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Homosexuality Assignment Help

1. Name one concept, theory, or research finding that you learned from this week’s reading.  You are to provide the page number from where you retrieved this information.

2. Provide a background of the theory/concept, covering the name of theory, theorist, or concept, and what the theory says about human development or behavior.
3.Describe an illustrative example of this theory concept in everyday life. The illustrative example should provide sufficient detail and link your example to specific course concepts. Use examples from your personal experiences, informal observations of those around you, or the media.

4.“Internalized homophobia” is BEST described by which of the following?

     a). A gay person accepts heterosexual society’s negative evaluations of gay people and incorporates these into his self – concept.

     b). Society’s negative regard for homosexuality creates a power and status differential in which homosexuality is viewed as inferior to heterosexuality.

     c). Cultural ideologies promote and perpetrate antipathy, hostility, and violence against homosexuals.

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Q1. This concept is taken from pg 608 on stereotypes about lesbian and gay people

Homosexuality is a trait with a basis of genetics, psychopathology, early exposure to the experiences of sexuality where an individual of a gender is attracted to the individuals of same gender. This is because some people experience sexual attraction to the same gender, then it automatically follows that there is a normal continuum of sexual attractions.

Q2.Theories on causes of homosexuality:

Early fixation hypothesis: According to this theory the embryo during the developmental stage is exposed to environmental factors and these obtain control over the masculinization of the brain.Thus the characteristics of a homosexual are believe to be imparted during the developmental stages.

Exotic becomes erotic:This theory is developed by a social psychologist namedDaryl Bem. It says that experiences in the early childhood dictate the sexual orientation of an individual. The child's behaviour and the responses to the stressful situation is geneticallypredetermined. These experiences are often faced from the family members and distant relatives. If Child's interests during the young age do not fall under the regular gender based categories they are mentally affected and view themselves as different from the other children. The different feeling is estimated to lead to psychological arousal which later transforms into sexual arousal.(Peplau et al., 1998)

Example of homosexuality:

This is the story of Nick who lives in China, who has identified his sexual orientation as a homosexual. He did not notice any changes in his behaviour until he reached an age of 10. During his childhood he had always felt different and experience that he was stuck in the body of a boy. He wished he wore girl's clothes and tried to imitate their handholding behaviour but was severely rejected by the boys of his age. He could not fulfil the traditional strong masculine mentality. He wears bright colours and make up which draws attention from the bystanders. He is stereotyped as a molester. Whenever he visits any public place, he faces humiliation. His love for his partner started out as a sympathy for each other and to bond on an emotional basis. Their relationship was not accepted by his family members and faced social rejection.. Once he reached adolescence, he preferred feminine clothing. He was locked by his college mates and faced hostility from his professors as well.

4."Internalized homophobia" is BEST described by which of the following?

a). A gay person accepts heterosexual society's negative evaluations of gay people and incorporates these into his self - concept. This concept states that from an early age individuals are taught that heterosexual behaviour is the right way. Homosexuality was considered as a mental disorder that needs medical attention. As a homosexual grows with those beliefs he develops self-hatred.

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