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Impact of Climate Change on the Tourism Industry Assignment Help

In what ways does climate change affect either the accommodation or attractions sector of the tourism industry? In your essay you need to describe and analyse the various ways that climate change is currently affecting, and could possibly affect, the sector you have selected. You should include specific examples of current impacts on businesses in the sector you have selected.

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The rising modernisation has been affecting the global climate to the extent to which it is getting degraded. Global warming has been affecting the environment to the extent several of the life species on earth are being affected by it to the point of their extinction. This change in the global climate, in turn has been affecting several of the business sectors, with tourism being the prime victim. The changing climate can have both positive as well as negative impact on the attractiveness of any tourism destination (Moore, 2010). In the following essay, the various aspects associated with climate change and its impact on the attraction sector of tourism has been explored.

Climate Change and Its Global Significance

As per the definitions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate change is defined as that changes with respect to climate which is attributed directly or indirectly towards the human activities that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and is an addition to the natural climate variability that are observed over different comparable time periods (Nyamwange, 2016). Climate change appears as the shifts in the climatic conditions either downwards or upwards from the average. These shifts primarily include the number of rainy days, the intensity, length and number of dry spells, the length of the season, the end or start of the rainfall season or the changes associated with total rainfall (Nyamwange, 2016).

Climate change is considered as one of the most serious global challenges of the modern times. In several parts of the world, the rainfall has become unpredictable and irregular, while certain regions have been experiencing frequent droughts. On the other hand, some parts of the world have been experiencing severe floods during the short rains (Nyamwange, 2016). Climate change has been affecting the lives of several of the life species on earth. Due to climate changes, there has been a decline in the population of tigers, snow leopards, Asian rhinos, orangutans, African elephants, polar bears, Adélie penguins, and Arctic puffins.

The greater impact of climate change has been observed in the polar regions, that is Arctic and Antarctica, whereby the average air temperate has been rising and melting the ice sheets and snow caps (WWF, 2019). Climate change has also been affecting the ocean and as a result there has been a decline in the coral reefs by nearly 70-90%. Additionally, climate change would highly affect the forests as the tree lines, eventually resulting in their extinction. Climate change is having serious impact on the global water system through droughts, flooding and more (WWF, 2019).

Impacts of Climate Change on The Attractions Sector of The Tourism Industry

The rising attention on the tourism sector within the international negotiations associated with climate change as well as the potential role of the industry in mitigation are being explored (Buckley, 2012). The consumers of tourism industry avail the services for psychological satisfactions and pleasures (Moore, 2010). Therefore, the nature of tourism is dependent on the satisfaction that it provides to the consumers. It has been mentioned by Moore (2010) that the impact of climate change on tourism can be physical, physiological and psychological. Although it is evident that the climatic features of any destination impact the visitor satisfaction, however, it is unclear whether or not the visitors would pay attention to this factor while they plan for their trips (Moore, 2010).

Climate change affects tourism destinations, and their competitiveness and sustainability. Coastal and island destinations are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change (KEPSA, 2014). As per University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (2013) Ocean acidification and rising sea temperatures will degrade and destroy coral reefs and thereby affect the attraction of such destinations. Furthermore, rising sea levels and extreme weather will threaten coastal tourist infrastructure and erode and submerge beaches. Reduced water availability could lead to disputes with local industry and communities that are associated with tourism industry as well. Additionally, insurability will decline in areas exposed to extreme weather or sea-level rise (University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, 2013). Efforts to cut emissions may add costs to the industry, particularly from transport emissions. Moreover, extreme weather events will increase operational uncertainty, particularly in poorer countries.

Changes with respect to climate include more drought, flood, storms, and heatwaves that may result in wildfires and coral bleaching (Buckley, 2012). Majority of these impacts are temporary and therefore, several protective measures have been made available through insurance or engineering approaches. Tourism industry can actively adopt such protective measures as well, either in conjunction with the government or other land holders or work independently. The major approaches would encompasses upgrading the infrastructures, buildings, as well as improving the emergency provisions (Buckley, 2012).

Changes to the climate may affect the various natural attractions such as beach configurations, lake levels, river flows, icon wildlife species and skiable snow and similar such charms. Buckley (2012) has mentioned that the artificial climates provide a buffer against the climate change, especially with respect to the urban destination, simply by changing the air conditioning and heating. If the natural attractions at any tourism destinations are being affected by the climate change, the simplest response would be to substitute with artificial attractions, such as beaches being replaced by swimming pools, and shops instead of ski slopes.


The climate change has been having critical impact on the overall global environment and as a result of the same, various sectors are also getting affected by it. As per the discussion that has been presented above, it is evident that the climate change has been affecting the tourism industry and the attraction sector to a large extent. The rising temperature and varying climate have been damaging the natural scenic beauty of the tourism destination, which in turn has been reducing its demands amongst the visitors, thereby affecting the tourism of that area. Therefore, it is of high significance to take measures in mitigating the climate change that has been affecting the global climate so as to restore the original beauty of the nature.

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