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Lean Model


Introduction: In this report, the project management mythology is chosen for this lean model project management methodology, and different aspects of the lean model project management methodology will be discussed in this report. Lean model of project management methodology means the systematic minimization of the waste in the different process of the manufacturing process of the business. Lean management takes into account the waste create by overutilization of resources and uneven distribution of the workload of the project. Lean model project management methodology includes increasing all aspect, which increases the value in the product process and removes any aspect which does not add value to the whole process (Duarte, & Cruz-Machado, 2017). The lean model is mostly derived from Toyota production process which has been developed by the business in 1990 in which the business increase the value that it gives to the customers of its business (Sisson & Elshennawy, 2015). 

Question: Write a report on the project management methodologies.

Answer: The principle of the lean model project management: There are mainly five principles in the lean model project management, and these principles will be discussed here. The first principle of the lean model is to identify the value, and this means understanding the needs and wants of the market. The need or the wants of the business can be different types like price or quality. The business should understand which aspects of the product, the customers, or the targeted customers give most importance to. 

The second principle of the lean model is to map the value stream, and this principle means the mapping all the process or procedures that the business manufacturing has to go through to create the value for the business. The mapping, in this case, means the flow of the process and procedures that the business has to go through to create the value of the business. The processes or procedures can be different activities or requirement of the business like product designing, procurement, or any other processes like these. In this principle in the lean model, it is being identified which processes in the creation of the value have been ineffective or in another word, did not give or provide any value of the product or the service for which it has been conducted. These processes are removed from products creation and delivery to the customers (Alves & J. R. & Alves, 2015).

The third principle of the lean model project management methodology is flow, and under this principle, it is the flow of the product creation, and delivery process is being not interrupted and smoothly conducted without any obstruction. This principle ensures that the service time of the business or manufacturing process as small as possible (Oakland & Marosszeky, 2018). The fourth principle is the establishment of the pull, and this process shows that the business product delivery process can be improved by this improvement in the service time as the time taken to create product or service is minimized in the business. This improves the profitability of the business drastically as the business did not need to produce the service or the product before the order of it comes from the customers or can produce in smaller amount and keep a small amount of inventory. This prevents the business from incurring any loss due to obsolete of its inventory.

The fifth principle is seeking perfection, and under this principle, it is being assessed that the business does not stop its improvement process and create an environment where all its employees are constantly thinking to improve the existing procedures of the business and create more value for the customers. This is also suggested under this principle, that lean thinking should be incorporated into the corporate culture of the business. Under this lean thinking, the employee not only helped in the implement the lean model but also suggests how to better the existing processes (Tamburrano et al., 2018). All these forms the principles of the lean model project management.

Types of the lean model project management application: The lean model project management methodology application can be divided into different types, and these types will be discussed in this section. One of the major types of lean model project management methodology application that will be discussed in this section is lean thinking, and under this application, the lean model is implemented in the business by encouraging lean practices in the business environment and its daily activities. It also implemented by training the employees of the business under the lean model project management methodology. These ways, the lean model does not limit to certain processes of the business but is implemented in every activity of the business (Caldera &Desha & Dawes, 2017). Another way of application of the lean model is lean manufacturing, and under this way, all the manufacturing processes of the business are improved constantly by the lean model (Bai & Satir & Sarkis, 2018). The type of application of the lean model mainly happens in the manufacturing companies in the business. The third way of implementing lean model is lean construction, and under this way of lean model application, the construction of products or designing the product will be made according to the lean model principles. This principle has high relevance in the today business world and its product as it not only makes the products of the business more sustainable but also more helps in the sustainability of the environment. In the application, R&D processes that are conducted of these products under lean construction also fall under the lean construction application process (Dave et al., 2016). All these form the ways by which Lean model project management methodology are implemented in the business. 


The strategies to implement lean model project management methodology: Few strategies can be implemented by the lean model project management methodology, and these strategies will be discussed here. The first strategy that is used by the business to implement lean model is cellular manufacturing, and under this process, the production process of the business can be divided into two major parts, and they are group components and manufacturing cells. Manufacturing cells represents a particular area of production, and the group component represents a specific area of responsibility of the business. Then this meeting points of the group components and manufacturing process are called workstations of the manufacturing process of the business. These workstations are rearranged in such a way under this method that the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall manufacturing processes increases. This strategy helped the business minimize the service time and better the flow of the manufacturing process of the business. 

The second strategy is Takt Time, and under this strategy, the time or time rate taken to complete the manufacturing process of the business to meet the demand of the business. The Takt time can be used as metrics to measure the flow efficiency of the manufacturing process or service process of the business. Also, it can be assessed whether the manufacturing process of the business is conducting at an optimum level where all assets are utilized in its optimum level (Frandson & Seppänen & Tommelein, 2015). The formula used for calculation of the takt time is time available to the business to fulfill the need of the customers divided by the demand of the business. In this case, the demand means the total number of times the products or services of the business will be needed by the total customer in the market. The biggest benefit of the Takt time is that it encourages efficiency in its processes.

The third strategy is standardized work, and under this concept, all aspects of the manufacturing are properly documented and monitored by the business according to the standards set by the business. The aspects which are included in this strategy implementation is material cost, labor cost, the method used in these process, and many more aspects like these. This strategy is used usually with the takt time to improve the service time of the production or service process of the business (Teiwes et al., 2016).

The fourth strategy that can be used to implement lean model is a continuous flow, and under this strategy, the focus is upon reduction of batch size to increase the quality of the product or service that is delivered to the customers under the current manufacturing process constraints. In this strategy, the batch size is reduced, but the flow of the overall manufacturing process is increased to ensure that the business able to produce the same number of products or service as it was producing before. Therefore, under this strategy, the quality of the output of the business manufacturing process is improved.

The fifth strategy that can be used to implement lean model is Kanban Pull system, and under this system, the manufacturing process of the business started only when a customer request for the product and not before it (Cakmakci et al., 2019). There are some major benefits of this strategy, and some of these benefits will be discussed here. The first benefit is that it increases the customization of the product, and this increase the customer satisfaction of the business. The second benefit is the lower amount of capital needed as the cash conversion cycle of this type of system is low. The third benefit is that it makes the monitoring of different aspects of production easier.

The benefit of the lean model project management: The lean project management methodology benefits the business and customers in different ways. These ways way will be discussed here. The first benefit is the increase in the value of the products or service of the business. This model not only increases the value that the business gives to its customers, but it also helped the business become more competitive in the market. The second benefit of this lean model is the better waste management of the business and this benefit not only the business by reducing the waste cost of the business but also makes the processes of the business more environmentally sustainable as the resources are used more efficiently by the business. Therefore, this model also helps this lean model project management methodology. 

The third benefit of this lean model project management methodology is the better service timing to the customer, and this not only reduces many costs of the business but also increase the demand and production capacities of the business. This also means the better utilization of the different fixed cost of the business. The fourth benefit of this lean model project management methodology is the better sustainability of the business under it as this reduces the different cost of the business and this is one of the biggest benefits of this model as it can help the business respond to different financial problem of the business effectively. The fifth benefit is the better inventory management of the business under of this lean model project management methodology as under this model; the business can implement just in time or other efficient inventory management method in which the storage and ordering cost of the business is minimum. The sixth benefit of this lean model project management methodology is the high flexibility that the business incurs due to the effective implementation of the lean model, and this helps the business increase its capabilities of the business.

Conclusion: In this report, the different aspects of the lean model had been discussed. First of all, the definition of this model show, it is is the reduction in the wastage in the different process of the business and the increase in the efficiency of the business. Then the five principles of the lean model had been evaluated, and these principles are the identification of the value, mapping the value stream, creation of flow, the establishment of pull, and seeking perfection. Then the different benefit of the business had been identified. Then the different way and strategies by which the lean model are implemented had been discussed.


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