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Industry Research Project

Why Indian Students Do Not Engage And Participate With Activities Organized In The University


Industry: • This report focuses on student orientation with reference to the "The Hotel School (THS)", which offers tertiary education on hospitality.

• The university offers wide range of activity and engagement scope that maintains the standard of education and competency of students.

• In the present situation, it was found that Indian students at THS were not actively participating and taking interest in university activities.

• The objective of this work is thus to identify the reason associated, analyzing the risk, and designing strategies to resolve this issue.

Research: 1. Why Indian students were least interested in University activity?

• The driving forces

• Issues related to cultural stereotypes

2. What are the environmental factors associated?

• Is student teacher relationship is the reason?

• Are the engagement activities not suitable for Indian students (Mohr-Schroeder, Jackson, Schroeder, and Wilhelm, 2019)

3. To identify what factors such as teacher leadership, cultural factor, or classroom environmental factors that are leading to lack of Indian students' interest in university activities.

4. In this research work, it is also important to find why Indian students were not mixing or creating team with students of other origin.

5. Based on this, strategies will be designed that can help students to integrate with university program and learn effectively.

6. There are basically two dependent variables: teacher competency and cultural diversity knowledge, and two independent variables: classroom environment, and cultural issues.

Literature: 1. Disengagement of a student population from others is often linked with cultural differences as well as unfriendly environment. According to the report of Shirokova, Tsukanova and Morris (2018), diversity management is a basic requirement for institutions accompanying people from different background.

2. Cultural factor is another issue that must be managed in-parallel to the activities framed at universities. In a report by Shirokova et al (2018), the authors have argued that teaching leadership in conjunction with knowledge of students' cultural background can effectively engage students into fruitful activities. In this context, the use of "Institutional theory of diversity management" is of high relevance.

3. From the activities of university point of view, the use of resource based theory of diversity management, proposed by Kwon, Hernandez, and Moga (2019), is of high relevance. This suggest that a part of physical capital and financial capital must be dedicated to framed activities for different segment (population). As a result of which, other students can also learn the cultural trait, where team cohesion can be enhanced.

4. One of the critical role in this regard is played by the educators. Teaching leadership must accompany skills to integrate people as a team. Doing so, can effectively motivate students to bring innovation, learn in an interactive manner, and offer adequate consultancy or teaching. This is also explained in the report by Mohr-Schroeder, Jackson, Schroeder and Wilhelm (2019), where teaching leadership to experience realistic group conflict is explained. Also, the demographic dominance needs to be reduced in an institution, where the learners belongs to a mixed demographic group.


Why this literature review is important?

• Literature review will help in identifying relevant information from similar area of investigation. For instance, in this case, the issue is more linked with diversity, cultural, and student's learning environment. Thus, literature review in relevant area can help in gaining ideology for the common trends.

• Furthermore, with literature review, it becomes easier to compare and contrast the findings. This in other words can also be referred as validation or cross-referring to the research findings.

• In addition to this, the literature review will also be effective in framing questions and understanding the methodology which is suitable to address the concerned research question.

• According to Schreiner, Fischer, and Riedl (2019), an appropriate literature review helps in designing efficient research (design) that can extract the key information required to frame policies, amend the regulatory guidelines, and implement necessary changes for the betterment of social or business activities.

Literature review - Conceptual map

1. In order to find potential solution to engage Indian students into effective learning and motivating them to build team can be found by collecting information from them itself.

2. The methodology that is suitable for this task includes (i) survey; (ii) focused interview with selective students; (iii) and group activities to monitor their attitude and thinking.

3. The conceptual map can be described as following (Harwood, Mendenhall, Lee, Riopelle, and Huntt 2018 ):

• Identifying the lacking in cultural diversity and environmental factor that discourage Indian students.

• Learning from the perspectives of Indian students based on survey or interview.

• Designing suitable activities.

• Making them aware of the benefits and consequence of segregation and association at the university.

• Monitoring their activities

• Implementing structured activities for student engagement.

• Making timely amendment to the activities based on monitoring process.

Research Questions: 1. Why Indian students are not motivated to engage in University learning activities?

2. What cultural factors are making them hesitant to create group with people of other background?

3. Do teachers at THS have adequate knowledge of diversity management?

4. Is the classroom activities and learning process uniform for all students?

5. Do students from all background have equal opportunities at the University?

Research: • In order to identify the factors associated with Indian student's orientation at THS, it is important to know the students' perspectives first (Yeo, Mendenhall, Harwood, & Huntt, 2019).

• The basic ideology, of why such orientation of cultural different background students are not cohesive with other students at the university have been obtained using literature review (Shirokova, Tsukanova, and Morris, 2018).

• Based on this information, further information will be obtained using survey mechanism (Karimi and Matous 2018).

• Students (Indian, Australian, and other background) will be divided into groups and will be asked to fill information for the survey mechanism.

• The analysis of the result obtained can help in identifying the factors related to culture, environmental, teacher competency, and diversity issues, which in turn can address the research problem.


Research method: Qualitative Methodology: Survey

Justification of the chosen research design can be described in the following points:

1. Nature of research question

The research questions will address cultural, diversity, and teaching attitude at the university. These will be questions with multiple choice questions such that answers from different participant can be segregate uniformly.

2. Comprehensiveness of literature

The uniformity in answering in survey will help in analyzing the answers using quantitative estimate. However, note that the research method is qualitative in nature and thus it will help in identifying traits responsible for student's discouragement at university (Bell, Bryman, and Harley 2018).

3. Sample size

All students will be participating in the survey depending on their consent and willingness for participation. However, for Indian students, it will be mandatory to participate in the survey program and answer for the betterment of their learning style at THS.

In this slide, justification for sample selection will be described.

• All Indian students will be mandate to participate in the survey research. However, students with other origin will be participating based on their willingness and consent.

• They will be giving answers to the survey questions having multiple choice answers

• Students will be contacted through e-mail.

• It is estimated that more than 40% of THS student will be participating in the survey. This will be approximately 100 students studying at THS.

• Non-probability method will be used for the analysis.

• Sampling technique will be random, as the students of THS will be participating. However, based on their given information, the analysis will be made for the concerned research problem as well as objective of making strategies.

Research Design: Research

1. What originality do you have?

A. Indian
B. Australian
C. American or European
D. Other

2. What factor restricts you to participate in university events?

A. Cultural difference
B. Language barrier
C. Environmental condition
D. Opinion difference

3. Whom do you find more friendly, other than Indians?

A. Australians
B. Americans/European
C. Others
D. No one

4. Do teachers treat you equally with other students in the class?

A. Yes
B. No

5. Do you feel neglected in university events?

A. Yes
B. No

6. Which factor do you feel more challenging while working as a team?

A. Language
B. Interacting behavior
C. Financial constraint
D. Lack of opportunities.

7. In your opinion, how you will rate teacher' competencies in learning environment?

A. Very impressive
B. Average
C. Not fruitful
D. Don't have answer

8. Do you feel the administration and university policies are supportive for international students?

A. Yes
B. No

9. How often you were engaged in leadership role for any activities, inside classroom or outside university campus events?

A. Always have opportunity
B. Occasionally
C. Never
D. Don't have answer

10. Will you recommend any suggestion for improvement of the learning style at university? If yes, please comment in one line.


Probable: With this research work, it can help in identification of the factors that discourage or demotivate Indian students to interact with others or to participate in the university activities.

The probable outcomes can thus be illustrated as:

1. Cultural, linguistic and other factors associated with poor orientation of Indian students.

2. Proficiency and competencies of teachers regarding diversity management can be identified (Çera, Cepel, Zákutná, & Rózsa, 2018).

3. Learning environment and equal opportunities can be analysed.

4. More importantly, suitable strategies for students' orientation and appropriate learning can be framed at THS.

Ethical: Ethical consideration is of high importance in a research, such that the participants as well as the decision made based on study must not hamper the humanity or emotion in any form. Following are the ethical consideration that will be followed in this work:

• No biases in the analysis or method will be included in this work.

• All the survey result will be saved as backend information, which can be used in successive research work at the university.

• The participants' identity will not be disclosed.

• All the university procedure will be followed while working on this research project.


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