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INFA660 The Law, Regulation and Ethics of Information Assurance, University of Maryland University College, USA

Internet of Things (IoT)


Introduction: Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the computing concept that describes the idea of connecting physical objects to the internet. IoT devices are the non-standard computing devices that do not need wire to connect to a network and contains an ability to transmit data. The research report aims to identify the different kinds of the internet of things devices that are anticipated by the individuals at home. It will also provide various benefits as well as challenges associated with the IoT devices. The main purpose is to provide a policy that concerns data collection, sharing, data usage and protection of data as well as determine the limitations of the policy. IoT devices are crucial to monitor as well as improve maintenance. The Federal Trade Commission plays an important role in educating the consumers about the benefits as well as challenges of the IoT devices at home.

Question 1: Write down the description of IoT for home.

Answer: In today's environment, technology is improving day-by-day that allow people to connect with each other and share their thoughts in all over the nation. Internet of Things (IoT) is a type of technological aspect that makes a digital presence in the environment so that people can communicate with others from every location as well as from their home(Metcalf, Milliard, Gomez & Schwartz, 2016). In current days the Internet of Things that should be used in the home are the wearable computers, connected smoke detectors, smart health trackers, light bulbs, tablet, mobile phones and traditional computers. All these devices are present in the home, and these are run with the help of IoT.

Along with this some entertainment system such as television, speakers, gaming system as well as the cooling and heating system such as ceiling fan, thermostat and carbon monoxide detector are run through this internet of things in the home(Lin & Bergmann, 2016). The home security system and also the home appliances are also run with the help of this IoT. It is predicted that in 2020, about 50 billion connected devices can run through this technological means. In addition, it is also estimated that in 2020, approximately 90% of the customer cars can possess an internet connection, and all the procedure will run through this IoT.

However, several researchers suggested that over increasing of IoT services increases the data traffic rate, which creates slower down of the process. Due to this reason, the people at their home may face some challenges with the devices that run through IoT. One of the IoT device that should demonstrate the future home of an individual is the home automation system(Metcalf, Milliard, Gomez & Schwartz, 2016). This device enables the consumers to turn off the alarm; it warms up the dinner and also plays music when the person comes home from work. The smart system enables people to lead a sophisticated life where they enjoy every moment of their life at home. Another home identifying devices that will be connected to the internet is the smart home meters.

The device helps the common people to analyze the energy use by the home, and also it helps to supply the appropriate amount of energy in the house. Hence it enables the consumer to be more energy-conscious, so that reduces the electricity issues in their house. Apart from this, it is estimated that several medical devices should be made for the home, which would incorporate IoT in their connection(Li, Da Xu & Zhao, 2015). The devices provide huge benefits to the people, and they can easily make their remedy in relation to various health problems in the home. The medical devices allow the individual to do their first care treatment at their home. Hence by these devices, they do not have to visit the hospital as well as a nursing home for a small issue.

Several private companies in the nation announced that in future with the help of IoT they can improve the quality of self-driving car where the individual has the ability to unlock and lock the doors and also adjust the home thermostat system from hundreds of miles away from their home. These facilities have enabled the increase of IoT in the coming days. It is also analyzed that in future drones has been used for the delivery of products, and this should control by IoT from the manager home(Prakash & Venkatram, 2016). From this aspect, it is seen that IoT in the coming days help the people to do their work from home, but it can make people life lazy.

It is seen that the smart devices that run through the Internet of Things can help the people to solve their issues, but overall, it can increase the vulnerability rates of the intruder. Thus it is quite evident that the devices that run through this internet of things can create both positive as well as a negative impact on the home services(Li, Da Xu & Zhao, 2015). Hence for securing the home devices that run through IoT, it is necessary for the company appropriate security measures that can help them to reduce their risks as well as the negative impact of this technology over the several home appliances.


Question 2: What are the benefits and challenges of IoT at home.

Answer: The term IoT is the concept that comprises various devices other than computer, smartphones or tablets to connect or communicate with the other through the internet (Abawajy & Hassan, 2017). Like all other technologies, the Internet of Things also contains various benefits as well as challenges. Several IoT devices are used at home, and such devices consist of many benefits or limitations.

The benefits of many homes used IoT devices are described below-

Tracking and monitoring vital signs -It is one of the benefits provided by IoT devices named insulin pumps and blood pressure cuffs. The devices are connected to a mobile app and make the people enable to record, track as well as monitor their vital signs at home without visiting the doctor's clinic (Ahmed, Yaqoob, Gani, Imran & Guizani, 2016). These devices are most beneficial for older adults or ageing patientsas they could manage their healthcare at home with the help of health devices. It also enables the patient to access health data to the caregivers or doctors, which help in improving the quality of life along with providing a rich source of data for treatment.

Engaging patients in their care -The medical devices provide a significant benefit that is to engage the patients in their own care (Ahmed et al., 2017).For example, the glucose monitor is used by diabetic patients at home, and they retrieved health data from the monitor. It helps the physicians in adjusting medications easily and thus, resulted in better management as well as financial savings for the patients. The device also helps in reducing the average blood sugar level of diabetic patients by two points, which is considered as successful medication by the Food and Drug Administration (Al-Ali, Zualkernan, Rashid, Gupta & Alikarar, 2017).

Analyze energy and identify issues -Smart meters is the IoT devices that enable the consumer to analyze the energy used at home as well as identify the problems associated with the household appliances. The device also alerts the people regarding the inadequacy of insulation in comparison with their neighbor and hence, empower the customers in making better decisions regarding the use of electricity in the house.

Set temperature from in and outside the home -Home automation enables the consumers to control all the devices with a single app by connecting with all devices within the home (Amadeo et al., 2016). It is connected with ovens and allow the person to set the temperature of the oven remotely and monitor the products from inside and outside the home.

Provide security, convenience and connectivity -Smart door locks is the device that provides a unique access code for managing as well tracking the entry and exit of an unknown person and thus, provide security to our home (Armerding, 2019). It also allows the individuals to eliminate the need for the physical key as a use smartphone app to lock the doors and thus, increased convenience. Smart locks, after integrated with the security system help in increasing connectivity among all the devices within the home. The device allows the house owner to lock as well as unlock the door with the use of the remote.

Save energy and money -Smart thermostat is the device that helps the customers in saving money by allowing them to use less energy. It also offers a learning ability to remind the customers to raise or lower down the temperature at home to save money every month.

Several issues or challenges of the IoT devices at home are as follows -

Create risks to the patients - Home blood pressure cuffs can be wrong most of the time and put the patients at risk. The device is not always accurate, which may cause serious health risks to the patients. Hence, it is required to have accurate home blood pressure cuffs, which would help in providing successful treatment for hypertension. One of the challenges of using an insulin pump at home is the high cost of pump that prevents the middle-income people from buying the device (Caron, Bosua, Maynard & Ahmad, 2016). Therefore, the patients need to measure blood pressure twice to get accurate results.

A complication in the implementation of smart meters -An implementation of the smart meters require a tremendous amount of money for investing. Hence, it may be a challenge for consumers to implement smart meters at home. It also has security issues as it contains information about the used appliances at home.

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Another challenge is associated with the home automation system that the systems are consistently being installed without a central control point, which led to the home automation issues. The consumers install the device regularly without collecting information regarding the way the devices communicate. It makes the smartphone of the consumer swamp with multiple apps. It could be overcome by forming a master plan under the supervision of a home automation specialist. 

Smart locks consist of various issues such as 50% of the people concerns about the safety of the home as it can cause security risks, 44% of the consumers do not want to invest their money on this device, and 13% believed that the technology was not advanced enough to provide security to the home (Dastjerdi & Buyya, 2016). People also face challenge or problem in the lock or unlock their smart locks, which could be prevented by checking the network communication as well as the low batteries.

The major issue is the lack of security associated with the IoT devices that enable the intruders to misuse the personal information from the devices (FTC Staff Report, 2019). For instance, new smart television allows consumers to surf the internet or share photos while they are at home. Any security vulnerabilities in such televisions could put the transmitted information at risk. Therefore, consumers should not install more smart devices at home to decrease the number of vulnerabilities. Another major challenge is that security vulnerabilities in a certain device can cause attack by the burglars on the network of the customers. It sometimes causes risks to the health of the individual; for example, an unauthorized person can hack two different connected insulin pumps and change the settings which prevent the device from delivering medicine to the patients. A thief can access data about the energy used at home from smart meters to identify the presence of a home owner at home.

Another vital challenge that flows from the Internet of Things is the privacy risks that comprises of precise geolocation, health information risks or financial account numbers (Jeong et al., 2018). An intruder could tap or record the personal information of the consumer through IoT devices, which result in loss of confidence among the consumers to adopt the technologies for their needs. To overcome such risks, it is required to promote data protection principles which also ensure acceptance of IoT services in the society.

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Question 3: What are the recommended policy on data collection, sharing and limitations.

Answer: After reviewing the several benefits as well as challenges of IoT, it is essential for the organization who makes several devices based on this internet of things for the home have to follow proper policy so that they can reduce the risk of using the various smart home appliances(Lee & Lee, 2015). Following that a policy has been recommended for the organizations concerning several features such as data usage, sharing, data collection, protection of data collection and reduction of limitations. The policies that should be recommended for building secure home devices that run through the internet of things are as follows:

Internet Society's Policy- The recommended policy that should help improve the IoT devices of home us the Internet Society's Policy framework. The policy helps the organization to build a trusted and open internet outlines that address the complexities of the open environment and make appropriate solutions by which the risks of devices run through IoT has been reduced(Stojkoska & Trivodaliev, 2017). The above policy enables the organizations to build a trusted network of the internet with that of the several home smart system by following four interrelated dimensions of trust such as user trust, trusted network, trustworthy ecosystem and technologies for trust. It can be estimated that the recommended policy is beneficial for the organizations to make a trusted approach with their consumers that influence them to purchase the smart home devices without any second thought(Pang et al., 2015). With the help of this policy, the organizations that manufacture the smart devices of internet of things can make appropriate privacy as well security measures that can reduce the limitation and provide protection of the several data collection procedure.

The policy helps the companies to develop a design of their building blocks by using the Privacy-by-Design methodologies, which help them to secure their smart devices of home appliances. Besides this, the policy also helps the firm to make implementable and clear security and privacy strategy that should be beneficial for them to reduce their limitations in smart devices(Rao & Uma, 2015). In addition, with the help of this policy, the firms can make a secure system of their devices by implementing appropriate strategies that should help them to overcome their risks as well as challenges. By utilizing this policy, the organizations that manufacture this type of smart devices for a home not only improve their consumer belief and trust, but it also influences them to manufacture several other smart devices for home purposes.

Apart from this, it is noticed that if the organizations follow this particular policy, then the country government help them to easily unlock their data intelligence process from the several smart devices so that their consumer does not face any challenges while installing the devices in their home(Pang et al., 2015). Following such procedure, the people who purchase the smart devices do not need any customer support for installing the several types of home devices in their house. The policy enables the organizations to get positive support from the government by which the increase the volume of enormous data generation and shared it across the intelligent system and devices to the other branch offices that present inside and outside the country(Rojko, 2017). Hence after reviewing the role of this policy, it is clear that the particular policy helps the firm to improve their security as well as privacy system of the network so that the challenges and risks of using the several smart devices can be reduced.

Nation public policy framework- Another policy that has been recommended is the National Public Policy framework. The reason for recommending this policy is only because, with the help of this policy, the organization should concern the data collection as well data usage procedure of their networking system(Rojko, 2017). By following this policy framework, the firm improves its network connectivity aspect, and thus, it enables them to maximize their potential of transformational opportunities of IoT services. The policy provides intelligent solutions of gateway that help the firm to provide seamless interaction as well as interfaces between the cloud and the devices. Hence it helps the firm to make smooth data usage and data collection activities so that they can accelerate a positive impact of IoT on the existing infrastructure of their networks.

The policy also helps the organizations to make ubiquitous, high-speed and affordable broadband network connection that can reduce the overall problems of their consumers regarding their smart devices(Weber, 2015). It is analyzed that some firm, including both private and public sectors in current trend, follows this policy to make an effective as well as the productive ecosystem of IoT networks(Whitmore, Agarwal & Da Xu, 2015). In addition, the policy helps these IoT related organizations to promote the integrity of data and the importance of accuracy of data for building safeguarding of their various products and services included in the smart devices.

The Nation's Public policy framework also helps in enhancing the consumer trust as it provides permission to the organizations to make proper security and privacy solutions that should be beneficial for them to maintain the data and information breaching activates(Wortmann & Flüchter, 2015). The policy enables the management to make new technologies based on voluntary global standards without facing any problem from the country government. It also helps them to accelerate adoption, enable cost-effective aspects and drive the competition rate in the market(Weber, 2015). Hence it is quite evident that this policy can also provide a positive impact on the organizations related to the internet of things by improving their connectivity of the network and enabling them to make appropriate security and privacy solution of their smart devices that used for home purposes.


Conclusion: The paper concludes that technology is enhancing day-by-day to enable people to connect with each other all over the world. IoT is a type of technology that contains various devices that use used at home such as smart meters, smart door locks, home automation system, glucose monitor and insulin pump. It is estimated that about 50 billion connected devices can run through the Internet of Things as well as 90% of the customer can use the internet connection in their cars. Home automation system enables the people to turn off the alarm, warm up dinner and play music at home as well as allow them to lead a sophisticated life. Home smart meters makes people more energy conscious, which help them in reducing electricity issues in their home. Despite having several benefits, the IoT devices consist of many limitations. One of the limitations of the smart meter is that the implementation of the device requires a large amount of investment. An internet society policy is recommended to improve the IoT devices used at home.

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