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310 HRM Innovation and Change Assignment Help

Provide an analytical review of the paper outlining the main themes and issues discussed and implications of these for managing organizational change and innovation.

Drawing on other journal papers and academic materials critically evaluate the extent to which organisations can develop and maintain a culture of Change and innovation.

1. Evaluate the reasons for change within organizations

2. Understand, analyse and critique the main theories of change management

3. Critically analyse the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful change and apply effective change management strategies

4. Understand what organizational culture is, how it influences organizational success and performance and explore the debates around the possibility of changing organizational culture as well as the strategies for changing organizational culture.

5. Critically evaluate how people can facilitate or resist change and develop an ability to manage human resources in the context of change

6. Identify an opportunity for innovation and improvement in workplace organizations and explain the rationale for this choice in the context of organizational objectives

7. Develop an understanding of the concepts of creativity and innovation and the conditions required to encourage them.

8. Critically evaluate principles and practices associated with managing creativity and innovation;



The following essay covers the different aspects of innovation and change brought about by the organization Netflix. The challenges which innovation poses to Netflix have to be dealt with properly. The essay also covers whether the organization will be able to sustain the growth with the help of innovation strategies are also covered within this essay. The main theories of change management will be shed light upon, and the different changes, which are both successful and unsuccessful, will be discussed. The strategies of change management, which are followed by the organization and are proven successful, are mentioned along with the organizational culture. The ability of the employees to maintain human resources is also described.


Change is something that brings revolution, and if this change is not relevant, then it has the capability of resulting in destruction. Change management is aimed to convert the performance of the organization. The core focus of change management is to boost the position of the organization in the market where it serves. In an organization, change takes place in the aspects of processes, systems, job roles, and organizational structure. An organization can utilize several approaches and tools for bringing the change in the premises of the organization. The organizational change can manipulate the culture largely. Change management can occur even when a new business process starts. Thus, change is very significant for all organizations to sustain in the competitive world. The study of Cameron and Green( 2015) have found that change management mainly aims at integrating the profit of the organization and this change has to be strategized beforehand because lack of proper strategies will result in the downfall of the motive behind the change management. The same result is found in the study of Hornstein (2015), who also found that proper supervision is required before the application of change management.

Innovation and change is a process of creating new or rearranging the old thing in an innovative manner (Fernández et al., 2016). The key challenges that an innovation and change face mainly takes place in the context of execution and sustainability. Proper execution is very significant for the change to take place and this is countered in the study of Hornstein (2015), which have stated that proper supervision and planning required the change management to take place. Now considering the aspects of sustainability of the change, it is again very significant for the organization to adopt right strategies that will lead the change within the organization by helping the organization to sustain in the market.

In the current study on Netflix, it is observed that the business model of Netflix was an innovative one because it aimed at bringing revolution in the platform of digital media technology. The change that Netflix adopted was mainly targeting the crowd who utilizes the service of the digital media. The initial Netflix’s strategy was to concentrate upon the technology, particular websites, and movie personalization. After the inception of Netflix, the business model seems to be an innovative one, which serves as the perfect example of the innovation at work. Netflix aimed at providing an opportunity to its customers to place orders by using the website. Thus, it can be seen that the organization extracted most from the usage of the technology for delivering better services to its providers. The innovative business model that Netflix followed mainly came from the mind of the CEO of the company, i.e., Reed Hastings. Reed Hastings mainly aimed at converting the movie rental experience to a premium one and for this, the company centred at one goal, which is to make the movie experience much better than the easily available regular video's. Netflix initially followed stringent strategy, which was required for the company to sustain in the market. In the year of 2013, it has been observed that the company had 33 million subscribers in its purview, which is a recommendable one.

From the above scenario, it is evident that Netflix followed change management model, which is The McKinsey 7-S model. This model helps to improve the performance o0f the company, it also helps to forecasts the future changes that are likely to occur within the purview of the company. This model also helps to align with the processes undertaken by the company, this model also  help to implement the proposed strategy in an effective manner. The model aimed at bringing change mainly in the aspect of strategy opted by the company, structure followed by the company, systems utilized within the company, analyzing the shared values, taking note of the style utilized by the company and finally assessing the skills of the employees within the company. The strategies used by Netflix shows that the company have utilized several strategies that mainly are customer oriented ones and the core reason behind this adoption of this strategy by Netflix was to serve the customers in a unique way. In this aspect then it is visible that the company has satisfied its objectives of serving its customers. According to the Digital Marketing Ramblings in the year of 2014, the number of Netflix subscribers increased to 12.68 million.

The study of Sabri (2019), have found that Netflix is able to grab the market after its inception and the main reason was the innovative business model followed by the company. Now looking at the structure of the company it sins visible that mainly the CEO who is also the leader of the company heads the company. CEO of Netflix is the one who was liable for converting the dream into reality. The study of Desmet et al., (2018), shows that the CEO of Netflix is one who has made the company such a big success by adopting revolutionary strategies. Now analyzing the system followed by the company it is visible that the company has grabbed a large market share in the digital media platform hence it can be said that innovative change utilized by the company has resulted in success for the company (Desmet et al., 2018). Finally, the shared values of the company show the Netflix  a have held strong values in its perspective which is serving customers better, and this value is justified by the company. Finally, the style followed in the purview of Netflix shows that its leader CEO successfully led the company. Thus, it is seen that the company have justified the change management model usage. Thus the application of McKinsey change management model in the perspective of Netflix is a justified in because this application has helped the company to reach ist objectives and sustain in the digital media market.

The study of Fernández et al., (2016), has shown that Netflix after its inception was being able to grab the market and the core reason was its innovative strategies. Although Netflix faced problem due to illegal download of videos, which were available in some of the sites, however, the company to address this issue have implemented a strategy of its own download facility that was provided to its customers. The study of Bass (2016), has shown that Netflix has adopted the new technologies to address the needs of the customers. The study of Worley, Williams and Lawler (2016), also found that Netflix with proper strategy adoption has addressed the needs of the customers, although initially, the company-faced problems after effective strategy the company has overcome them.

Organizational culture or corporate culture is an important concept, which is followed within various organizations. The following concept specifies the different traits of behaviour and attitude followed by the workforce working in the organizations, which determine the way by which the different business operations are handled by the organizations (Burke, 2017). The concept of organizational culture came into the limelight in the 1980s. There was an enhancement in the desire to adopt a strong organizational culture by the companies. The organization Netflix did not pay any attention to the concept of organizational culture at the time of their initiation of business operations. The organization Netflix adjusts and takes steps to adopt the different paradigms of organization culture within their work setup (Hallinan and Striphas, 2016). The organization started providing the much-needed attention to the concept of organizational culture and thus evolved as the giant company in the world of entertainment and streaming of live videos and films. Netflix had started its operational activities in the year 1997, had improvised upon its strategies, and by following a positive organizational culture helps the employees to deliver high-quality services to their customers.

Similar to most other organizations, the organization Netflix is on the lookout for talented and skilful employees who will help them to execute their business operations and manage their business models and strategies properly. Netflix is different from other organizations in the fact that they tend to motivate their employees and provide them with proper training regimes and facilities so that they can prosper and flourish. According to Green (2017), if the employees do not improve and develop professionally, then the organization does not retain those employees, and this helps Netflix to maintain a strict organizational culture where work ethics is not at all compromised. The management in Netflix is very much specific and transparent while mentioning their organizational culture, which clearly defines that the organizational units, which work, are teams and cannot be termed as families (Mankins and Garton 2017). The authority frames a relevant document for their employees, who clearly state the different objectives or the norms, which have to be followed, by the employees who will be working for Netflix. The different values are specified within the document, which helps the employees to work in a specified direction as laid down by the management of the organization. 

The organization lays down ten aspects, which have to be strictly abided by the employees to execute the different change management strategies and perform the business operations smoothly. The employees in Netflix must possess great judging capabilities, which will help them to deliver the different business operations within the organizational setup. The employees also have to be loyal and possess the passion, which will drive them to work for the betterment and success for the organization (Siddique, 2018). The document framed by the organization has created ripples among the other IT organizations, which exist within the Silicon Valley. Netflix boasts of having different teams who are working to achieve the targets in order to bring success for the company. The team dynamics followed within Netflix aids in forming the different teams, which are very efficient in performing the tasks in accordance with the business models and strategies laid down by the management. Once the goal or objective set by the management is achieved, then the teams break down, and the employees are again grouped into various other teams. Netflix also considers the different ill behaviour or conflicts within the organization and strictly takes action against them, which minimises the productivity of the organization. 

The organizational culture also follows a change or transformation within the organizational setup as the organization seems to support the development of certain remote teams and freelancing to be practised. Netflix pays more attention to its customers and follows the different methods and marketing strategies to attract and subscribe to more customers. This will help the organization to enhance its growth and productivity while executing their business operations. There are various change management strategies to be followed by the organization to execute the different business operations relating to subscribing more customers and providing them with the most high-quality service of entertainment. Netflix focuses on reviewing the performance of the employees working under them, which is unique and most developed as compared to that of other organizations (Davenport and Harris 2017). The changes in the organizational culture are thus brought about by the different change management strategies followed by the organization.  

The success of Netflix can be attributed to the organizational behaviour and organizational culture traits followed by the organization alongside putting strict work ethics in functioning. According to Banfield et al., (2018), the success of a strategy based on the functioning of HR within the organization becomes the yardstick to be followed within the organization in order to achieve the objectives as HR is the functional department in the organization, which works hard in strengthening the organization with a talented and skilful workforce. The HR practices followed within Netflix are beneficial and effective in supporting the various business operations going on within the organization. Netflix has in the past involved in experimentation with the various strategies of change management, which have helped them to evolve as a quality service providing organization (Daft, 2015). The organization thus has been able to figure out the various traits or aspects, which helps in satisfying the employees and aids in bringing out an effective performance from them. The organization has been able to cope up with the various changes, which are brought about by the management and the practising of beneficial HR practices within the work setup. 

The organization follows the correct steps with the help of their HR department to employ efficient and talented staffs within their work set up so that the performance of the organization is enhanced. Through the practices of efficient HR methods, the organization is able to employ talented and able employees who will contribute to achieving the goals set by the company. A thorough performance review or assessment of the employees is being done which helps the organization to evaluate the performance of their employees. The company removes the employees who are underperforming. The managers are given the supreme role to frame the different policies and guide the new recruits or employees within its setup. Lewin's model of change management is followed within Netflix. According to Shuen (2018), the Lewin’s model is applied to the business strategies and the decisions being adopted within the Netflix follows the pattern of sharing the different ideas within the work setup, which will help the organization to execute the various business operations in a cooperative way. The different opinions shared between the employees regarding the execution of any business strategy will be helpful for building up a profitable business, and the organization will be able to reach out to numerous customers and maximise its profits.  


The above study on Netflix shows that the company have utilized a change management model in its business for evolving in the digital technology market. The business model adopted by Netflix was so innovative that after its implementation the model resulted in a huge profit for the company. After years of the inception of the company, the sustainability of the company is being ensured because of its adoption of innovative strategies in its purview. The study shows that the company has applied the McKinsey 7‘s change management model in its organizational structure to implement the changes in the market of digital media technology and the application of this model in the perspective of Netflix has justified the objectives of the company. Hence, change management has helped Netflix to move towards the path of sustainability.


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