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Research Project, Charles Sturt University, Australia

ITC595 Information Security

Security threats in cloud computing andprevention methods


Question: Prepare a research paper on "Security threats in cloud computing and prevention methods".

Answer: Abstract: The security standards are considered to be emerging with the focus on the different research activities that help in highlighting over the standards for the cloud applications and the services. It works on the highlighting of the sustainable countermeasures where there is a need to focus on the cloud security and then planning about the use of different portability, flexibility and the data resilience standards. The companies are working on the adoption and the organizational development to allow the addition of capabilities with the service functionalities as well.

Keywords: Security, Cloud Computing, Countermeasures

Introduction: The cloud computing is about the planning where the construction of the IT services are for the advancement of the computational power with the improvement of the storage standards. The major focus is on the planning and understanding about the hardware which is connected for the determining of the network device standards. Here, there is a need to work on the networking and then handling the addition of the capabilities and the service functionalities. The planning needs to be done for handling the emerging technology where there are geographically distant systems that work on offering a better and a portable storage system.

A. Research Problem: The research is based on handling the cloud computing standards with ensuring that the users can use them at any time. The planning is done to enable the users and then plan about the accessing of the system. Here the applications are based on mainly understanding the availability for the cloud systems which are for the applications that are hosted on it [1]. The problems are related to the VMWare and then how the security measures need to be considered for the higher availability of a single provider. The research is about the different aspects where the planning needs to be done to ensure about network offers with mechanism-based computing services.

B. Research Justification: The research is about the understanding and then planning about the cloud computing aspects. They are defined through handling the different procedures and thenencompassing the service offerings which help in permitting the options for the collaboration. There are cloud computing standards for working over the global networks and then ensuring about the different network planning. The security threats and the vulnerabilities need to work on the formation with remote servers, permitting the users accessibility of information for the different locations [2].


Literature Review: According to the cloud computing standards, there are different factors which involves the categories about the computer network like the software and the hardware with the service providers. There are cloud computing standards to work on the detrimental approach for the political, social and the ethical landscape which helps in handling the issues which are related to the problems like trademark, copyrights and the other factors of the personal information [3]. Hence, it involves the planning where there are threats related to the risks for the services and then handling the Cloud Security Alliance which is set through handling the accessing through the different cloud storage. The public cloud services are mainly to configure and hen plan about the installation, easy connection and then planning of the geographical location as well. The planning needs to be about handling the cyber attacks which tend to infiltrate the public cloud and then upload the larger amount of the malware for the computers. There are attacks which are set in the range for the Man-in-the-Middle, where the planning is about handling the injection of the false information with sniffer attacks [4]. The DoS attacks and the cookie poisoning is when there are cloud service providers which tend to allow the users to work on cutting the services on a trial basis. There are hackers who might be able to upload the malicious codes and then there are criminals working on conducting the different activities as well. The planning needs to be done where the hackers are able to upload the malicious codes and then making the way for the cyber criminals to work on handling the different problems of the weak fraud detection [5]. The threats are for the cloud computing and then planning about the ability to focus and plan about the fraud detection. The threats are related to the cloud computing where the major focus is on the ability to handle the attacks and the cybercriminals. The planning is about the threats which are for the insecure interfaces, API and the Virtual Machines. The users of the management of cloud services [7]. APIs are considered important for providing the management, provisioning and then handling the activity monitoring and encryption. The applications are set through working on the internet and the flaws which tend to create the vulnerabilities for the applications. They are created on the SaaS service models where the attackers have been using the web for the compromising of the computer users and then performing the malicious activities like the stealing of the data which is sensitive.

Vulnerability: It is about the external threats which an individual tend to see with the risks that are related to the cloud computing. Here, the standards are based on handling the forms and then creating the challenges that holds to take the place related to the enterprise planning in the risk situation. It leads to the lack of the layout and then plan about making the infrastructure vulnerable which is for highlighting on the encryptions and can lead to the attacks of the sensitivity. The planning of the cyber criminals is through accessing and gaining the credentials which includes the problems where the employees need to work on handling the unauthorized planning to provide the access for the users and then work on the lack of security. The hackers are able to encroach the virtual machine with planning about the related sessions about the hijacking and the traffic problems.

There are different countermeasures which includes the handling of the challenges through averting the risks and the threats that are easy to manage. The cloud security needs to be established with NSA which are set through handling the different countermeasures and the implementation is done through the cloud infrastructures. The identity management needs to handle the role-based standards which include the management and then handling the destruction strategies. The encryption needs to be planned with the focus on the acquisition of data and then handling the providers and the other vendors who are working on the different regulations and dimensions [6]. There are forms where NSA has been working on the employees and the providers who need to adhere to the different policies and then discouraging cybercriminals. There are use of the private cloud structures where the protection of the firewalls need to be done to ensure about handling the sensitive information and then planning about the attacks as well. It requires to work on the implementation, architecture and the data security standards where there are offers for the unsurmountable amounts of the benefits. It will help in allowing the benefits which are based on working with the different overall security standards as it help in handling the applications with the different components like the transformation of the image and the access control [6]. The countermeasures need to map with the client-based sectors and then handling the sensitive data targets. There are planning and the mapping is done with the easy collaboration to ensure that the risks and the security threat provide a reliance on the providers.


Proposed Design: The proposed countermeasures will help in keeping the records and then planning on the evolutionary standards. It needs to work on the applications, services and the innovation which will help in placing the cloud computing at an indispensable form. There are sectors for the cybercriminals who are working on addressing the growing concerns and then planning about the strengthening of the cloud computing of the users as well. 

Conclusion: The security standards are based on the research and experimentation where the research needs to be done to ensure that one is able to address the policies for the network security. The planning needs to be done to ensure about how the user confidence is important for creating the trust for the cloud resources and then working on the security standards with providing a better approach for the environmental planning. The standards are based on working over the trust management and then ensuring about the user level service agreements which are made for the trust and the reputation management as well [7]. The focus is on the solutions and the trust management where there are effective countermeasures to introduce the security elements.

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