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HI6008 Business Research Project Assignment Help

Write a business research report on the topic Challenges Faced By International Students In English Language In Australia demonstrating your understanding of the business research paradigm, appropriate methodology, data collection, analysis and interpretation.

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In the modern world, a huge number of students are interested to study in overseas institutions and colleges. The students of developing countries want to learn and gain huge knowledge on the changing technological trends to gather knowledge on changes in an environment of education. The developed nations such as Australia and England are categorized as the most popular and ideal abroad destinations for the international students. With the growing change in culture and language, a huge number of international students face difficulty. The main motive of this study is to understand the problems of international students in universities. The process to overcome these huge challenges is also mentioned in this study. Due to language barriers and other stressors linked with the academic study are described in this study. In this study the interview and survey is also conducted in order to gain the information about the challenges faced by international students in the universities of Australia. 

Literature review 

It is of utmost importance for the universities to review the population and performance of the international students. As per the views of Ross et al. (2019), lack of language skills along with the academic barriers while studying as well as mental problems are arising on a large scale. These problems are affecting the international students in the universities of Australia. It has been analysed that the language problem is a huge consequence of the students who have the interest t learn overseas. The accent is termed as a huge consequence for the international students because they find the English language hard to understand. It is been noticed that there are problems linked with passive voice and they face problems regarding correct pronunciation. As commented by Brown et al.  (2018), huge international students face problems due to their low confidence in the English language level. It has been evaluated that the international students feel uncomfortable while speaking with the local student due to their incorrect pronunciation. Though many articles and books it has been observed that the individuals did not have quality writing and speaking skills in the English language. The international students have poor reading skills which affect their academic studies on a large scale. 

It has been observed that during semesters and annual examinations the international student spend huge time in reading the questions and as a result their efficiency of studying decreases. The students who do not know the English language or are not native English speakers are affected due to poor grammar and writing skills. As stated by Malkin and Chanock (2018), the main reason behind the mind of an international student is to study and gain knowledge in the English language. It has been observed that there is a difference in the culture of human beings and to adjust in this environment is challenging for international students. There are different cultural norms because in Australia handshake is termed as a common practice. However, a student who is from Thailand might place his hand together. In Australia, the professors have different techniques of teaching; which the international students find it difficult to learn. The reason behind the poor performance in academics is mainly based on diverse teaching techniques. 

It has been observed that there are international students who face problems due to some financial problems it lead to an increase in their stress level. It has been observed that homesickness is another challenge faced by international students. As they are far away from their parents increases their stress level and it becomes difficult for the students to reduce the pressure and depression. For every individual home is the quality place to reduce stress. It has been observed that due to financial stress result in less academic performance of the students. As it has been known that the cost of study abroad is very high which result in increased stress level. Due to this phenomenon, the students involve in a part-time job which is reducing their time for studying. There is a increase in mental stress and burden due to huge spending of money. Stress is categorized as an important component of challenges faced by international students in learning the English language. 

In order to minimize these consequences, it is the responsibility of the universities of Australia to help the students in studying by providing the study materials. It is important to organize a campaign for developing the English language. By including the English course in the subject can help the students to improve their English writing and reading skills. As per the views of Bista (2019), providing scholarship to the bright international students can minimize financial stress. It will help them to improve their academic studies and the universities can provide some financial help to the students to minimize their stress level. It can be stated that with the help of scholarship schemes as well as providing effective training on the English course. It is the responsibility of the professors to share some essential notes and study material with the International students in order to reduce their stress. 

It has been analyzed that it is essential to learn the English language for gaining knowledge and learning academics. Huge time is been spent by the international students to learn this language and they find it hard to adjust in this challenging environment. In the modern world, it has been noticed that mental health has become a major concern of the students who are not from Australia. The students who came from China and Japan face difficulties because their mother tongue is not English and the communication process becomes difficult for them while they are interacting with the local students. As per the views of Pham et al. (2018), it has been illustrated that the people who live in Australia speak very fast compare to other students. It can be stated that due to variation in the cultural norms the international students are facing difficulties in their learning processes. It is of utmost importance for the international students in order to adjust in the new environment. By adopting the new environment will help to improve the academic performance of the international students. As commented by Daly and Sharma (2018), English is considered as a first language in Australia and in the world, there are various regions where people did not speak fluent English. It is inspected that the individuals who are not from Australia have to pass a normal Basic English literature test in order to get a visa. It has been seen that a vast majority of students feel homesick because there are many students who have never lived away from their native place. As stated by Heng (2018), it has also been observed that when some students want to switch the course language they have to provide a valid reason. It has been analyzed that the international students face financial challenges, apart from the academics there are living expenses too which are increasing their depression level. It can be stated that the challenges can be minimized with the proper support of the classmate i.e. local Australian students; it will help to minimize the stress level and improves the academic performance.  


In this research which is based on the challenges faced by international student’s positivism, philosophy is chosen in order to gain true knowledge. As per the views of Alharbi and Smith (2018), the deductive approach will be beneficial in this study in order to design and design the hypothesis of the study. In this report, the explanatory design is preferred by the researchers in order to connect the variables which will help them to find a quality outcome. This design is used in this project because it helps to understand the problems in depth. In this research project, primary methods are suitable which will help to know the views of international students. As commented by Abrar et al. (2018), with the help of the survey and interviews session, one can easily know the viewpoint of the individuals and it is essential to enhance their performance. Primary quantitative method has been used in this research, where 21 international students were asked the question on the basis of the challenges they face due to the English language. Additionally, consent will be sought from all the participants to ensure the ethical basis of the research and their identities will be kept confidential. Furthermore, the gathered data will not be manipulated in any way to ensure the validity and reliability of the results. 

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A total of 21 international students were asked questions to gather information about the difficulties they face related to language and cultural differences in Australia.

Question 1

Do the professors help and support you in learning the English courses?


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Figure:  response to survey question 1

(Source:  Created by author)

Question 2

Do the strategies which are implemented by the higher authority of the university to increase your understanding of English help you to enhance other areas of your academics?

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Figure:  response to survey question 2

(Source:  Created by author)

Question 3

Are you satisfied with the process adopted by the professor to help you in learning the English language?

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Figure: response to survey question 3

(Source: Created by author)


In the above interview and survey session, it has been analysed that the international students face some challenges because their mother tongue is not English. As per the views of Hughes et al. (2018), it has been observed that there is a difference in the culture of human beings and to adjust in this environment is challenging for international students. It has been observed that there is a lack of language skills along with academic challenges. It has been observed that a huge number of consequences are illustrated among international students.

In the interview session, two professors were asked to answer a common question about the problem of international students. It has been analyzed that when this question is asked to the first professor, he replied that the international students who are present in the university did not fluent in the English language. According to Abayadeera et al. (2018), the professors who do not speak fluent English face difficulty in learning and face difficulty while reading the lessons and they take extra time to learn the various concepts. According to him by providing extra classes on basic language can help the students to overcome this challenge. On the other hand, the second professor replied that international students face a huge number of problems related to their studies. Other stressors are based on their financial condition as they have to pay for their living expenses which are increasing their stress level. As commented by Ho and O'donovan (2018), there is a variation in the cultural norms of different student affect their studies.

In the survey, the total sample size was 21 and three questions were asked to them in order to gather information about their problems. In the first survey question, 52% of the students gave a positive response whereas 48% did not agree with the statement. As commented by Diamandi et al. (2018), majority of international students believed that the professors support them in their study whereas others are not. In the second question which was about the strategies to enhance their studies i.e. scholarship programs 71% student gave a positive response and rest 29% did not agree with them. The negative response, in this case, may be due to differences in the way in which international students and teachers approach learning as well as differences in their level of intellect when it comes to assimilating information from training and seminars Liyanage and Gurney (2018). Due to the financial problems the university has launched scholarship programs to minimize the stress level of international students. The last question was about the learning process which was adopted by the professors of the Australian universities to enhance the performance of non-native Australian students. The response of the students depicted that majority student are satisfied with the teaching procedure i.e. 57% of students were agreed. On the other hand, 43% of students did not satisfy with the learning techniques which are adopted by the professor of the university. The reason behind this negative response may be due to discrimination between the local and international students. As commented by Liaqat and Munteanu (2018), due to different cultural background and customs result in poor academic performance. It has been analysed from the above interview and survey session that that majority students are satisfied with the teaching process of the processors. However, there are many students who are facing huge complexities while adjusting in the environment. As per the views of Brunsting et al. (2018), English language is the native language of Australia and the local students are comfortable with the English courses whereas the international student find it difficult; with the help of professors the students can easily overcome the language issues.


The main objective of this study is to examine the challenges faced by the international students while dealing with the English language. It has been inspected that the international students face huge number of problems due to lack of proper English language skills; it increases the level of depression on a large scale. It is of utmost importance to support and provide proper guidance to the students in order to minimize the challenges. In the literature review part the problems were discussed in depth such as accent issues, issues related to academics and other stressors. It has been depicted that from the study that students who came from different regions i.e. china face difficulties because their mother tongue is not English. The interview and survey session was also organized in order to gather information about the challenges of non-native Australians. In the findings part all the information was examined and it illustrated that, proper support of the professors can help the students to overcome the problems. In this study it has been seen that a vast majority of students feel homesick because there are many international students who have never lived away from their native place.

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