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Healthcare System Assignment Help

Question 1

How does governance affect the vision of health care treatment?

How does health care need to change to achieve better outcomes?


What does team-based care look like in health care organizations?

Question 3

How do you encourage knowledge exchanges within health care despite status barriers?

Question 4

Discuss how health care leaders can systemically integrate government, community, and health care systems into a network of health care.

Question 5

Discuss how the government should lead efforts to modernize health care as America's largest payer

Question 6

How will you keep an inclusive entrepreneurial culture in your organizations?

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Question 1

How does governance affect the vision of health care treatment?

Clinical governance acts as a framework to monitor the quality of healthcare service in an organization. Effective governance motivates in the utilization of scarce resources and encourages desirable behavior to achieve the vision of healthcare treatment. Apart from governing quality, data governance is also a vital approach for collecting, securing and getting the value of the health information. Hence, it fulfills the basic healthcare objectives, (i) improving patient's experience and (ii) minimizing per capita cost of treatment (Wang, Kung, & Byrd, 2018).

How does health care need to change to achieve better outcomes?

To achieve a better outcome in healthcare service, it is required to generate a data-driven culture that emphasizes on (i) integrated care environment, (ii) data transparency, and (iii) data interoperability (Aldulaimi, & Mora, 2017). The health system based on integrated care will help patients with easy transitions to the normal state through the right care in the right setting at the lowest possible cost. Data transparency helps the patients to become aware that they are receiving the best health care service at the lowest cost and thus, they are able to make the right healthcare decision. Similarly, data interoperability facilitates data integration with a single source of authenticity.


What does team-based care look like in health care organizations?

Team-based care in healthcare organizations is a strategic redistribution of responsibilities among the members of the physician-led team. The team comprises physicians, medical assistants, and nurses who share the patient care responsibilities. The steps for effective implementation of team-based care include team engagement, determining team composition, designing workflow model, improving communication, implementing and optimizing the care model (McCulloch, 2016). A team-based care model provides better patient support through team member collaboration and proper adherence to medications. Furthermore, it is a time-saving and cost-effective approach for the healthcare team as well as for the patient. For successful team-based care, the team members need to consult and coordinate with the physician (Schottenfeld, Petersen, Peikes, Ricciardi, and Burak, 2016). The nurses and medical assistants should be trained with new technology and skills. Moreover, to improve the team efficiency and communication regular clinical team meetings conducted to discuss patient issues and bring a combined solution (Schottenfeld et al, 2016). This approach is an added dimension to the existing clinical practice where the best healthcare treatment is provided in real-time.

Question 3

How do you encourage knowledge exchanges within health care despite status barriers?

The status barriers between different healthcare professionals affect knowledge sharing within healthcare. This difference creates a bureaucratic and hierarchical system that increases the time period for the communication system and ultimately hinders knowledge exchanging. This difference in status makes professionals communicate in a formal way. The formal approach restricts most of the valuable information from being shared. Thus, it is required to develop an environment where each employee can trust each other and feel free to share knowledge towards a common purpose (Davies, Powell, & Nutley, 2016). A friendly work environment should be developed where each employee holds the right to ask their questions and give their opinion (Davies et al, 2016). Each of the healthcare team members should be given appraisal and rewards for devoting time towards sharing knowledge. Technological assistance should be provided to all the members, where they can post valuable information to all the members of the healthcare system with a minimum investment of time (Lin, & Lo, 2015). Moreover, common ground can be created through job rotation, teamwork and other collaborative approaches that can overcome motivate knowledge sharing despite the status barrier (Lin et al, 2015).

Question 4

Discuss how health care leaders can systemically integrate government, community, and health care systems into a network of health care.

The integration of government and other communities with the healthcare system provides assistance in funding, infrastructure, and resource mobilization. Thus, it is the responsibility of the healthcare manager and leaders to incorporate government and community members to meet the requirements of service users, and patients. For this purpose, the leaders should have a shared goal. The healthcare manager should have three key leadership outcomes, that is, alignment, direction, and commitment:

Alignment - Coordination of work and knowledge by integrating with government agencies and other non-government agencies (Choi, Blumberg, & Williams, 2016).

Direction - There should be a widespread agreement to achieve the overall mission and objective.

Commitment - Willingness to submit self-interest towards the collective benefit of the healthcare system.

To integrate government and community members, the health care leaders should conduct a clinical governance review system on an annual basis to lower patients complained and improve service quality. It is important to achieve outstanding results in the annual report to gain government support. Thus, it is required to excel in the business outcome, trust performance statistics, morbidity rates, employee and patient satisfaction to attract government involvement (Islam, Nadkarni, Zahn, Skillman, and Kwon, 2015).

Question 5

Discuss how the government should lead efforts to modernize health care as America's largest payer

The government has played a major role in improving the healthcare system of the United States. Some of the major role of government towards improving patient's safety comprise of: access to quality care, provide latest technologies and health care practices, evaluate healthcare quality, and unite stakeholders across the healthcare network (Choi et al, 2016). The US government invests more per capita in health care as compared to any other nation, however, the outcome is not better (Islam et al, 2015). The US government should preserve the requirements of its citizens by filling the gaps in the market due to unfairness and inefficiency. This can be achieved by aiding researchers and policymakers, setting wellness measures, and allowing patients to choose care sites (Lin et al, 2015). To achieve high-quality healthcare, there should be a strong partnership between local, state and federal governments with the private sectors. Thus, to centralize the health care delivery system and provide universal health coverage, there should be a combined effort between the private and public sectors. In this way, the government can also combat rising healthcare costs.

Question 6

How will you keep an inclusive entrepreneurial culture in your organizations?

Interpersonal culture can be improved in a healthcare organization by providing a suitable environment to promote the creativity of staff, encouraging flexibility, and creating rewards and encouragement system. The managers should develop entrepreneurship characteristics by giving value to the entrepreneurial ideas and encourage hospital staff active participation in all activities. The entrepreneurial activities can be further improved by transforming the culture of the healthcare system by providing higher authority to subordinates, giving personnel appropriate training, and encouraging employee's awareness (Heinze, Banaszak-Holl, & Babiak, 2016). An entrepreneurial focussed organization should be capable of strengthening innovation and creativity in accordance with structural complexity and environmental changes. Organizations should also prepare themselves to act on those innovative ideas which look promising and beneficial. Moreover, the bureaucracy in the hospitals should be at the lowest level, where information can flow freely up and down. Sharing of information should be encouraged to make healthcare services more effective and time efficient. Hence, it is a concerted effort of the organization manager and other staff members bring innovation, productivity, and progress in healthcare delivery.

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