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Inter-professional Practice and Collaboration Assignment Help

Interprofessional Practice and Collaboration: The future of health care delivery will require multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals that collaborate to provide patient-centered care. The key to high performance in multidisciplinary teams is an understanding of the distinctive roles, skills, and values and ethics of all team members. What will be your role as an NP and how do you see yourself collaborating with other health care professionals? Why is this important to know and understand? Who benefits? Who are the stakeholders.

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Today, with increased challenges in a given healthcare environment, the role of the nursing staff is vital as they need to deliver on the allocated tasks in the organization. It is observed that the future of healthcare delivery is changing and hence will require different team members to work in multidisciplinary work approach to improve the quality of patient care in a given environment.

It will be thereby important for the Nurse Practitioners (NP) to learn new skill-set that will allow them to improve on their work performance. In addition, they also need to follow to the ethical standards and values that will allow them to adhere to the legal requirements in a given working scenario (Cowling et al., 2013).

The nurses also need to learn operating on evidence-based practices that will satisfy the different needs of different patients admitted in a given hospital setting. It will thereby assist them in getting cured in a given environment (Cowling et al., 2013). On the other hand, even the NP can identify on their nursing gaps and thereby overcome the challenges identified in a given working environment.

Need for collaborative practices in a multi-disciplinary team

It is identified that the nurses are facing different challenges in a given working environment. For example, the nurses will fail to collaborate with each other due to lack of communication and also due to scheduling problems in a given operational environment. Second, the nurse practitioners will fail to address the needs of the patients as they will lack in following the instructions of clinicians (Kuo et al., 2014).

There will be a need of technological platforms that will unite all the staff and thereby ensure proper work collaboration in a given working environment. Further, with advent of new technologies, even patients are expecting better quality services (Kuo et al., 2014); hence, the nursing staff not only needs to provide them with desired services but also provide appropriate consultation for quick recovery in a given medical setting.

With increased challenges in the external environment, the top-level management and the Human Resources (HR) department are thereby looking out for new options and ways through which they will be able to design collaborative frameworks for multi-disciplinary team (Kuo et al., 2014). It will ensure of achieving the desired objectives in a given working environment.

Further, nurses need to learn more about the collaborative working concept as it will allow them to develop their multi-tasking skills, will improve their communication, and will also assist them in improving their overall productivity levels in a given working environment. The Nurse Practitioners will thereby benefit from this approach since they will be learning new leadership and management skills in a given working environment.

There are several examples of healthcare organizations wherein nurses are performing the role of a nurse as well as of a leader at a given workplace. They are thereby deploying evidence-based work practices to provide quality healthcare services to the patients. It will thereby allow them to achieve the desired objectives of the healthcare organizations in a given challenging work environment.

The evidence-based research practices will provide them information on the new work routines, work models, and work frameworks through which they will be able to overcome the present challenges in a given environment. However, they need to deploy performance analysis mechanisms to measure their overall performance; they can subsequently identify the gaps and recodify their existing strategies to improve the future outcomes.

Recommendations and Conclusion

This report has identified the need of multidisciplinary practices considering the fact that the nursing staff will not be able to complete the allocated tasks within the given timeframe. In addition, there is a need to train Nurse Practitioners on the skill-set of leadership and management so that they can handle the entire team in a better way (Kuo et al., 2014).

Further, they will be able to carry out effective communication, ensure completion of the allocated tasks, overcome conflicts among staff members, and thereby achieve desired collaboration among all. They will also focus on strategic thinking so that their practices will get aligned to the objectives of the organization (Loxterkamp, 2014).

They need to incorporate skills of people management, change management, and teamwork management to overcome the conflicting situations at the workplace and also to increase the overall working efficiency of the staff in a given working environment. Even, the HR department needs to deploy performance analysis mechanisms that will allow them to measure the performance of Nurse Practitioners in a given environment (Loxterkamp, 2014); they can accordingly determine gaps, if any, and suggest recommendations to improve the future outcomes.

Even, the Nurse Practitioners can provide their recommendations to improve the current work culture of the healthcare organization. The top-level management on the other hand needs to deploy transformational leadership style and thereby allow more flexibility and authority to the entire staff in the organization. It will increase the morale of multidisciplinary team and help them achieve the required objectives of the organization.

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