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Introduction of Problem

Today, with increased challenges in a given market environment, it is found that the leaders of the organization are implementing different leadership models to assist the employees in their working tasks and other work schedules in a given working environment (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016).

The organizational performance will depend on customer service and customer satisfaction that will further depend on talent and engagement level of employees in a given working environment. However, employees will require to follow the instructions of the leader so that they can work accordingly on the strategic roadmap of the organization.

This report focuses on how servant leadership will allow the leaders to direct employees in the right direction. Also, it reflects on the importance of such leadership style in a given challenging work environment.

There is a need to inspect the overall effectiveness of this leadership style from different perspectives so that one can judge whether such a leadership style should be implemented in a given working environment or not. The major problem is related to the gaps within servant leadership theory that seem to be unaddressed (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016). Researchers have not found on correlation between traits of the leaders and followers' perceptions of leader effectiveness.

Q-1 Authors' use of literature

• Theoretical Frameworks

There are different theoretical frameworks of leadership that demonstrate how a given leader should guide his followers at a given workplace in the organization. These frameworks are designed with an objective to first make the leaders learn different leadership traits in a given working environment. They will then direct the employees on the different tasks and make them perform as per the current requirements in a given working situation.

Researchers confirm that in a servant leadership, leaders will be always putting followers first and will help them grow in a given environment. They will be training them and will be also providing with resources so that they can work as per the expectations of the organization (Babbie, 2017). They will thereby create value for a given community in a given working environment.

However, the theoretical frameworks are not focusing on the aspects of traits of servant leaders and how that will perceive followers to work accordingly in the organization. The perception of leader performance will impact the followers most in a given working environment (Babbie, 2017).

Q-2 Evaluation of Research Problem using the Problem Statement

• Research Question and Hypothesis

In servant leadership, the leader will be assisting the employees by providing them with resources and assistance wherever required. Also, leaders exhibit a number of servant-oriented behaviors to ensure that employees are working in the right direction and on the designated tasks. They will be thereby adhering to the guidelines of the organization and fulfilling the objectives of the senior management (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016).

The leaders following this leadership style are found - empowering others, making a difference in the organization by making personal contribution, behaving ethically, exhibiting positive personal qualities, and building relationships with the staff through different courses of actions (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016).

Despite adapting to such qualities and traits, it is not sure whether employees will get perceived on such abilities of the leaders. Researchers of this article have thereby formulated problem statement with the help of three hypotheses to check on whether leader's traits and abilities are correlated with the perceptions of the employees as developed under the given servant leadership style or not (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016). Second, it also wants to identify on how core self-evaluations of leaders will influence the followers to perform their tasks as per the expectations of the organization.

Q-3 Relation between Research Study and Literature: Need for using the Litmus Test as a guide

After conducting the given research, the results have provided results for all the three hypothesis that were required to be tested in this research study. In the first case, the results confirmed that leaders' core self-evaluations were positively related to followers' perceptions of servant leadership.

There was a new model developed wherein the outcome variable was subordinate ratings of a given leader for testing the hypothesis 2. The results found that leaders' core self-evaluations were positively related to followers' perceptions of leader effectiveness. Finally, for hypothesis 3, it was found that the effect of leaders' core self-evaluations on leader effectiveness is fully mediated by servant leadership (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016).

Thus, based on the outcomes of this research and also on the literature provided, it can be concluded that if employees want to work in a given servant leadership culture they need to identify the attributes of the leader that are most appropriate for the development of employees. The research study also confirmed that one of the major attributes - core self-evaluations is vital for servant leadership (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016). The leaders can accordingly design strategic objectives and guide the followers to work on the associated tasks in a given working environment.

By following the guidelines of the Litmus Test, researchers will focus on the research instructions and will not get diverted to any other form of research criteria. They will also ensure validating all the data collected to overcome different types of bias in a given research.
Purpose Served and Checking for Validity of Data

The major strengths of this study is in collecting information related to core self-evaluations from the leaders that are exhibiting servant leadership in the organization. Based on the hypothesis formulated, researchers collected the required data for this research study. However, while collecting the data, it was found that the managers were having on average 11 years of working experience whereas the subordinates were having on average 3 years of working experience (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016). It will thereby allow both managers and employees ample time to get thoroughly acquainted with each other (Flynn, Smither, & Walker, 2016).
There is no bias included in the study, however, the scope seems to be limited. The data collected is valid considering the types of methods used for data collection in this research. It thereby allowed the researchers to get the desirable outcomes.


This report determines how servant leadership can turn effective for the followers working in a given organization. However, it is more important for the leaders to stress on the factors of self-attributes that will allow them to influence the subordinates in a given working environment. In addition, it is further observed that leader's level of moral development will allow employees to remain motivated and perform at their respective workplaces in the organization (Babbie, 2017).

The leaders however need to self-evaluate them and determine the gaps associated with their working approach in the organization; they can thereby rectify it and further guide the employees on the other tasks of the organization. It will allow the employees to increase their self-confidence and motivation levels and later allow them to take decisions for the different tasks that they are working on. The senior management can thereby achieve desired objectives amid the challenging work environment.

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