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Intercultural Relationships Assignment Help

First, discuss the complexities of communicating and developing relationships across cultures. Then discuss the complexities of communicating and developing online intercultural relationships.

Finally, compare and contrast face-to-face and online intercultural realtionships by discussing the similarities and differences of the two relationship types.

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Complexities of communicating and developing relationships across cultures

The establishment of developing relationships on an intercultural basis can come across as intimidating for many, and it can be riddled with many complexities and challenges. For instance, there is always a degree of confusion and uncertainty regarding the interpretation and response to the other cultures, in a face to face situation. Individuals belonging to a particularly cultural minority might be uncomfortable in their perception of those belonging to the majority groups. This can also give rise to fear or awkwardness, especially if the individuals have not been exposed to multicultural environments in the past. Thus, the differences in the cultures and in most cases, the language, might pave the way for unnecessary misunderstandings.

Complexities of communicating and developing online intercultural relationships

Communication across different cultures and the development of intercultural relationships can be more challenging in the online world. The scope for miscommunication, misunderstanding, and the mismatch of expectations and values increases manifold since the communication pursued is purely on a virtual basis. Furthermore, the question of disembodiment also arises, as the individuals involved in online communication are seen as virtual entities rather than real ones. There are also complexities regarding the representation of virtual ethnicity in the cyberspace, which affects the perception of the parties involved in the intercultural relationship.

Similarities and differences of face to face and online intercultural relationships

The challenges and complexities in terms of communicating and developing intercultural relationships are numerous and varied for both online and face to face situations. The similarity lies in the fact that both the situations harbor the scope of misunderstandings and misinterpretation. However, the major difference that can be mentioned in this case is that of the manner in which they can be resolved:

it is always easier to work out a misunderstanding and reach a solution that is acceptable for both the involved parties. Also, the level of awkwardness might be significantly less when communicating across cultures through an online platform, since the need for an acceptable form of body language is eliminated, thereby reducing the chances of discomfort.

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