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Interrelationship Between Knowledge, Theory And Research Assignment Help

Reflect on Fawcett and Garity's definitions of knowledge, theory, research and evidence-based practice presented in the Learning Resources. How do these definitions align with your understanding of the concepts?

How does this interrelationship support or guide your EBP Project?

Fawcett and Garrity definition align understanding of knowledge, theory and research and evidence-based practice

Fawcett and Garrity views regarding knowledge, theory and research and evidence based practices suggest that large scale randomized controlled trails are imperative for implementing interventions (Fawcett & Garrity, 2009). This statement reveals that for knowledge gain and theory generation, evidence based research practices are required. To establish credibility in theory and knowledge generation, the authors suggest that research design, sample, process used to collect data, experiential conditions, techniques used for data analysis and protection of participants are essential to prepare effective interventions. They also mention that naturalistic paradigm, critical emancipator paradigm and postpositivist paradigms are important factors to consider for research design. They have stressed to produce middle range theories by considering different research designs such as phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and other theories. They have illustrated needs of stratified random sampling and cluster sampling methods to collect relevant data. Overall they have asserted that middle range theories are essential factors to establish relationship between knowledge, theory and evidenced based practices.

The literature review to judge the arguments of Fawcett and Garrity suggest that middle range theories are vital to establish a link between knowledge, theory and evidence based practices. A recommendation by Fawcett to use the Roy's five core adaptation context is also found relevant by other researchers. The evidence based practice refers to combining research, patient preferences and clinical knowledge to arrive at healthcare decisions. It requires the use of best information as well as understands the customs, opinions and rituals to form a clinical judgement (Evidences based practice," 2019). Further, use of grounded theory, ethnography theory and phenomenology theory generate knowledge about human perceptions and attitudes of participants that assists to develop effective interventions.

Grounded theory is found to generate information from human participants about their thoughts process and attitudes and is used as a qualitative research tool (Foley, G., & Timonen, 2015). Ethnography research design assists to understand the social views and it is used as a reflexive process to generate knowledge (Hammersley, M., & Atkinson, 2007). Similarly phenomenology study provides insights about the different worldviews of the participants (Casey, 2009). These factors suggest that to formulate an effective research design, middle range theories and appropriate research designs are imperative.

Middle range theory are found to develop evidenced based practices as their applications are vital for nursing research (Peterson, & Bredow, 2009).

Interrelationship between knowledge, theory and research and evidence based practices

If we consider the Fawcett and Garrity definitions of development of effective interventions, they suggest establishing a proper process such as research designs, sampling and tools of research to develop understanding of knowledge, theory and research and evidence based practices. I found that research design and middle range theories are imperative to establish a link between knowledge, theory and research and evidence based practice. Their suggestions to formulate large samples for research assist to generalize the findings over population as well.

Support to evidence based practice project

What I learnt from the views of Fawcett and Garrity is they provide a guideline to conduct research in a proper way for generating knowledge, theory and research and evidence based practices. Therefore, their suggestions are found vital for the success of nursing theories development and effective interventions. accepts instant and short deadlines order for Interrelationship Between Knowledge, Theory And Research Assignment Help – order today for excellence!


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