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Healthcare Assignment Help

Background Information

1. Selection of a Health Care Setting

The health care setting which the researcher has chosen to focus on sustainability is a local hospital. The local hospital is chosen for this sustainability is because a hospital provides the majority of the healthcare services to the patient in the healthcare industry and many time it has been observed that has not been able to provide standard quality of treatment to the customers due to lack of resources. The name of the local hospital has been kept as Hope Hospital. The sustainability initiative can increase the resources of the hospital which will ultimately help the society at large. Some of the aspects of the local hospital which can improve by the sustainability are organizational culture, marketing and public relation, charge for providing the service of the hospital and many more aspects like these.

2. Analyzation of the Selected Health Care Setting

Some of the departments of the local hospital are accident and emergency, admission, anaesthetics, breast screening, burn centres, cardiology, chaplaincy, Coronary care units, critical care, diagnostic imaging, elderly service, general service, general surgery and ICU. These above mentioned are the name of the departments which are directly related to the service of the local hospital but excluding these departments, there is also some departments which are not directly linked to the hospital providing its healthcare service but play a significant role in the local hospital working hospital. These departments that fall under this category are the finance department, human resource department, gastroenterology, central sterile service department, health and safety, IT department and many more departments like these. Some of the ways by which local hospital can reduce the costs of the hospital are the efficient allocation of the human resources, installation of the energy-saving electronic technology in the hospital and reviewing and restructuring the recycling system of the hospital. The healthcare professional will be involved in the working of the department directly providing service to the patient. The employee in the other department will be the experts in their department work with adequate knowledge about the healthcare services of the hospital.

3. Selection of Sustainable Initiative

The sustainability initiative that has been chosen in this research is the energy efficiency, and this sustainability initiative has been chosen for the local hospital as the energy consumption of a local hospital is quite high and forms a major part of the operating cost of the hospital. The reason for the energy consumption being a major cost of the hospital is that a hospital operates twenty-four hours a day and different machine under the hospital take high energy to operate (Fleiszer et al., 2015). This is why the hospital cannot decrease the energy consumption of the hospital, but there are new steps that the local hospital can take to reduce the cost of the energy consumption of the hospital. These ways are the use of the environment-friendly energy like solar energy which cost lower than normal rate or development of this energy by the hospital itself or building an efficient system where there is minimal energy wastage by the hospital. For example by installing automatic switch off the electronic by the sponsored technology which can detect when individuals leave the room and many more ways like these (Pinzone et al., 2016). This sustainability initiative can not only decrease the cost of the hospital but also make the hospital more environment-friendly in its operation.

4. Identification of Data Sources

The government data and report about the healthcare industry, data of some local hospital operating in the nearby area, report on the best energy efficient practices in the healthcare industry in the global platform and many more data and information like these. The research would also like to contact the healthcare professionals working in nearby areas to know what they feel can be done to make local hospital more energy efficient. Besides, there will be a meeting with the supervision, hospital facility and finance team of the Hope hospital to get more knowledge about the current energy management method and consumption and expense level.
PROPOSAL (Word Count Requirement for Questions 5 and 6: Must be 525-700 words, combined total.)

5. Vision or Mission Statement for Sustainability Initiative

Vision- To put sustainable practices as the core of the business initiative

Mission-. To ensure that through sustainable practices it is possible to take sustainability drives to the next level, through energy, water and other resources being conserved.

Aim: The aim that the hospital has is to ensure that there is reduction of unsustainable practices in the organisation and there is the practice of sustainable measures in the organisation.

Objectives: To ensure to attain sustainable standards in all respects and in all the various fields.

The effort that shall be taken in this sustainability initiative is as follows:

• To reduce energy consumption through placing solar panels for use of clean renewable energy

• To ensure to place sensors throughout the hospital , so that they sense the lack of people and automatically switch off lights and fans

• To continuous improvement to the lower the energy consumption from the current level by different innovative methods and ways

The hospital is associated with the aim of providing affordable healthcare to the neighborhoods and ensures that there is hardly any patient who wants personalized care and fails to receive it, even through healthcare in homes that are catered to by the hospital staff. Sustainable practices associated with waste reduction and proper disposal ( Broerse& Grin,2017). The endeavor that the hospital has undertaken is to ensure that through efficient modern equipment and through proper training of the staff, the hospital will ensure that there is a conscious effort towards sustainable measures that are linked to energy consumption, water consumption as well. There is the futuristic focus of ensuring that healthcare facilities are made affordable to all and this is to be done, by creating a monthly subscription plan like insurance that the patient can enroll with in the hospital. In case of need of better healthcare facilities, being required there shall be free treatment in super specialty hospitals with whom this hospital has collaboration.

6. Expectations and Outcomes of Sustainability Initiative

The outcome that is expected over times is to save significant amount of money in the resources department so that there can be expansion of the new wing of the organisation and that it is developed from scratch as a green building initiative.
There is the expectation that once all the sensors are put in place it shall be possible to save huge amount of wasted water, within the period of a year. There are plans to raise money from the community in order to set up a solar panel and solar energy conservation set up and it is expected that this shall be possible in a years time. There is a need to ensure that the multi occupancy green building will have better facilities so as to ensure that energy resources will not be misused. The waste segregation and recycling are also areas where there is a need to ensure that there shall be much progress made over a period of six months.

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss the cost and benefits associated with the initiative you have selected.

The costs associated with the sustainability are purchasing, installing and maintaining the energy saving new electronic technologies in the hospital premise and the benefits associated with the selected sustainability initiative are the lower energy consumption and lower electricity cost of the hospital.

The sustainability of healthcare innovations: a concept analysis by Fleiszer et al., (2015) and Progressing in the change journey towards sustainability in healthcare: the role of ‘Green'HRM by Pinzone et al., (2016) discuss about the benefits and cost of having an energy efficient sustainable initiative program, and this is how it supports the development of this sustainable initiative.

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss the standard of care expected at your selected health care setting, innovative ideas on how to improve the quality of care and outcomes, or ideas on how to make patient care at the setting more sustainable.

Some of the best practices that can be chosen as sustainability are Kanban inventory and energy efficient.
The sustainability of healthcare innovations: a concept analysis by Fleiszer et al., (2015) and Toward Sustainable Transitions in Healthcare Systems. (Broerse & Grin, (2017) discuss different methods that can be used by the healthcare organisation to better their quality of care and ideas on how to make patient care at the setting more sustainable.

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss how your initiative can reduce waste at the health care setting you selected.

Some of the best practices that can be chosen as sustainability to reduce waste are red bag waste reduction and blue wrap recycling.
The sustainability of healthcare innovations: a concept analysis by Fleiszer et al., (2015) and Progressing in the change journey towards sustainability in healthcare: the role of ‘Green'HRM by Pinzone et al., (2016) discusses how the chosen initiative can reduce waste at the local hospital health care setting.

How do you define sustainability in health care?

The sustainability in health care means an increase in efficiency in the process through which the healthcare organisation provides service or care to the patients of the organisation (Harris et al., 2017). Sustainability in healthcare is beneficial for all stakeholders of the healthcare system but one of the reasons sometime sustainability initiative is avoided in the healthcare organisation is due to the large amount of expense that the healthcare organisation has to sustain in the short time but in these case high benefit of the initiative in the long run is ignored (Khan et al., 2018).

What opportunities exist in your organization for meaningful dialogue about sustainable practices?

The opportunities exist in the organization for meaningful dialogues about sustainable practices are through employee feedback, monthly meeting of staffs or meeting with the upper management of the hospital where the initial idea of a sustainability initiative is presented. If any new idea about the sustainability initiative passed the initial approval by the management in those above mentioned meetings and discussion then a full report are requested from the experts.


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