP packet counter is used in Wireshark to gather the report of successful and unsuccessful packets. The packets flows between client and server and in between their comes many networking devices and software , which runs a different protocols , so [packets may be lost in this process. It is important for a network to analyze the lost packets and accordingly request for new packets for the lost ones.

IP addresses of the client and server

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The IP address is the logical address which is used by the networking devices to know the source and destination where the data needs to flow. As in the above figure, the source and destination IP addresses are given. Generally home PCs have private IP address and this address is converted to Public IP using Network address translator to forward the IP in public internet.


Start time of capture

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Total number of captured packets for each protocol

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The above figure shows IPv4 is used more than IPv6 , it also shows the TCP protocols using 44.7 percentage.

Total Number of lost packets

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Total lost packets are zero.

IP addresses of the client and server

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The above figure shows not only the source destination as our home PC but the intermediate IPs also.

Here client IP is

And destination IP is server IP

Part 2: The second part of the report must include screen shots of packet capture, screenshots of different statistics from Wireshark and complete analysis of those screenshots for both websites for all two networks. Only screenshots of the graphs or other statistics will not get any marks as those must be analysed in detail to discuss the quality of service for a particular application. The students are required to analyse the network performance for the assigned websites considering following aspects:

1. Throughput

2. Round Trip Time

3. Packet Loss

While collecting statistics please make sure, you are looking at the right flow as your Wireshark file may have packets from other applications and flows as well. Figure 1 on next page shows the throughput graph generated by Wireshark and source and destination addresses are clearly shown. You need to collect statistics for flows which are from server to client.



Limit (or data transmission) is a limited asset inside a system. For instance, the exhibition of a 100 Mb/s FE association between two switches is limited by that innovation. If we somehow managed to take a gander at the traffic streams over that 100 Mb/s association, we would see that, for a typical best-exertion administration, limit would be conveyed over the majority of the traffic streams. As more streams were added to that association, the assets would be spread out until, eventually, blockage happens. Blockage would upset the traffic streams over that association, influencing the conventions and applications for each stream. What is key here is that, regarding asset portion, all traffic streams have some entrance to assets. Accessible limit (dashed bend) diminishes as the quantity of traffic streams increments. Correspondingly, the stacking on the system (strong bend) from the majority of the traffic streams increments. Notwithstanding, at a few point clog influences the measure of client traffic being conveyed by the association, what's more, throughput of the association (overwhelming bend) drops. As blockage meddles with the start to finish transport of traffic, a few conventions (e.g., TCP) will retransmit traffic. The contrast between the stacking and the throughput bends is expected to retransmissions. This is unwanted, for while the association is being stacked, as it were a level of that stacking are effectively conveyed to goals. Sooner or later the majority of the traffic on that association could be because of retransmissions and throughput would approach zero. This methodology is utilized in best-exertion systems. Conversely, consider a customary communication arrange. Calls are made on this system, and assets are allotted to each call. As more calls are added to the arrange, at the point where the majority of the assets have been dispensed, extra calls are can't. The leaving approaches the system may endure no presentation corruption, however no new calls are permitted until assets are accessible. Call confirmation control (CAC) is an instrument to constrain the quantity of approaches a system, in this manner controlling the allotment of assets.

Networked Application Management Assignment9.png

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Analyzing the figures above we can see the throuput for the address which is home network is consistent but the IP is variable.

Round Trip Time

Networked Application Management Assignment11.png

Packet Loss

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As we click on a particular packets in the main window of Wireshark , it will give TCP errors which are packet loss.


Networked Application Management Assignment13.png

Round Trip Time

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Round trip time shows the delay in the data flow, in the figure above it can be seen that the delay was more at first then it drops and become consistent.

Packet Loss

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Part 3: The third part of the report is about comparing the collected Wireshark statistics of the two different networked applications on two different networks. The throughput graphs and TCP retransmission statistics for web page transfer and live streaming (provided in part 2) need to be compared with each other and for all two networks. The differences of the performance to be identified and reasons must be provided for such differences.

As shown in the figure there are zero percent broken or lost packets in both cases. The HTTP packet counter is used in Wireshark to gather the report of successful and unsuccessful packets. The packets flows between client and server and in between their comes many networking devices and software, which runs a different protocols, so [packets may be lost in this process. It is important for a network to analyze the lost packets and accordingly request for new packets for the lost ones. Analyzing the figures above us can see the throuput for the address which is home network is consistent but the IP is variable. Round trip time shows the delay in the data flow, in the figure above it can be seen that the delay was more at first then it drops and become consistent .As we click on particular packets in the main window of Wireshark; it will give TCP errors which are packet loss.

The packet lost is zero percent in both but the delay or round trip time and throughput is different, as the streaming site has lots of data flow than the pictures, so the round trip time and throughput of news website is less than streaming site.

Part 4: Students need to download, install, use and compare another free network performance measurement tool from the Internet on their home computer. One possible option is Microsoft Message Analyser. The tool should be used to analyse the network traffic captured while accessing one of the news websites mentioned in Table 1. The chosen tool should be compared with Wireshark on the basis of following criteria:

1. Ease of access and use: how easy it is to download, install and start using (any changes to be made to the system etc.) as compared to Wireshark.

2. GUI: Compare at least four GUI features of the chosen tool with Wireshark.

3. Visualisation of traffic: After capturing packets by the chosen tool the effectiveness of the visualisation of the network traffic should be compared with Wireshark.

4. Statistics generation: At least one statistics like throughput, RTT etc. needs to be generated by the chosen tool and to be compared with the same generated by Wireshark.



This is a free of cost sniffing tool which is used for monitoring the internet. It has some specific functionality such as connection between client and server , synchronization ,User datagram protocol and IP scanning , it can also ping the specific IP address to check the ICMP connectivity health or performance.

Some basic comparisons of NMAP with Wireshark




Ease of access and use

As it is command based interface , the usage is more complex as we need to remember the command , but its installation is quicker and easy

The usage is easy as it has GUI the I/O graphs and statistics are more easier to understand

GUI/ Visualization of traffic

The NMAP as it is CLI based , it can be used in PING,UDP scan,IP scan and packet loss etc

The throughput , Delay , Round trip time , HTTP and various protocols can be visualize easily as shown in the above screen shots . 

Licensing and cost



Operating system or platform

LINUX or windows

LINUX or windows


The project here deals with the internet monitoring tools especially in Wireshark. In this project we studied the Wireshark and NMAP sniffing tools in details, the tools were used to monitor two websites from the home network and MIT network, this websites contains streaming and pictures as the data, which is requested by the client and the server provides the data with some losses. The throughput, IP address, protocols etc are analyzed and screenshots are added in the report.


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