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In using the Grounded Theory Method of qualitative data collection and analysis

In using the Grounded Theory Method of qualitative data collection and analysis, which of the three data coding approaches do you think might be applied to your research topic “The Growth of Jail in Rural America”, and why?

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For the research of qualitative, the grounded theory is mainly used. The theory is depended on the analysis method dealing with the quantitative, qualitative as well as the hybrid type of data (Belgrave & Seide, 2019). The information regarding various experiments, surveys and studies on various cases are the types of information collected. However, when the theory is applied to the mentioned topic “The Growth of Jail in Rural America” the theory is methodology of overarching to study various data for the different study on cases that helps in exploration. However, the strategy is applied in the mentioned case for the mentioned research helps in understanding the natural setting, apart from discussing the art state level, and also for generating different theories. The way is appropriate for identifying the research topic that had been performed previously. To understand the detailed study on nature and the complex process related to the mentioned topic can be justified, understanding the same. The study also helps in comparing the incidents related, which helps in modifying, validating, and even rejecting the observations and eliminating the risk based on distortions. However, not all the information related can be eliminated and that is the reason the mentioned approaches are applied in case of Jail growth in the Rural America.

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