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Health and Safety at Workplace Assignment Help

Recognize and analyse the potential hazards that observed in the workplace during your site visit, and identify the factors leading to accidents. In addition, take steps to eliminate or reduce those risks.

Discuss in details the company policy to integrate the HSEM in the company management system. However, identify the safety standards adopted by the company and show if needs any improvement.

Discuss and enumerate the contribution (or not) of the HSEM system on the profitability of the company. Critically evaluate the occupational health and safety legislation & compliance requirements for the specific work activities in the site.

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Health and safety at workplace is one of the major concerns for employers. The Oman labour regulations state that the employees are not more than human being who is working under a system and being supervised by a body. The workers are the biggest asset of a firm. The benefits and productivity is completely or mostly depended on the employees of the company and therefore taking care of their health as well as workplace security comes as the first and foremost duty of organisations. In order to understand workplace safety issues the following section has chosen Haya Water and identified potential risks. The site visit on which the workers work for the water management system for this company, has initiated to document and gain insight into workplace safety. In this following file, some key safety issues of the site and its workers are documented and some probable solutions are provided. The way the company complies with HSEM is also mentioned along with shading light on legal compliance.

Hazard & risks and factors

The following section would analyse the existing health hazards and the steps that are used to eliminate the risks.
The Haya Water is one of the leading water body managing authorities in Oman. The key three areas on which the Haya Water works are pumping stations wastewater networks, and sewage treatment plants (, 2018). Some of the key associated with the activities that this organisation do is, the overflow of sewage and the chances of toxic element getting mixture with the water bodies that are used for cultivation or for supply of household use water. Several contagious diseases can become epidemic of the hazards and not managed well. The accidents in the sites can affect the workers to the most critical extent.

It is difficult to keep track of the whole system and take timely actions to deal with them. The organisation has developed several procedures that can help to deal with the accidental risks. As the first victim of any risk events at the site would be the employees working in the sites, Haya Water has developed an application, INTELEX application, to ensure Occupational Safety and Environment Department (QHSE). The key parts of this system are Accident Management System, Civil Defense License, Risk Assessment System, Statistics and Indicators of Incident Reporting, Legal Requirements, Audit and Reporting System, and Certificates Tracking System (, 2015). The organisation has also initiated near about 68 courses that is chiefly aimed at safety at the sites and occupational safety. As of 2018, nearly 441 people are working as trainees, with the firm. Their training session is chiefly focused on detection of and prevention of safety hazards at the sites (Times of Oman, 2018).

The workers working at the site are vulnerable to several safety issues. The basic safety hazards at workplace of Haya Water are the slips, falls and trips. The workers have to work in such areas that are located at several feet above the ground and therefore, there are always chances of failing from them. The basic solutions for this hazard are use of helmet, knee cuff and such tools that can prevent from serious injuries (, 2019). It is always suggested to use such ladders, the steps of which are not too short and slippery as they increase chances of fall. Falling to places like a wet well and recirculation pit, or things like a clarifier tank, can bring more difficult consequences.

The second most impactful hazard is working in short and confined space. People can develop claustrophobic symptoms by working in longer hours at the short spaces. They can also become subjected to several mental health issues after working with longer others with disgustful element or unhygienic circumstances.

Next to these issues, the most impactful issue that is the presence of harmful gases. Some of the most harmful gases that are found to be present in this site are methane, hydrogen salfide and the deficit of Oxygen. Though the site visit do not prove the presence of such elements in the site but the foul gas and the suffocative environment give hints of the presence of such gas in the areas.

All of the gas materials that emerge from foul water and sewage plants are harmful to health. Gas like Methane and Hydrogen sulphide are basically some by-products that come from decomposition of the organic materials. For example, during the second stage of STP, the organic materials are transformed to inorganic with the help of bacteria and microorganism. This procedure also results to creation of some gas by-products that are also unbearable. The ventilation process that is undertaken in this stage also creates chances for emission for such harmful gases (Borgomeo et al., 2018). There is also possibility of explosion if such cases get in touch with ignition. Some other hazardous elements that are also used and emit during the procedure of purification are chlorine, ammonia, chlorine dioxide or infact ozone. The toxic nature of such gases can harm significantly to the workers.

Another workplace threat for workers working in the plantation is that, several pipelines are for the purpose of purification of water and management of water bodies. Leakage to such tools and pipelines can lead to creating some major issues. First of all the impure water would get mixed to the pure one and the materials would come in touch with the impure water. If this water contains some harmful virus that can get realised from water to air, chances of major health issues would be created. Firstly this would impact the workers as they would be exposed to the contagious materials present in the water or consequently the air.

The use of chemicals are major part of the work roles of workers in Haya Water. The elements should not get in touch with skin or foods. Directly breathing in of the chemicals can also cause significant damages.

Solution of risks

It is essential and critical to ensure workplace safety at such plants (, 2017). Several steps can be undertaken to deal with the issue of work place risk hazards in Haya Water.

A little number of procedures is there that can help to deal with the exposure of harmful gases. However, some tools and precautions can help to deal with the issue. Multi gas monitor can be used for the purpose. This provides the primary level of protection form issues like ethane, hydrogen sulfide, and so on. Several gas detection tools are also been developed over the years, that can aid workers to detect the leakage of such gases that are harmful to their health. Some medicines can also be taken to develop immunity against such issues. The basic aid like inhaler and such other tools should be present at the workplace to avoid cases like exhaustion and so on.

The employees should be taught about the risk management methods that can be adopted in order to deal with the workplace hazard issues. As is mentioned earlier, the firm has effective methods to train the employees and already several courses are under way. Therefore, the methods that would help them to take instant measure to deal with workplace risks have to be taught to the employees with the help of effective training process.

The organisation already has several procedures that can deal with the sudden explosion cases at the site. However, it is essential to install more fire extinguisher and such tools that can deal with explosion and fire related issues. Most importantly, the worker should be taught about the methods to use the tools.

While working around open pits, the employees as the as the contractors of Haya water should be take extra precautions as there is yet not as such alternative procedures available at the site. They should wear such dresses that can help them to prevent exposure to contagious materials.

Safe systems

This section would analyse the safety systems that the company has adopted in order to align its initiatives with HSEM. The implementation of HSEM in the company management system, is in fact one of the key roles of the firm. The company itself work for improving environment and reducing the hazardous elements at work that can affect the overall public health (Cosgrove and Loucks, 2015). The company has adopted several strategies and systems to implement HSEM. The STP system is the most recent and most effective of them.

The key strategy that has been adopted for dealing with the health hazards is STP treatment process. The company, from the beginning of its establishment, has been trying to develop new and effective technologies for wastewater management. The key purpose of the wastewater management is to improve overall health standards and remove health hazards. The current STP system that is used for risk management is divided into two segments that are Intermittent Cyclic Extended Aeration System (ICEAS) and Membrane and Bioreactors System (MBR). They have been use as the substitute of the previously used traditional way of managing wastewater.

The risk management procedure is divided into three segments that are the first stage of ‘physical treatment', the second stage of ‘biological treatment' and lastly the triple treatment phase.

The reduction of contaminated materials is the main part of the first stage. In this stage, with the help of removing the contagious elements, it aims to improve the specifications of the water system. Some of the basic steps that are taken in this stage are the removal of non organic floating materials. The non organic materials are mostly plastics. Mechanical netting is used for this purpose. Then sand, fat and grease are removed as they chock water flow (, 2019).

The next stage is of biological treatment, where biological methods are used to clean the water. In this stage bacteria and microorganisms are mixed with the water so that the organic non drinkable materials present in the water and make the waster unclean, can be transformed to organic material that settles at the bottom. Then it is transformed to sediment ponds.

The last stage is of sterilisation of water and removal of solid or suspended parts. This procedure enhances the purity of water. The water that is gathered from the sediment ponds are filtered with adding chlorine in order to get rid of bacteria and microorganisms which is harmful to health.

The company has effective Quality, Health Safety and Environment. The key principles that it follows to ensure this are:

• Ensuring that the workers feel safe at workplace

• Assuring legal compliance chiefly made for the employees

• Lowering the risk of business interruption

• Updating the QHSE lessons almost regularly or a within a determined time interval

• Making sure that the workers are competent at their profession and equipped with proper knowledge of workplace safety

Legislation requirements

In this section, the regulations that are associated with safety requirements would be evaluated.
The organisations that are working in the soil of Oman should be obliged by the regulations that are developed for workplace safety and security of workers. Haya Water, being an organisation that deals with such areas that is not only connected with the health issues of its employees but also the general people, has to abide by the regulations. The organisations has several procedures and policies that help them abide by the regulations.

The Omani Labour Code, developed in 2003, denies employees as "every natural person who works with the employer in consideration of a wage and under his management and supervision." This, at the very basic level, sets the rules for employer, to treat employees as humanly as possible. This Labour Code of 2003, has several provisions that are made to ensure safety at workplace. The ILO Decent Work Country Programme for Oman is developed with the purpose of achieving safety at workplace. In fact the program is made to provide after retirement benefits to the employees. The current social security system is made to provide health benefits to public and private workers health coverage related to workplace health and safety issues. Occupational health and safety (OSH) systems is a key regulatory requirement that is being developed for the purpose. This is more than just a health and safety program and has several standards, records and policies that incorporate that incorporate the health and safety activities in business process. Some of the key components of the OHS in Oman are chiefly aimed at guiding the companies to improve health and safety provisions at workplace.

The organisation has some proactive health and safety system at the site. It has an existing framework that is applied to make sure that the hazardous elements at workplace do not bring harmful consequences. The health and safety system of Haya Water in Oman focuses on three of the following areas (, 2019).

It is created to manage and comply with all Healthy and Safety requirements in the site and its contractors. The system is made to ensure implementation of OHSAS 18001 requirements. A standard system is developed to ensure workplace safety of the employees. Enhance Occupational Health and Safety culture within the site is one of the core mission of this system. Its ability to ensure workplace safety has helped it to earn it ISO 9001 (QMS) since 2013 along with ISO 17025 (LQMS) for its Central Laboratory since the year 2011.



The organisation is also compliant with the Concession Agreement document and Authorities requirements. This is considered as a main part of the operation and practices at Haya Water. The compliance section of Haya Water has mainly two distinct section the are devided on the basis of two levels of authority. The first level is focus on ensuring compliance with the external regulations. This external regulation covers not only the health and safety standards but also other regulatory requirements as well. The next or second part is focused on ensuring internal systems of control which is mainly made as well as imposed to comply with the external requirements. The compliance section is particularly made for avoiding legal violations. In order to ensure that the firm is following all the regulations that imposed for managing health and safety and other fair practices at workplace, the company provides and submits "Service Report" on a quarterly basis. This proves that the company is not ignorant of legal compliances.


The file is about occupational safety at Haya Water. This is one of the biggest water body management organizations in Oman. They purify waters and manage wetlands as well. . It takes care of wetlands, sewage system that is connected to the water bodies and so on. The main three functional areas on which the Haya Water works are pumping stations wastewater networks, and sewage treatment plants. Some of the key risks that have been observed are the high of stations that enhances chance of fall and injury, exposure to foul and harmful gas and so on. The study also sheds light on the health and safety regulations and how the firm comply with them. 

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