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Leadership Evaluation and Leadership Philosophy Assignment Help

Part 1

Conclude by justifying whether or not you think this leader supports the values of conscious capitalism. Is the leader&#39;s leadership style effective? Do you believe the leader acted ethically in the situation? Be sure to consider each tenet of conscious capitalism in your leader evaluation. Next, imagine yourself as a practitioner of servant leadership. You have been appointed into the leadership role in this same circumstance. Explain how the situation would be different. Address the four criteria listed above in your discussion and incorporate the principles of conscious capitalism by explaining how your personal values and style are influenced by each tenet.

Part 2

Your goal is to create a distinctive statement (200 words) that incorporates the elements outlined above. The end product should clearly articulate how you view yourself as a leader and how others would view you as a leader. It should also make clear how you can contribute to the success of other people and an organization as a whole.

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The leadership that will be discussed in this evaluation is Akio Toyoda, who is a family member of the founding family of Toyota Motor Corporation is. The leadership issue that will be discussed is founding family members including Akio Toyoda forming the majority of the upper management of Toyota which increasing less tolerated by the other shareholders of the company as they think it is making the decision-making process biased and not fully effective including Akio Toyoda who is the current president of the company (HANS GREIMEL, 2019). This is creating an ethical issue in company leadership.

Part 1

1. The power bases used by the leader

The first power bases used by the legitimacy as Akio Toyoda elected as the president of Toyota Corporation through legal procedure and the founding family hold the majority of the shares of the company which makes the decision taken by the family legitimate. Akio Toyoda has successfully mitigated the different crisis in the company, including quality control crisis and this show Akio is informational and have expert knowledge. Also, the founding family pride itself on the company history and have vast knowledge about it, and this makes their decision making more informative than others (Ojo & Ree & Carretta, 2016). Therefore, it has been identified that informational and expert as power bases used by Akio Toyoda. Therefore, the ethical issue found to irrelevant under this section.

2. The influence tactics used by the leader

The major influence tactic used by Akio Toyoda is rational persuasion as he persuaded other investors of the company to agree to many changes in the company through logic and facts. The second influence tactic used by Akio Toyoda is consultation, and under this influence tactic, Akio Toyoda took expert help to solve many crises in the company like reappointing Katsuaki Watanabe was reassigned as Vice-Chairman in time of quality control crisis. The third tactic is personal appeal as he made many changes in the company which has transformed the company future and this had been done through appeal to the different employee through the faith of the people in him due to many reasons. Therefore, this ethical issue found to be irrelevant under this section.

3. The leadership style of the leader

The leadership style of Akio Toyoda is transformational as he made many significant changes in Toyota and also helps the company recover from many crises. He had also changed the managerial structure of the company, which had made the company more efficient, and all these make him a transformational leader who has been proactive in its thinking process. Therefore, this ethical issue found to be irrelevant under this section.

4. The outcome of the situation

The researcher thinks that Akio Toyoda has fulfilled the all values of conscious capitalism as the company has seen high growth under his leadership and the company has become one of the biggest competitive automobile companies through its cost leadership strategy, and it is creating conscious culture. This has been possible through his transformational leadership, which reflect the new innovative ways the company takes to grow, and this falls under conscious leadership (Anderson, 2019). This fulfils stakeholder orientation principle as it gives high value to each one of them. He has also made all required changes in the business operation to make it is sustainable and this fulfil the principle of higher purpose. Therefore, the Akio Toyoda leadership style has been effective, and the ethical issue in this case identified has found to been irrelevant as Akio Toyoda found to be acted ethically.

Under the servant leadership, the situation would have been different as the stakeholders' interest value would have been low, there would have no freedom in the culture, and the leadership would have kept its interest first.


Part 2

1. Distinctive statement of the researcher after this evaluation

The leadership statement that has been selected by me after the above assessment is that the leadership of a person should be transformational and the person should believe in the taking the proactive decision to create a difference in the organisation or in the team in which he belongs to. Also, a leader should always open to change and suggestion. The personal beliefs that have been incorporated in communication and innovation are two important factors that decide a company or person growth. It has been experienced by me in a lot of time a successful idea fails due to lack of communication or lack of innovation which could remove all weaknesses in it and make the idea successful. The leadership style of the researcher is transformational as I believe in innovation and communication, which encourage proactive decision making. I also believe that the rational persuasion and coalition are the best to influence for the leader as it creates minimum conflict in the long run and also helps to gain others trust.

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