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HRM-0128 Measuring HR Efficiency and Effectiveness Assignment Help

- Do you feel that your current organizational culture will support using data to potentially impact people’s decisions?  Why or why not? What, if anything would need to happen to support such a change?

- What methods could organization use to overcome resistance?

- Of the two hypotheses statements you created in Assignment 1 which will you recommend to the CEO to move forward with as the organization's first workf orce analytics project? Explain the rationale for your choice including risks and costs.


Making the Recommendation


The paper will evaluate the organizational culture to potentially impact the people decisions. It will also analyze some steps for the supporting the organizational change. The ways that can be used for overcoming resistance in Coles Supermarkets will be explained. Moreover, it will recommend the CEO of Coles Supermarkets to move forward based on two hypotheses of workforce analytics along with its rationale.

Support of Organizational Culture to Potentially Impact People Decisions 

As per the definition of organizational culture, the decisions are taken by the staffs within the firm, and it influences them. The organizational culture of Coles Supermarkets is weak, and the management and the team members do not provide valuable support to each other (Chepulis et al., 2018). The weak organizational culture of Coles Supermarkets will not help the employees to participate in the organization easily, and it also influences their decisions. The decisions of the employees will not be accepted easily (Goodman & Sage, 2016). There is a negative influence of the organizational culture of Coles Supermarkets on the decisions of its employees.  The management of Coles Supermarkets might doubt the decisions of the employees, and it may be difficult to implement those decisions.

Potential Changes in the Organization

First of all, Coles Supermarkets have to take initiatives to make their organizational culture strong. A strong organizational culture could determine how the managers those who have a unitive approach respond to decisions of the employees. A strong organizational culture can limit the decisions of the managers to manage his or her management roles and focus more on employees’ decisions (Devin & Richards, 2016). It is because the organizational culture set the rules for the people what to do or what not to do. Though the rules are not written down or even not clear or even the people does not talk about them, they exist and impact the people. 

The managers of Coles Supermarkets have to adjust with the decisions of employees to blend in the organizational culture. They can take decisions in accordance with the corporate culture, as this way can make the decisions work out more effectively (Pulker, Trapp, Scott & Pollard, 2018). The change in organizational culture might affect the decision making in two ways. The first way is that the organizational culture can motivate the employees and guide them to take their decisions. The second way is to set the rules, as it might allow the staffs to act more carefully within Coles Supermarkets but limits the vision of staffs to take correct decisions. 

Use of Methods by the Organization to overcome Resistance 

The following methods that can be used by Coles Supermarkets to overcome resistance are as follows:

Education and Communication - One of the best methods which can be utilized by Coles Supermarkets for overcoming resistance is to educate the people about the changes beforehand. Open communication and education might help the staffs to notice logic behind the changes. It can also reduce the baseless and inappropriate rumors regarding the impacts of changes in Coles Supermarkets (Rejchrt & Higgs, 2015). The management can see if there is two-way communication between the managers and the employees so that both can know each other's reactions to changes.

Facilitation and Support - The management of Coles Supermarkets could reduce potential resistance by supporting the staffs during difficult times. The managerial support can help the staffs to deal with fear and anxiety during the changing period (James, 2016). The source of resistance is possibly on the perception that there can be some detrimental effects that might be caused due to change in Coles Supermarkets (Schanes & Stagl, 2019). This method is concerned with the facility of specialized training and counseling.

Negotiation and Agreement - The managers of Coles Supermarket could overcome resistance by offering incentives to the staffs for not to resist changes. It could be done by allowing the resistors of change to ban the components of change which can be threatening, or by offering incentives to the resistors of change to leave the organization by early resignations or retirements to avoid the experience the changes (Schlegelmilch, 2016).  

Recommendations and its Rationale 

The CEO can be recommended on the basis of a hypothesis about the low salaries of the staffs of Coles Supermarkets. It is highly suggested to the CEO to gather the data regarding the salary structure of its competitors such as Woolworths, Walmart, and Amazon to get an idea of differences in pay-grades between them and Coles Supermarket. 

It is also recommended to the CEO to organize a private meeting with the dissatisfied employees and listen to their side of the story. He could let them talk first by asking them their issues regarding their salary and take notes of the problems. Then the CEO can do more research on the issues with other members of Board and HR managers. In this way, the CEO can move forward and deal with the problem of inadequate salaries of the staffs of Coles Supermarkets.

Almost 45% of 112,298 employees of Coles Supermarkets are paid below the standard wages. Most of the underpaid employees earn less than $10,000 to $ 15,000 each year. Collection of data regarding the salary structure of its competitors will provide the CEO with valuable information regarding the current salary structure of the industry. Meeting with the employees will help to find out some solutions or reaching in mutual agreement with the employees.


The paper had discussed about the weak organizational culture of Coles Supermarkets to potentially affect the decisions of the people along with reasons. The steps to support the changes had also been provided. It had also evaluated the methods that Coles Supermarket can utilize to overcome the resistance to change.  The hypothesis about the low salaries of the staffs of Coles Supermarkets had been recommended to CEO to move forward. The rationale of the recommendations had also been given to support the recommendations.


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