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Hospitality Management


Part 1) Reflective Practice:

a. People consulted in relation to your placement (internal and external); reflection on your placement, goals and activities; reflection on any relevant operational and/or management activities; interpersonal or communication activities etc.

b. Critical analysis of the above, any challenges faced and how they've been addressed.

c. Future plans of activity.

Answer: Reflective Practice: I am doing the placement in the Pullman on the Park Hotel in Melbourne CBD in Food and Beverage department. For the past three months, I am mostly engaged in food and beverage services. As I am in the food and beverage team, my focus is always been to communicate with the guests and understand their needs along with serve them with best experiences. In the last half of my three months engagement in the In-room Dining and Minibar operations, I have developed knowledge such as what makes hotel presentable, specifically the dining area. My time management skills are also have been developed as in dining services and mini bar services time management and accountability are the most important things. After these trainings and working experiences, I am getting accustomed with the sequence of services, so I have stop getting anxious, which was one of my weaknesses. I think, I have exhibited development in my work, so, the managers now give responsibility of food and beverage works on me and hand over important tasks, which are required to be finished tactfully. 

As I have underlined above, I stated working Pullman on the Park Hotel in the month February this year. If I count the dates, then it has been around fourmonths and I have developed an interest in continuing to work with this organization in the future. As I am working in the in-room Dining and Minibar operations, I have discussed about my future planning with some of the permanent workers and some co-workers of mine. As well as, I have come to know their plans also. This gives me insight regarding professional opportunities of me ahead and what are the loopholes in my future planning. After discussing with my seniors, I have come to know that in December due to low season issues, hiring process becomes slow and then it becomes hard to get a position in the in-dining and mini bar services. As I am currently going towards the end of my training and placement, some of the senior professionals have asked me about my plans and I have expressed my eagerness to work with them and with the company in the same department. Though self-evaluation has reflected some of the important facts; on which I need to focus and work on. There are some of my weaknesses such as technical expertise, team management and others that need to be improved.

This report is developed by depending on the systems and operations applied by the hotel. Therefore, I contacted my operations manager in order to have a better acknowledgement of the topic. Before communicating with him, me and my colleagues from hospitality management background, who is also engage in six months placement other hotels, had a discussion on the topic and we jotted down some important points. I showed the work to operations manager and he approved on the progress but also added some points that need to be developed.


Part 2) Focus of Report: identify the systems that enable management to make decisions and how they are measured.

Answer: System identification: In the business world, many methods have been discovered to measure the success or the failure of the Hotel, organization, institution and many more. Some of them are establishing a specified goal, defining clear deadline, having an organization's outline, having to check the process regularly and many more. All these tools for measuring success are time tested and practiced in most of the multinational companies throughout the world. Each of the above systemare unique in their own ways and have their own advantages and disadvantages in practicing (Fukeyet al., 2016).

Establishment of specified goal - establishing a clear goal always help the organization to understand what to expect from the employees. It helps every employee to understand their job role in a better way. However, measuring progress can be quite different from one person to another and from one project to another. The manager's familiarity with the employee's skill help the manager to make decision on who to assign a task so that maximum efficiency can be archived. The Pullman hotel always uses these tactics to put the right man or women in the right job. However, the manager always looks for the ways so that the stress level of the work can be equally divided to all the workers so that no single person has to work more than his or her share.

Defining clear deadline - having the end goal on of the organization on sight, for an organization it is always helpful to put a deadline of every work. It helps the employees to stay on track and times consumption is reduced. Tracking the progress report on any work or project becomes much easier for every manager once the manager specifies the deadline for the work. There are generally two types of deadline followed by the managers in any organization. The primary one is a clear-cut deadline, which suggest the end of the work time, and the secondary one is the milestone deadline, which suggest that the project has archived certain level towards its goal.

Having the outline for the organization - the overall outline of a project can help the manager to track the project progress. The project manager can understand the overall goal of every individual as well as the overall goal of the team.

Constant check on the progress - The importance of check-in should never be underestimated by any manager the personal touch always helps the manager to get the accurate report. Checking-in is one of the most useful tools that a manager can have at his or her disposal. It also helps to enhance the communication skills of the manager with the employees. It is also a motivational tool that creates a scene of importance among the employees.

a. What kind of system has your hotel/restaurant? How is it used? Is it a useful tool? If they don't use one what would you suggest? For example, how are the following measured in your organisation:

1. Customer Satisfaction

Answer: There are many methods to evaluate consumer satisfaction. However, here are some of the methods that are used by the Pullman hotel to understand and evaluate consumer satisfaction. 

1.1 Survey: Having a survey from the consumer is the most effective and only probable way to understand the consumer satisfaction. The consumers are the only people who can state their level of utility and satisfaction. Online as well as offline mode of survey are being conducted by the Pullman hotel to get the maximum result. The Hotel makes weighted scale survey to get the credible amount of feedback (Trpkovskiet al., 2018)

1.2 Understanding expectation: Understanding the expectation level of the consumers helps the hotel to better modify the overall service experience. The Pullman Hotel always makes effort to understand what is expected from them. It makes excellent advertisement so that the experience always exceeds the expectations. 

1.3 Understand the place of failure: Understanding the place of failure ensures that the company is working towards progress. One of the best ways for the Pullman Hotel to do so by looking at the staff and finding if they are making promises that cannot be meet. Understanding the chain of communication and learning about new management skills always stays the top priority for the Pullman hotel's managers.


2. Staff Satisfaction

Answer: 2.1 Employment program: The Pullman hotel makes great employment programs. It helps a lot of employees to improve their own skills and get to the place where they always wanted. It pays good salary to the employees and motivate them whenever needed. The hotel has excellent relationship with its staff and seeks any opportunity to further boost their experience.

2.2 Pantry system: The Hotel provides excellent Pantry system to its staff with free of cost. It allows every employee to use this service with any number of times they want. It provides the employees an extra amount of time because they do not need to make food at home.

2.3 Laundry system: Perhaps the biggest challenge for any five-star hotel staff is to make their appearance clean. Therefore, the Pullman hotel allows a 24 hours Laundry system for the staff to get their uniform clean. The staff can also clean their personal cloths if needed in the laundry and it cost them comparatively less.

3. Financial performance

Answer: 3.1 Checking the balance sheet: The balance sheet provides all the data needed for checking and understanding the financial performance for the company. The company can look at its financial record and compare it with the recent year. The change in revenue and the change in profit margin financial profit margin of the Hotel.

4. Environmental performance

Answer: 4.1 Wastage of food and recyclable materials: One of the biggest wastages that the Hotel faces is the food wastage. The Hotel has taken many necessary steps the control the amount of wastage of food. However, it has a long way to go in this field. Sometimes the recyclable materials are also being wasted for example, glass, paper and many more. The Hotel has made significant improvement while dealing with the plastic materials.

5. Risk

Answer: Risk: For any Hotel, risk management always stays as the priority (Routledge, 2017). It has the power to destroy the Hotel's reputation and harm the goodwill of the Hotel. The Pullman Hotel always takes the Risk very seriously and makes significant changes to deal with any amount of risk. 

5.1 Lost baggage: Almost in a daily basis, the Pullman Hotel deals with the lost baggage. Despite the fault of guest or the employees finding the baggage always stays as the priority. The Hotel usually takes a report of the lost items and make significant effort in finding the baggage.

5.2 Medical care facilities: It is very important for the hotels to keep medical care facilities available on 24-hour basis. Emergency can take place at any time. Therefore, the Pullman hotel makes the necessary arrangements to deal with the medical care facilities (Bracken, 2016).

Conclusion: The Pullman Hotel has a very rich and prospering heritage. Ever since its foundation, it has come a long way and made significant contribution to the Hotel industry. The above study shows how the Pullman hotel operates in daily basis. It provides detailed information on the methods of its operations and the facilities it provides to the employees and the consumers as well. It shows the work of the hotel and the overall system of the hotel. Its efficient method of conducting business in the hospitability sector cannot be compared.

Recommendations: As studied and noticed in Hilton hotel, Pullman on the Park Hotel have not modified their performance management system in the room dining and mini bar department. If I would have been positioned in a managerial responsibility, I would have recommended for change in the system. On the other hand, operations in the relationship management system needs to develop to cope up with the changing demands and interests of the guests. Staff management is really an issue with the food and beverage department, specifically in room dining services. During my placement and training period, I have noticed that in rush hours sometimes management fails to communicate with their staff. It would be better, if the management consider in engaging and communicating with staff who are willing to do extra hours. In this way, availability of staff will be increased and operations management will be more effective in the future.


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