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Literature Review- Stress in Australian University Students Assignment Help

AT1: Written Assessment 

- We can only use journal articles 
- It has to be a stand-alone literature review on minimum of 10 articles about one of the three topics 

I wanted to remind you about what is required of the assignment. We are required to write a stand-alone literature review (as said on the criteria) about one of those three topics using minimum of 10 references but these references HAVE to be only journal articles and they MUST be current literature (past 10 years). At the end of our analysis we have to develop a research aim/question regarding the topic and it must be at the very end of the conclusion. I have also provided an attachment of our FAQ page of this assignment that could provide extra help.

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Literature Review

Stress is a part of life. Research demonstrates that stress and dietary behavior found among Australian University students. The research demonstrate that almost 53% of students suffering from stress. The students are suffering from stress due to the academic burden. The research explains that 57.4% offemale students suffering from stress while 47.4% male. (Papier, Ahmed, Lee, & Wiseman, 2015). The research was conduct under a cross-sectional study of first-year students. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. The results have been shown that majorly first-year students are suffering from stress due to more academic burden poor time management. The study does not explore stress management strategies, which is a limitation. 
Another research study explores that primary reason behind stress is lack of enough sleep. The research study says that the students who sleep for less than 8 hours, they have more stress. The research has been carried out quantitative insight from the student survey (Rodgers, Maloney, Ploderer, & Brereton, 2016). The findings of the research show that one of the primary reason behind student’s stress is lack of enough sleep — the research conduct in limited universities, which is one of the biggest limitations. 
 Main academic success is another cause of stress.  The students trying to stay at the top of the class, and this cause stress for them. A study explains that stress, anxiety, and depressive behavior affect the mental health of a student. The research carried out through a survey method (Lovell, Nash, Sharman, & Lane, 2015). One-third of students report that stress and anxiety affect the mental behavior of the students. The research study focuses on one key health behavior. The future research may consider on targeting one or more key health behavior.
A study explores that stress is one of the modifiable factors among university students. The author discussed that stress and depression affect the mental condition of a student (Farrer, Gulliver, Bennett, Fassnacht, & Griffiths, 2016). Moreover, it does not affect the mental condition of a student, but it also affects the personal life of an individual. The research has been conducting through an anonymous web-based survey distributed among students. The results indicate that the stress rate is high among first-year students of the university. The research carried out on a smaller scale, i.e., in limited universities. The future study can be carried out in major universities of Australia. 
The following research demonstrates that financial factor is one of the factors behind the stressful life of students. The study was carried out by using qualitative and quantitative methods from six Queensland universities (Johnstone, Brough, Crane, Marston, & Correa-Velez, 2016). The findings explain that financial hardship and unpaid placement cause stress among students. The research does not focus on other factors such as academic burden, managing deadlines, and other factors which considered as a limitation. 
The following study explains that the depressive symptoms among university students are due to high academic burden and pressure. University students face challenges and pressure that cause them to feel overwhelmed. The participants in this research selected randomly.  It shows that almost 39.5% of student face stress out of 800 respondents (Schofield, O'Halloran, McLean, Forrester-Knauss, & Paxton, 2016). The research does not focus on the specific university, which is one of the biggest limitations.
The author, in another study, explores that stress found majorly among semester level students. The author discusses that stress level usually high among university student is high due to academic/ financial work. The research carried out under a mixed-method approach (Pitt, Oprescu, Tapia, & Gray, 2018). The results indicate that stress among university students is high in the middle of the semester when exams are near.  The research focuses on semester level students and does not only focuses on annual study students.
The following study explains that workload and institutional pressure cause stress among students.  The research carried out through a random selection of participants. The result from 87 respondents explained that academic pressure negatively affects the mental and behavior condition (Steenkamp & Roberts, 2018). The carried out on a random basis, which is the biggest limitation. The study could give better and effective results if it focuses on a particular university or academic institute. 
The following study explains that high-stress level affects the mental and health conditions of students. The author explains that regular mindfulness practices help to reduce the stress level (Van der Riet, Rossiter, Kirby, Dluzewska, & Harmon, 2015). A descriptive qualitative method used to carry out research. Finally, the study focuses on demonstrating the stress managing strategies instead of finding the causes, which is the biggest limitation. 
Another study related to stress explains that high stress affects the performance of the students. The author in the following study demonstrates that some strategies used to cope with stress. Interview technique has been used to carry out research of 38 university students (Jensen, Forlini, Partridge, & Hall, 2016). The results explore that students manage stress through time management set specific goals to reduce the level of stress. The study explores the strategies instead of causes. The future study should be focused on causes among university students. 
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