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Global Warming


Question: Write an annotated bibliography on the topic - Global Warming.

Answer: Abstract: The report is about global warming and annotated bibliography containing about eight different articles is presented in the report. In most of the instances the key element of focus is climate change. How climate change is going to get impacted by Global warming, what implications it can have to the people, marine species, ice lands, agricultural yields etc are discussed. Also quantification of the global warming by global mean temperature changes, what can be the possible maximum global mean temperature rise allowed, which areas on the planet will be effected seriously are some of the aspects focussed in the current annotated bibliography.

Introduction: Global warming in the recent years is changing the climate through the planet, changes in the characteristics of typhoons, cyclones, changes in the marine water temperatures, agricultural yield impacts are some of the consequences of Global warming. The following part of the report presents with few articles as annotated bibliography pertaining to this topic of discussion.

Article 1: Costello, M. J., & Breyer, S. (2017). Ocean depths: the mesopelagic and implications for global warming. Current Biology, 27(1), R36-R38.

The source is one of the several investigative contributions to the literature regarding the application of global warming and study of implications of the same on ocean life and creatures. The findings supported the findings from the previous studies regarding the same. The source has given direct insights into the impact of Global warming on the growth rate of fish as well has also indicated the differentiation of fish growth rate in mesopelagic at shallow water depths and compared the same with the deep water depths. The source is written by Costello and Breyer. Written in 2017 and hence is very much updated and relevant to the contemporary studies of Global warming. The argument indicated the impact of the global warming on the fish growth in mesopelagic region. The typical allegatioins included the change in the level of oxygen; light and other growth relate factors and discussed the implications of the same on the species growth rate. The investigations are limited by region as well as the depths. Limitations included not extension of the findings for more regions on global scale as well depths are also limited to 1000m and spatial resolution is also limited. Global warming has impacts on the ocean species growth rate and this can have commercial implications to the countries whose economy dependent on these resources and necessary investigations will make them prepared to face the challenges in future.


Article 2: Lin, I. I., & Chan, J. C. (2015). Recent decrease in typhoon destructive potential and global warming implications. Nature communications, 6, 7182.

The source is about the climate change implications of global warming in the domain of typhoons and their destructive potential changes. The article provides with a good insights into the change over of the typhoon intensities and their destructive potential due to combined effects of the positive ocean changes and negative climatic worsening because of global warming. The source is authored by : Lin and Chan. The report is made in 2015 and hence the findings are relevant and useful for contemporary observations. Global warming is considered as the cause of reduction in the destructive impact of the typhoons in general. Limitations of the report include, The investigations is mainly confined to the observations collected in the recent years from Asia pacific regions. More comprehensive investigation and with more time duration needed to strengthen the argument. As a whole the source is provided with insights into the implications of Global warming on the climatic changes.

Article 3: Dosio, A., Mentaschi, L., Fischer, E. M., & Wyser, K. (2018). Extreme heat waves under 1.5 C and 2 C global warming. Environmental research letters, 13(5), 054006.

The source is applied to study the implication of the global warming on the generation of the heat waves on the planet. More specifically the topic is related with the climatic changes due to the global warming in the perspective of creation of the heat waves. Heat waves and their correlation with the global temperature changes of 1.5 degree and 2 degree changes make up the discussion. The source authored by Dosio et al. written in 2018 and very much relevant for contemporary studies. The global temperature rise of 2 degree Celsius can have more disastrous implications than 1.5 global mean temperature rise in the coming future. The study is focussed on the available data as of now and provided with assumption that the temperature cannot cross 2 degree Celsius, however it is possible for even higher global warming and implications can be even more severe. Applications and implications can include complications of morbidity, productivity loss etc. Insights into the effected zones in Africa and other locations with respect to respective global warming makes up the framework for further investigation.

Article 4: Frölicher, T. L., & Laufkötter, C. (2018). Emerging risks from marine heat waves. Nature communications, 9(1), 650.

The source is the study of the application of the global warming and implications to the change in the marine heat waves. Typical implications of the marine heat waves to the marine life like fish, plantations etc as well as marine life and ecosystems makes up the discussion. The source authored by Frolicher and Laufrkotter in 2018.The key argument about the severity of the MHWs and their implications to the Marine life will get seriously impacted by global warming. Lacks support of findings from retrospective investigations, laboratory experimentations and interdisciplinary approaches as well.The study is good enough to identify the implications of the global warming on the marine organism and eco systems.


Article 5: Book: Drake, F. (2014). Global warming. Routledge.

The source Global warming is highly useful due to the content included in it. Specific applications of the source may include study of global warming on aspects like right from causes to the impacts, possible modelling and impact study and reduction strategies, there is extensive study performed on global warming. The topic can be understood better with more refined applications of the principles of global warming and modelling etc can be employed to study implications and to devise strategies of remedies. The source authored by Drake in 2014. The book has presented spectrum of features from global warming and presented with the necessity to focus attention towards the same for betterment of the life on the planet. The coverage is limited in the sense the corrective measures need to reduce the global warming etc to be included much comprehensively. The information provided will be of use to get an initiation to take up corrective challenges and to make up better understanding of the menace for better life on the planet.

Article 6: Book: Amini, A. (2019). Climate Change and Global Warming. IntechOpen.

The book is very much useful for the study of global warming and implications of the same for climate change. The understanding of the topic and implications of the same to the global warming effects on climate change makes up the key application of the source. The source authored by Amini in 2019. Climate changes and the addressing of the complications using the sustainability measures make up the discussion. The coverage is limited to few selective topics in the form of collection of articles a comprehensive coverage of the topic is not done. Provides with an insight into the possible implications of the climate change on macro scale and let the readers get an overview of big picture on selected implications.

Article 7: Dincer, I., Colpan, C. O., Ezan, M. A., & Tokuç, A. (2018). 7th GLOBAL CONFERENCE on GLOBAL WARMING.

The source is a conference publication and detailed the current state of developments in the global warming scenario. The topic and the findings from the observations can be of good use to understand the current level of strategies and the strategy features about the treatment on global warming. The source is authored by Dincer, Colpan, Ezan et al in 2018.The key challenges, the collection of diverse research findings upto date, policy developments, sustainability practices etc are collected in the form of numerous articles. The key argument and unsaid element is the immediate necessity to focus on the global warming. As such the collection is not limited and it is very vast and precisely informative and upto date as well. The conference publication (Collection) can be of great usage for future research studies on the selected topic of global warming


Article 8: De Lima, C. Z., Buzan, J., Hertel, T., Moore, F., Baldos, U. L., & Huber, M. (2019).

Agricultural impacts of global warming. Applicability of the global warming to agricultural sector makes up the discussion. Key implications of the global warming to the agriculture and necessary corrections needed indicated. The source is authored by Lima et al in 2019. The loss in productivity, agricultural yield correlated with global mean temperature rise and said like about 3C rise can have catastrophic impacts particularly in the regions of Africa and north Africa etc. Implications emphasized on only few regions of the globe not on all. It: Can be valuable contributor to the overall global warming study and implications specifically to agricultural domain.

Reflection points: All sources do have broad correlation in the way the concept is presented with. The findings are agreeing either in micro or macro scale depending on the chosen domain and field. There are no contractions observed.

Source selected for Discussion: De Lima, C. Z., Buzan, J., Hertel, T., Moore, F., Baldos, U. L., & Huber, M. (2019). Agricultural impacts of global warming.

Posting: The article indicated the seriousness of the global warming and emphasized the implications of the Global mean temperature rise by few degree temperatures and immediate consequences to the agricultural sector. Importantly it is said like how the temperature changes are going to impact the agricultural yields in Africa, north meditarian region etc, where it can have disastrous impacts. The context compelling global attention towards immediate sustainable measures requirement. The observations include emphasis on the global responsibility in mitigation unwanted temperature shoot ups.

Research challenges: The key challenges included in getting more authentic information. Since there are several publications available online and in libraries, getting more authentic information has become a key challenge. However as a whole it was easy to collect sources as there are several resources available on the topic.


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