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History of Police Clothing Assignment Help

Write the thesis on the History of police clothing.

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The History of Police Clothing

In terms of police clothing and uniform, the initial developments were in 1829 with the advent of the London Metropolitan Police, who were assigned a dark blue uniform, which were paramilitary in their style. Ever since the inception of the modern police uniform, the New York City Police Department were among the first official body to mandate a style of clothing for their forces, which was similar in its approach to that of the London Metropolitan. The history of police clothing not only helps understand the practical nature of the uniforms but also explains the psychological underpinnings associated with its look and feel in terms of both the forces and the civilians.

The history associated with police uniforms in the country can be said to be an illustrative tale in terms of policing, as the clothing patterns resemble the kind of expectations that society has from them, and also the perception that civilians have regarding the forces (Marshall, 2014). The New York Police Department engages in dark-colored uniforms, paramilitary in their style, and this has been followed by other counties and states as well. The current standards pertaining to the uniform is essentially the artifact of the Civil War, and subsequent changes were also made to enforce the idea of the police organization as being one that is free from corruption and has the authority to enforce law and order in the country. This also led to a further militarization of the US police force, which ultimately made their clothing very similar to that of the soldiers who were actively engaged in warfare.

There has been ample proof to substantiate the social significance that clothing has when it comes to interacting with strangers and how they perceive each other. Thus, this has been the defining element in choosing police uniforms that are designed in such a manner as to ensure that they inspire respect within others. Other factors that have also been often considered are the political climate as well as the extent of practicality of the uniforms (Leeson, 2011). For instance, the kind of clothing that state troopers are assigned to wear has a major role in determining the perception of authority that one develops on seeing them, when they approach the vehicles. Similarly, the local police departments often have to prioritize the need for a tactical approach when it comes to using body armor and uniform styles.

Officers responsible for patrolling neighborhoods often have a friendlier air about them and the same can be deduced from their clothing as well.

However, the uniform hadn't always been the same as it is today: the clothing for policemen have evolved throughout history to suit the demands and needs of external society and political climate. Mention here can be made of the case of Ferguson, Missouri (Buchanan, et al., 2015; Marshall, 2014), where many residents were left feeling uncomfortable because the style of the uniform of the policemen were leaning towards paramilitary, although the design was chosen due to its practical nature. Also, even though the rate of crimes had been significantly curbed due to the military-style policies, the relationship between the communities and the police forces further deteriorated, which prompted them to change the clothing style to adapt to the societies they were originally meant to serve.

From the above discussion, it is clear that there is a very prominent relationship between society and the evolution of police clothing as can be deduced from its history. The uniform that is seen today has not always been the same, and it would be safe to state that a majority of the changes to the clothing styles and designs were the outcomes of the efforts to cater to the political as well as the societal situations. gives accountability of your time and Money – Avail TOP results originated History of Police Clothing assignment help services at best rates!

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