Laws against Animal Cruelty and for protecting Animal Feeders in Different Countries

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Laws against Animal Cruelty and for protecting Animal Feeders in Different Countries

The possible conditions about laws to stand against animal cruelty and for protecting animal feeders have the potentials of widespread changes, as well as some similarities among different countries. This effectively gives enough reason for launching a research, which would present effective outcomes and results, which would present some important answers to the existing unfulfilled questions. Through careful contextual factors and conditions about, the research showcase the centrality and umbrella-like influence of animal cruelty laws to actual manifestations like used for protecting animal feeders. Additionally, other considerations were central in portraying the circumstances and conditions as well.


When tackling the topic about laws concerning animals, there is a legitimate challenge since this covers a wide area of many topics comprising entire countries' numerous legal codes and statutes. It is why this dissertation is generally focused upon two distinct yet interrelated topics. Animal cruelty, by normative view of the law, is the infliction by humans the commission or omission of suffering and/or harm toward non-humans (Sauder, 2000). Providing to protection for animal feeders generally relate to individuals or parties who take to providing necessary food for consumption to non-humans. Such people are generally threatened by a number of external forces actions like verbal abuse, physical violence as well as constructed or derived legal action like threats for eviction(Li & Davey, 2013). Nevertheless to properly understand these would require getting into the umbrella concepts like animal rights and animal welfare respectively. 

Animal Rights and Welfare in terms of preventing cruelty and protecting feeders

The point about including the ideas, concepts, questions etc. regarding the treatment and behaviors against animals included some questions being presented throughout human history. For instance, Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks displayed the emotion of anger he felt towards humanity raising animals for slaughter. However, French philosopher Rene Descartes believed that non-humans or animals are 'functioning automata', basically meaning that they are complex machines with no soul, reason or mind to actually compare with humans (Srinivasan, 2013). Nevertheless, it was Charles Darwin's seminal theory of evolution, which fully painted the picture of the relationship that humans had with other species. Despite what Descartes had claimed before, there was noted sign usage in complex forms, use of tools and a certain extent of self-consciousness, which were evident within some animals(Sauder, 2000). Social, moral and mental orientation is evident under the theory of evolution for animals; however, as noted by contemporary philosopher Nigel Warburton, humans have sought to use animals as they see fit with the dominance of justifying their underlying differences from human beings.

Animal rights and welfare is mostly based upon the following terms, and often end up point to the fact that capacity of suffering constitutes the main focus of discussion. This is the current point of basis that laws against animal cruelty and for protecting animal feeders have become so prominent under judicial conditions and statements in so many places and nations(Srinivasan, 2013). The notion of life-hood, and the conditions of suffering that animals have to experience has immense magnitude in terms of occurrence. Taking, for example, the questions about animal cruelty could constitute legitimate concerns about the conditions, policies and functions of factory farms in general(Sauder, 2000). Or, they could potentially involve a random act of inflicting physical violence in the hopes of gaining something, such as entertainment in circus or video. Additionally, the point about inflicting cruelty could be seen as an act or behavior to be attained as an end by one, which also constitutes a legitimate case of animal cruelty.

The need for protecting animal feeders generally originate from wider social concerns about recognizing the concepts of animal rights and welfare. It applies to people specifically in terms of protecting those who satisfy the needs of animals from a specific perspectives. There are certain animal species who have been first domesticated by humans, and then eventually remain within the human society(Srinivasan, 2013). It could be seen as people owning pets, or stray dogs and cats that remain localized in an area, depending directly upon humans for their survival. Generally speaking, laws are aimed to those who actually help in surviving with the term animal feeders generally meaning those who provide food. However, in such a case of concerns, there have been many instances of other humans looking for ways to prevent humans in terms of actually see through their motivations and their resultant actions.

So, both these topic areas are covered in the law in many countries across the world, but the main question of this research focuses if there actually has been proper coverage of legal policies and codes in such fashion. From the previous paragraphs, it is quite evident that the occurrences of challenges and cases under law(Srinivasan, 2013). The main point of question would be to seek out and understand whether laws from different countries actually recognize the scenario(Srinivasan, 2013), and is able to convey judgment with proper orientation and recognition of animal rights and welfare respectively.

How Different Countries present the Laws that prevent Animal and Protect the Animal Feeders

The variations under the laws about the potential provision of recognizing legal constructions under both these conditions and circumstances are highly relevant and consequential. India, for example, launched the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act in 1960, and it has become the primary legal basis of seeking proper animal rights and welfare in the country (Sorenson, 2003). Section 11 specifically provides the grounds for animal cruelty making it illegal to inflict unnecessary pain or suffering or other causes, which could be experienced by the animals(Srinivasan, 2013). For a long time, the details of this Act was tantamount to a number of contradicting positions and circumstances. These were, however, changed with the Indian Animal Welfare Act, 2011, which sought to classify animal cruelty as an offence and actually increased the fine to a minimum of 10,000 INR on first time offences(Srinivasan, 2013). However, the still active Act is still operable under the indication of opening up possible exceptions like the killing of animals for food and for different religious purposes of tradition and/ceremony (World Wildlife Fund, 2020). These perspectives leave a great deal of opportunities for egregious actions of animal cruelty to actually not receive a great deal of prosecution and the achievement of justice.

Sections 428 and 429 of the PCA, 1960 mentions that it is illegal to cause any injury or maiming to animals, even those that are stray and live close to human proximity(Li & Davey, 2013). Moreover, Section 11 ensures that it is illegal to poison any animal regardless of their state. However, as one can note that there is no specific provision in the law for protecting animal feeders in the country in what is their lawful right to explicitly do so(Sorenson, 2003). Only the point of the Animal Welfare Board of India issuing recognizable Identification Documents have possible notion of preventing harassment from other people(World Wildlife Fund, 2020). But, one can evidently view the apparent gaps under this legal provision, as it leaves a great deal of options open for the many actors in attacking and preventing animal feeders.

In the United States of America, there is most definitely a different set of conditions operating in terms of what the proposed legal conditions and arrangements bring forward. The Animal Welfare Act, 1966 is the most prominent law operating in the country, which potentially provides the legal instrument in preventing animal cruelty, specifically in the federal level of governance(Sorenson, 2003). However, this act only seeks to prosecute animal cruelty only under specific conditions, including research, exhibition, transport and those who indirectly profit as a business. Among other criteria, there are also Endangered Species Act, 1973, which actually makes it illegal to kill an animal belonging to a recognized endangered species(World Wildlife Fund, 2020), and Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, 2019, which makes egregious forms of animal cruelty like crushing, burning, drowning etc. of all animals a federal criminal offense(Sorenson, 2003). However, the most important responsibilities in these legal codes within the jurisdiction of states, which tend to offer laws that differ significantly. As a balancing case, local governments of counties and cities also provide necessary statutes of directing and presenting possible equitability in the law of recognizing animal cruelty even if their respective states should not recognize many of the required clauses and sections.

In terms of protecting animal feeders, the question associates directly with most state and local laws instituting legal statutes, policies and conditions, mainly on the basis of companion animals and protecting wildlife (Srinivasan, 2013). Feeders could specify their attention in any specific direction, but it certainly poses a problem wherein the possible distinctions could not be made(World Wildlife Fund, 2020). These laws have lately started associating with some notable directions of presenting 'hands on' scenario to effectively require reduction of harmful conditions and circumstances(Kelch, 2012). All these points are all significantly associative of presenting and constituting important factors(Kelch, 2012), which show the apparent failure to recognize such occurrences and the problems that could be faced.

As one can effectively witness, the apparent distinctions and differences between animal cruelty laws and those protecting animal feeders are notable in India and the United States(Kelch, 2012). However, there is certainly consistent trends, which need to be address in terms of the contexts, conditions and specificity covered under these grounds at large.(World Wildlife Fund, 2020) These would comprise the overall conditions, which would provide the necessary grounds of performing the exact research depending greatly upon the applying details.

Research Problem

The general specific conditions that apply to animal cruelty laws generally supply with the observations that they essentially fail at achieving their ultimate results. A number of possible reasons could apply to them, such as lack in proper enforcing, a wide extent of possible exemptions and other incidental factors(Kelch, 2012). The lack of proper, direct and actually effective composition of legal statutes addressing the topic need to be explored in terms of what different laws present under different jurisdictions. The matter with laws protecting animal feeders offers a different scenario at large, which evidently applies specifically to India in terms of instituting the conditions for cruelty animals may happen or take place(Kelch, 2012). However, the case of United States does not even go as effectively as it probably should(World Wildlife Fund, 2020). This opens up the question whether occurrences against animal feeders is as notable in many countries as they are in India, and what exactly constituted the proper definition of the term 'animal feeder'(World Wildlife Fund, 2020). These important questions all require helpful answers with the help of the constituting circumstance of research questions mentioned below.

Research Objectives

The conditions associated with presenting the necessary of objectives of this research are as follows:

  • To properly understand the ideas behind animal rights and welfare, which went in to establishing these laws.
  • To find proper explanation of the lack in context and background exactly why certain areas, small or big, of topic focus or area are not actually covered.
  • To establish the relations between laws about animal cruelty and laws that protect animal feeders.
  • Explain the significance behind the possible conditions with respect to the challenges over the outcome of justice.
  • To underscore improvements in these laws in certain directions and why exactly such things need to take place.

Research Questions

The effective conditions that lie beneath specifying the exact answers, and what they actually mean or be defined by could be distilled into a research question to be answered fully and acceptably at the end of research. This may be shown as per the following:

What are the commonalities in laws against animal cruelty and those for protecting animal feeders in different countries, and what exact relations do they offer between each other?

By that specific notion, there are several research questions, which could be placed in terms of the following:

  • What are the commonalities in laws against animal cruelty in different countries?
  • What are the commonalities in laws for protecting animal feeders in different countries?
  • Are there any relations between these two specific legal coverage points?
  • What are the contexts and backgrounds under any observation in law in any area in any country?
  • Do the current conditions and specifics regarding both these areas acquiring legal attention require improvements, and if so, what are they?

These sub-questions distill and shall guide the necessary steps central to the research. They will carry out the important points about gathering important information and data at different points laying the groundwork either primarily or secondarily.

Overview of the laws against Animal Cruelty in Different Countries

Sauder (2000) does provide some exceptional groundwork in exactly specifying the need for laws punishing and classifying animal cruelty as an act of a felony crime. It states how observable linkages within empirical data have been noted when tying up data of animal cruelty, and other forms of interpersonal crimes. Nevertheless, in the suggestions to prevent animal cruelty, Sauder (2000) also offers important and distinctiverelating to enforcing and early intervention as necessary to prevent such a crime. Sorenson (2003) addresses the addressing and changes to such laws in the country of Canada, and reports on their opposition. The changes within the country's Constitution recognized only some specific financial punishments in factory farms, as well as applying to the entire farm animals industry. Nevertheless, on the slight observation of the smallest of legal threats, the constitutive powers in such an industry acted out of bad faith in order to propose the changes' ultimate rejection. In a developed nation like Canada, it argues for a recurrence of the possibilities that even the slightest concern about animal rights and welfare could potentially bring forward an outraged and damaging response.

Sorenson's (2003) point is certainly reflective of the failure to extend the power and effectiveness of animal cruelty laws across countries for such a long time. Motivated by myopic human purposes, they represent important distinctions highlighted with high order inconsideration as to what extent animals experience suffering, exploitation and other far worse results. Cassuto &Eckhardt (2016) present the overview of the legal regimes under this particular focus of the law in the countries of Brazil and the United States. Both these countries recognize the philosophical and ideals based needs of protecting animals from cruelty. However, they are also consistently notable in protecting the case for farm animals as well as the farming industry to a significant extent. In that case, Mitchell (2011) showcases how the inhumane treatment persists in farming, and especially industrialized farming setting, which is also something that Cassuto &Eckhardt (2016) do not fail to note or present as a notable factor when all things are duly considered. Generally speaking, the political and economic pressures that both these regimes face directly result in highlighting and specifying the conditions related to overall ineffectiveness persisting with these laws in terms of getting the results.

In understanding as to how it exactly happens, one would only need to observe the discoveries presented by Mitchell (2011) who states the conditions of moral disengagement. Generally speaking, the author places these occurrences mainly because of the technological transformations or machine based industrialization of factory farming. As a result, the reported over 70% account of the extent of animal abuses that realistically take place generally happen in a highly impersonal and disengaged fashion. The economical relevance, according to Mitchell (2011), is something that also cannot be considered separate as it also shapes the public opinion and outlooks toward what exactly one is trying to attain or achieve. Favre (2016) offers the existence of a treaty to extend and manifest the possible results of animal cruelty. It is the author's argument that without a proper international and holistic agreement between nations, laws that address this very topic cannot effectively provide with the desired results altogether.

In light of all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that American laws present and uphold, it would become innately helpful to consolidate a conjunction with attaining specific ingredients from a separate culture and region, according to Chandola (2002). The author includes the concern with Eastern philosophical tenets of preventing animal cruelty and nonviolence. However, Chandola (2002) admits that it has not produced exactly positive countries in India where most of these philosophies and the school of thought emerges from. It all focuses upon how the upgradation of these ideas and perspectives would take place, and how one can disseminate in order to produce the most positive results. However, this same philosophical outlooks share some important realizations about cow protectionism and speciesism in India as shown by Narayanan (2018). The application is supposed to have some notable consequences upon the entire ecological balance and biodiversity.

Srinivasan (2013) highlights important delineations about the case of the impact of bio-politics in India and compares it with UK. By highlighting the understanding of dog control and care, it highlights how more-than-human geographies play functions in displaying animal rights and welfare. According to Srinivasan (2013), the relevant points about Indian case is that dogs share the same physical and ethical space, and legal, spatial and more-than-human geography result in some form of co-constitution. Although it does not necessarily cover any consequential aspects of welfare, rights in terms of letting those animals exercise their being constitutes some empathy and concerns as opposed to the masked and invisible euthanasia, neutering and breeding. The author argues that Western legal systems often favor the 'agential subjectification' of what makes these animals' lives seem worthy to people. Narayanan's (2018) case of cow protectionism seems absolutely relevant and applicable in this case wholeheartedly. It depicts how such developments could take place, and the species based costs could prove to be highly damaging to the circumstances.

This is the overview of laws that evidently present support and consolidate the necessary viewpoints on animal cruelty laws. The complex underlying teachings and concepts provide important sources of reflection moving forward.

Overview of Laws for protecting Animal Feeders in Different Countries

Unlike animal cruelty laws, it is important to recall that the concept of legally protecting animal feeders came from India. In the previous chapter, there was very less occurrence in terms of transposing that law in the United States specifically.Kelch (2012) provides with enough backgrounds and conditions into explaining why the literal absence of legal codes provisioning for protecting animal feeders. This is primarily based upon the conditions of what relationship animals in the public space have with the humans existing in the public space. In Western countries, the relationship is based upon executing public works and agencies to generally remove prominent proximity between animals and humans wherein both exist freely (Kelch, 2012). As a result, feeders in their general sense is not always found in these specific jurisdictions. Donham et al. (2007) provides necessary reasons in order to indicate what exactlyconstitutes the non-inclusion of human feeders. In general, animals who are 'strays' in public human spaces also become a prominent source of disease and other forms of harm, such as going feral or violent. In Srinivasan (2013), this point has already been very prominently portrayed and presented, as humans attacking and harming stray animals tend to have an exchange basis in relationship. This point is quite specifically relevant in order to properly understand why Donham et al. (2007) argues is important for maintaining physical separation between human society and animals.      

Radford (2001) also supports this viewpoint while noting the general sources of disease as a very harmful consequence of having stray animals exist by themselves in human public spaces. Often, these tend to become sources of some strain of disease sources, which tend to be critical and challenging in the form of outbreaks. However, Radford (2001) argues in presenting with the delineations that important consequences of such laws preventing exist in jurisdictions where such animals actually exist, and some people take the initiative to feed them. However, the general conditions of social acceptance often implies some damaging scenarios, for which the short end of suffering, pain and death almost always end up being those animals. Kolbe (2013) generally idealizes the potential connections between the circumstances, and the determining of fact that 'concentrated animal feeding operations' in the United States farm factories generally imply results that seem to share with normative public feeding as well. The author specifically ties the reason in terms of the state of conditions, which persist in those factories, and as time goes on, the conditions only worsen with time (Kolbe, 2013). The conditions of laws not actually intervening and enforcing the conditions as highlighted in light of the umbrella of animal cruelty legal formula.

As pointed with Kolbe (2013), the conditions associated feeding animals often correlates with concerns and instances that almost always imply collective undertakings and circumstances. Centner (2006) points to the fact about 'nuisances' to neighbors, which ultimately motivates taking damaging measures affecting the animals. It is primarily because the existence of such concerns are often associated and directed with the aim of provisioning food implies the persistence of such animals in neighborhood public places. Associations with affective negative implications could mean probable retaliation against both the animals and the people feeding them (Centner, 2006). In the case of the former, familiar conditions of ways to hurt animals constituting as criminal offenses have been put into statues and penal codes. However, the latter aspect is something that has no direct precedents in terms of directly provisioning necessary legal recourses in almost all of country jurisdictions, including United States. India only addresses this condition separately with the help of animal welfare agencies issued identification, which do not actually deter measures for harm directly.

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