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Human Resources at Google Assignment Help

- Describe how a company's human resources are a source of competitive advantage.

- Define the role human resource management plays in driving business success.

- Integrate established human resource management principles into the discussion.

- Write a business report based on 5-step critical thinking decision making model.

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In this discussion, we will talk on how Google has transformed its human resource in a way that made the company having the highest rates of employee retention around the world, and have happiest employees. California based company, Google has the popularity around the world, and it is one of the largest search engine in the world. We have chosen this organization for our discussion because it has set remarks in terms of proving that an effective Human Resource Management can increase productivity without having any extra burden on the company's financials.  

From health management to compensation management, Google has adopted the end number of projects which led the company to boost up its profitability and productivity (Battelle J. , 2005). Every year company schedules an AGM in which satisfaction rate of employees is measured. Top managerial of Human Resource Management assess the project's effectiveness on employees and evaluate its results. Various projects have been taken by the company to reduce the attrition rates and make the company achieve its competitive advantage. However, Human Resource Management at Google plays a great role which describes the real meaning and use of Human Resource plans in a company. Google not only provides a plan for its employees but only freedom and liberty to take decisions and make plans for the company. This generates a sense of responsibility & feeling of ownership in employees.

No doubt Google’s market success has achieved an extraordinary result because of companies strategic shift towards people management (Business Teacher, 2011). The company understands that without investing in employees and creating innovations in the workplace; increasing the company's profitability and growth is impossible.


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Step 1: Determine Strategies and defining mission

Google performed one research in the year 2013 and found that it is necessary for an organization to be clear with the mission statement, and so does its employees (Carlson N. , 2009). The company used all previous data to collect the information and included new mission statements. It started investing more in people management and using people analytics to clear the vision of the company. HR policies of the '80s and '90s, which still act as a plague in few organization were also taking place in a few policies of Google's HR policies, which need to be revised. It was difficult to refine the policies because until the company and employees are not clear with the company's objective, they cannot work for the best interest of the company. "At Google, all people decisions are based on data and analytics (Cope, K. ,2012)."

Step 2: Developing need and objectives through questioning

Google came to know that without proper interaction with each employee, it is not possible to determine the linked goal for the company. To link the company's objective and determine strategies which work in the interest of both for an employee and for the company. In the past, Google was following the traditional HR concepts and policies which hardly offer a benefit to the employee. There was a need to refine the HR policies, and for that it was required to proper questioning with the employee and with that understands the required objective & strategy for the company.

Step 3: Practice before starting and evaluate the results.

Google introduced projects such as ‘people processes', ‘the happiness project', "pay for performance and ‘Oxygen'. Through these projects, the company introduced one of the most successful policies and plans for employees. The company always tests the project before implementing it into the working environment. After assessing the positive results, the company made needful amendments and then finally make it applied in live working conditions. With the help of its projects, Google was able to reach at a point where each employee generates almost more than $1.2 million revenue each year. The company achieved this mark because it provided Work-life Balance to its employees (Denning, S., 2011). It is said by others that "Googlers can easily focus on things which they love both either inside of or outside or work". Means an employee of Google have a life where he can focus on his work and on his personal life also. These all made possible because of Google's effective HR policies.

Step 4: Review refine and suggest improvements

Google effectively assign an investigating team after launching a project inside the company. They take care that the project which they have started, work in the best interest of the employees and fulfilling the companies objectives. They learn through refining the programs and apply needful improvements timely. Employees are welcomed to contribute suggestions and improvement in project plans.

Step 5: Final plan and monitoring the progress

The best thing with Google is it does not leave a project into the middle. Google even carry a project even after it provides benefits to only a few employees. The only thing that makes Google best from others is its end number of HR policies. The company believes in adopting new things but also make sure to develop or grow from the past. The assigned team provides the final plan to head HR of Google every month and even in weeks so that it can be assessed for future growth.


Google is the most valuable firm having 70000+ employees in its team. They enjoy their success, and competitive advantage as its HR policies and employee focused projects make the company achieve high success and growth. Being a company which hires talent and retain its employees with the best possible policies make this company stand from others. Google always worked as employee-centric rather than profit-centric.

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