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HRMT20024 Managing Human Resources, Central Queensland University, Australia


Assessment - Annotated Bibliography

Learning Outcomes

The primary purpose of this assessment is to enhance students’ research, analysis and referencing skills.

The secondary purpose is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their critical thinking and written communication skills.

The third purpose is to demonstrate that you have commenced appropriate research.

Assessment Task

You are required to compile an Annotated bibliography of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Step 1. Select one of the options for Essay 3.

Step 2. Undertake research of the recent academic literature since 2010.

Step 3. Write 500 words on each article


Outline of Research Objectives and Questions

The primary objective of the research has been to explore the role of Green Human Resource management processes in the context of people management practice. The research has acknowledged the role of GHRM through the theory of Ability Motivation Opportunity. The secondary objective of the research has been to explore the Green Human Resource management through the various perspectives of human resource management which would help in understanding the concept of GHRM.


The questions of the research are

1. What is the role of Green human resource management process in people management?

2. What is the concept and the various perspectives of Green Human resource management?

Outline of Method

The method that has been utilized in the research is the Qualitative one and the secondary data collection method has been utilized throughout. The use of the secondary data collection method has actually provided the research to be justified through the historical data a s ell as the present scenario of the green human resource management process. The Qualitative method has been quite supportive for the research as it helped in gathering the theoretical part and contributions it has made to the Green human resource management process.

Discussion on Findings

The findings of the research has been supportive in nature and it has rightly marked the role or the steps that is followed in the GHRM processes which helps in influencing the employee to be motivated and get involved in the environmental activities. The findings have been quite accurate in nature and the actual research question has been answered too. It has also been revealed through the findings that how the organisations are able to develop Green abilities along with it provide employees with the opportunity of involving in the EM organsiation. These findings have provided the research to be accurate and supportive to the objective and the research question which makes the research much more applicable and acceptable.

Summary of Conclusions

In the conclusion part it has been stated that the organizations has not been utilizing the full range of Green human resource management practices which brings on the limit to the effectiveness of improvising the EM. The conclusion has been draw from analyzing the findings and the objectives of the research which has actually been quite accurate in nature. The conclusion has included the summary of the entire research which makes the conclusion an authentic and accurate one.

Relevance to Essay 3

The article or the research has been exploring a different perspective of human resource management which could actually help the essay in reading an impression on the reader. The inclusion of Green human resource management process would add on to the diversity of the essay and broad and wide scale information would be provided in the essay. Thus, the concerned research article would play a vital role in the essay and it would actually help in making the research interesting and attractive to the reader.

Outline of Research Objectives and Questions

The primary objective of the research has been to explore the Human Resource Management practices to be conceptualized at workplace and acknowledge the behavior and attitude of the employees. This objective of the research has been framed through acknowledging the changes in the HRM practices and this would help in understanding the changing behavior and attitude of the employees. The secondary objective of the research has been to explore the change in behavior of the employees through applying various theories and models of HRM.

The research questions were

1. What is the cause of the changing behavior and attitude of the employees?

2. What transformations are required in the HRM practices to avoid the variability in the behavior and attitude of employees?

Outline of Method

The Quantitative method has been followed in the research where the data that has been collected has been numeric in nature and the analysis has been done. The sampling of the data has been done through simple random sampling and this has added on to the variability and diversity to the research. The survey data collected has been through a questionnaire and the data has been presented in the form of tables and graphs which has made the research quite easy to understand and analyze. Thus, the choice of method has been made accurately which has contributed to the comfort and the accuracy of the research.

Discussion on Findings

On analyzing the findings of the research it has been observed that the data collected suggests that there exist a positive impact of HRM practices on the behavior, organizational citizenship because of the effect on perceived job influences. The findings have been supported through the number of theories and models which has added on to the accuracy level of the research.

Summary of Conclusions

The conclusion of the research states that these influential actions actually help in providing support to the job opportunities and thus impacting the attitude and behavior of the employees. The conclusion of the research has been provided with clear justification to the entire findings and the research objectives which has been observed to be matching. The conclusion has added on all the factors of the research and it has been quite productive.

Relevance to Essay 3

The article or the research paper would help in adding quality to the essay as the information on the human resource management practices would be presented through a different perspective. The influence of the HRM practices o the behavior and citizenship of the employees would help the essay to form into a diverse and relevant one. This would also be a new perspective of HRM to be included in the essay which would make the easy quite effective.

Outline of Research Objectives and Questions

The primary objective of the research is to frame up a model which would help in explaining the change in the behavior of the employees due to HRM practices. This would be met through testing number of different models and theories. The secondary objective would be to justiofy the model through different perspectives which ould make the model much more authentic and applicable.

The research questions were

1. What is the contribution of the process of mediating and moderating technique which actually links up the human resource management to behavior outcomes?

2. What are the results of testing the moderated model on the HRM practices?

Outline of Method

The entire research has followed the Quantitative method and the survey technique has been applied that is the primary data collection method has been used for the data collection. The survey was to check the viability of the framed up model. The survey was conducted through a questionnaire which as later analyzed and presented as graphs too. The sampling as done through simple random sampling and this helped in making the research diverse in nature. The secondary data collection method has also been applied which helped in gaining the justification to the model framed through testing t on various models and thus, the entire research has been quite authentic in nature.

Discussion on Findings

The findings of the research has been the moderated model of the HRM Practice which has been framed through considering the social exchange theory and also checked through various behavioral factors. The findings of the research have matched with the objectives and the questions of the research which has actually made the research quite authentic and justified in nature. The findings of the research is widely applicable as the model has bee tested and cross checked through the survey conducted over a large number of companies.

Summary of Conclusions

The conclusion of the research has been that the reaction of positive behavioral outcomes, because of the employee engagement, hugely depends on the broad organizational climate as well as on the relationship of the employees with their line manager. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed. The entire conclusion has been framed through sheer analysis of the entire research findings along with the other considerations of the research which supported the findings. The conclusion presents the zest of the entire research in an accurate manner and this makes the research quite viable for the reader and the ones who would apply its theory.

Relevance to Essay 3

The research would actually be beneficial for the essay as this would present t5he new model that has been framed through consideration of the behavioral change in the employees through HRM practices. The concerned research would actually support the prior research too and that too through the application of the framed up model. This would help in justifying the facts and the figures by the former article.. The essay would provide its proof and justification for its statements within it which would make the essay an authentic and accurate one.

Outline of Research Objectives and Questions

The prior objective if the research is to find out the reason for the lack sensitivity on the role of employee well-being in concern to the relationship of  human resource management and organizational performance. This objective would help in acknowledging the loopholes in the HRM practices and where the organist ion lacks in providing employee well being. The secondary objective of the research is to acknowledge the criteria for employee well being which would provide the benchmark for the employee well being.

The research questions has been

1. Where does the gap exist in the role of employee well being in HRM and organizational performance relationship?

2. What is the benchmark for the employee well being?


Outline of Method

The research has followed the Quantitative method in the entire research which has helped the research in gaining a numeric number which could actually provide the scenario of the human resource management practices and the issue or the loophole that lies in the well being of the employees. The survey techniques have been applied in order to collect the primary data and the analysis has been done. The entire research has been based on the simple random sampling and this has helped in gaining the accuracy and diversity in the research.

Discussion on Findings

The main findings are that employee well-being     as per the happiness and the relationship is linked with organizational performance. On the contrary the health-related well-being has been observed to function as a conflicting outcome. Directions for future research and theoretical development are suggested. The findings have been aligned with the objective and the research questions which has made the research an accurate one. The entire research has included the scope and aim of finding the employee well being benchmark and it has been achieved which gets revealed through its findings. The quantitative method has been supportive for the research.

Summary of Conclusions

The conclusion of the research has presented the findings of the research in a simple and accurate manner but it has lacked in mentioning the other considerations of the research. The conclusion requires being the summary of the research and the concerned research ahs lacked this quality. The entire findings has been presented quite aptly in the research but the actual considerations and the ingredients of the research which actually helped I gaining those findings has been missed out in the conclusion.

Relevance to Essay 3

The research would help in making the essay quite informative and the inclusion of the well being criteria of the employees is a mandatory one for explaining about the human resource management. The entire essay would be enhanced through this inclusion and it would be quite authentic to utilize this research paper.

Outline of Research Objectives and Questions

The objective of the research has been to provide of a model which reflects on the behavior of four key HRM practices aiming on the engagement influencing the organizational climate.  This would also explore the job demands along with the job resources, the experiences of safety impacting the psychology of the employee, meaningfulness and availability at work, employee engagement, and the competitive advantage. This objective of the research has been supported with the secondary objective of explaining each and every concept of each ingredient.

The research question has been

1. What are the ingredients for the effective HRM practices?

2. How the HRM practices has been impacting the four ingredients vital for the employee engagement?

Outline of Method

The Qualitative method has been applied in the research which ahs provided the research with number of variable information’s supporting the research topic. The secondary data has been collected through exploring the sources and it has been analyzed thoroughly which has helped in gaining a justification to the findings of the research. The Qualitative method helped in proving the models of the HRM and this have provided a more diverse and variable characteristic to the entire research.

Discussion on Findings

The findings of the research has been that the HRM practitioners requires to move ahead of the routine administration of annual engagement surveys and requires to imply the engagement in HRM policies. These findings of the research have been quite supportive to the objectives of the research and the aim of the research has also been fulfilled.

Summary of Conclusions

The conclusion of the research ahs stated that the research has met all the objectives and this could be justified through the findings of the research. The entire working of the research has been summarized in the research conclusion which meets the criteria of a good conclusion. The factors which has been supportive to the research has all been motioned in the conclusion and the actual findings of the research has been stated in raw language that the HRM policies needs to be transformed and based on the employee engagement which would accelerate the HRM practices.

Relevance to Essay 3

The inclusion of this research would actually help the essay in being complete and accurate as the employee engagement is required to be discussed in the essay and the research would actually help in presenting the employee engagement concept through a new and current generation perspective which would add on to the authenticity of the essay. The essay would be considered to be complete and no loopholes would exist in the essay.


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