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Introduction: Leadership is a quality by which a person is able to lead a mass, a nation. The leadership consumes with some qualities like communication, honesty, problem solving attitude and many other qualities to be successful. Nelson Mandela is a well known name in the field of leadership thus the paper will discuss the leadership qualities in him by which he become successful.

Question: Discussing: A brief biography about your favourite leader/role model - Nelson Mandela.

Answer: Nelson Mandela As A Leader

Biography: Nelson Mandela is a well known name in the world history as a successful leader. His life span was from 1918 to 2013 and during his life he fought for South African people and become popular as philanthropist revolutionary political leader and became first president as a black in complete democratic election. The mission of Nelson Mandela was to have peace, liberty, democracy and freedom for everyone (Arslan et al., 2016). He along with his government shared a vision of abolishing racism. For his vision he even got imprisoned for several years and finally become free in 1990. All his activities are completely accountable not only in the history of South Africa even in the global history. He was a self composed person as he won all the battles by his mental strength. He was iron - self - disciplined man with significant values and vision, supreme intelligence and powerful communicator with a smile in his face always. This type of friendly attitude of him even often helps him to win his enemies. But the most remarkable attribute in his character undoubtedly referred to his honesty as in politics the word his very hard to find its value. But in the case of Mandela he is known for his popularity as he abides by all the values he spoke of. He even practiced all minute values in his life keeping a safe distance from the cameras. He always talks about equality and he firmly believes that a nation needs to show same approach towards the people without doing any sort of discrimination. He was much courteous to his fellow team members as he knows the fact very well that only his effort will not serve the purpose to fulfill his vision. At early 90's there was no unity among the blacks of South Africa rather it was known for fights and clashes but he first took the initiative to bring an unity among them for future support of the nation. Mandela always believes in the power of his party rather than in himself only. He also took initiative to invent a rule by which both black and white can play rugby together as he believes in the power of the team rather than the color of the skin. It can be assumed without saying that initiation of an effective team need a great communicator to build the team. In this field even he proves him as a successful leader. He was a strategic fighter as there was no space for black in his early life. He went through a tough battle both physically and mentally to achieve his vision of a democratic country even for this he was thrown behind the bars but he did not give up (Lakshmanan et al., 2018). To be very precise, it can be said that he is the builder of the nation as he first abolish racism and build a free, democratic country offer equality for all as he was empathetic to all his countrymen with their situation and took much initiatives to solve their problem with all his effort and qualities like intelligence, problem solving and friendly attitude, honesty and discipline of his character and with sheer fighting attitude to overcome any obstacles in his life and with all his great leadership qualities he become popular as a successful leader in the global history being a fighter for the racism - the greatest problem of the whole world (Shamir et al., 2018).

Conclusion: The paper discuss about all the qualities a successful leader should have by citing Nelson Mandela as a successful leader.


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