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General Psychology Assignment

Based in the research on eyewitness testimony, you will decide (state your position on) whether or not Gilbert Herschel is a victim of false identification. In other words, you will choose a side in the case of Herschel s appeal. Prepare a 2 page (minimum) argument to be presented to your fellow jury members in which you either 1) discuss the specific factors that contribute to reliable eyewitness testimony (AGAINST the final appeal) OR 2) discuss the specific factors that contribute to unreliable eyewitness testimony (FOR the final appeal).

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This case study deals with a case which ensures that a Gilbert Herschel case analysis where the brief about the cases states the following points: -

Gilbert Herschel is charged for a murder of a police officer in the financial year 2005, where the evidences primarily specifies the bullet shells, casing collected, however, such things does not have any DNA evidence. Further, there are evidences where at least two witness out of the five witness have laid to the fact where in the last five years they have regularly changed the testimony by changing the persons identity which lead to police officers murder.


To understand the perspective better and in a true lawful insight it is essential to understand that the following descriptive analysis in light of the specific factors which can truly explain as what factors is necessary in front of jury and court to make an eye witness testimony reliable or rather un reliable especially in front of the Appeal Court.

It is essential to understand that the case of eye witness identification is a concept where the criminal offenses have been undertaken. It is a situation where a testifying analysis has to be undertaken in the court (Beattey, & Fondacaro, 2018). Along with a fact that it also which equally leads to a condition where any mis statement can lead to a major problem and a wrong conviction.

Further, to ensure that the parameters are met and can lead to better surety DNA Test is taken to be at upmost unique as well as a better reliability factor. This is done to be doubly correct and provide a much more reliable a legal valid proof. On the more, this is a segment which deals with a phenomenon which supports the whole working through a rational perspective and with a scientific backing.

On the more, eyewitness testimony as the statistics goes around at least seventy percent cases with respect to the section of 349 which actually lead to a statement with a wrongful conviction (Memon, 2017). Thereby, leading the case to jeopardy or where the in correct judgments are made and passes.

The other factor is the reconstructive memory, it is a condition where the memory and reflexes are stored and interpreted in a much pertaining manner as the host wishes to store it in the information memory lane. It essential to understand that the host is a based and reacted on the behavioral action and not on the scientific and logical reasoning perspective. To elaborate the same perspective, it is necessary to confirm that the retrieval and the extraction is based on the biased perspective and the same cannot be considered and treated as an un biased (Wixted, Mickes, & Fisher, 2018).

To substantialized the whole process that memory at times can lead to a position where the memory and the basic understanding of things can bifurcate and differiciation from the original concept and provide results which are mis interpreting and can lead to wrong analysis. As memory fades of lead to a conclusion which can be way different from a given realistic condition and situation.


Thus, the whole analysis prescribes the analytical process in a court and legal perspective the following points comes it clear and vibrant as to how the above evidences leads to the fact that the Gilbert Herschel cannot be charged for a murder of a police officer in the financial year 2005. Due to the very base evidence one being the fact that the Eye Witness cannot be considered hundred percent reliable in case for the appeal under criminal offense and secondly, DNA witness is not present which is yet another major cause for denying the crime.

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