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Events Industry Assignment Help

An academic essay which critically discusses the following statement:

The events industry is an effective and appropriate vehicle for the social, cultural, environmental and economic development of a city or region.

Overall the essay must be integrated, comprehensive and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the events industry and regional development. There should be a meaningful discussion about the key factors rather than mere descriptions of elements.

The essay should:

Provide an overview and definition of events and their use which:

- demonstrates an understanding of the history of events;

- identifies and discusses the various sectors of the event industry;

- identifies the various types of events (mega, hallmark, community, business, artforrn)

- discusses the significance of the event industry in contemporary society.

- describe and discuss, with examples, how events and event tourism interact with:

- regional economic development (jobs, income, sustainability);

- regional social/cultural development (social cohesion and inclusion): and,

- regional environmental development (infrastructure, revitalisation and appreciation of attractions, sustainability).

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History of Event Tourism

As per the view of Getz & Page (2016), events are the incidents that attract people. The historical events are the incidents that gather the attraction of masses, which resulted in the recording of incident. Thus, though many incidents took place in the history but the ones that gathered attraction of masses became an event. The important reason that incidents in history became events is that they were recorded. The incidents became so important for people that they wanted to store memory of it. This ultimately led to the creation of events. The purposes of these events could vary from religious, social, cultural to economical. Hence, any incident whether it be economical, cultural, religious or social when it got attraction from masses it was converted into events.

Event tourism and the subsequent re-purposing of events for economic development

According to Moutinho & Vargas-Sanchez (2018), the events not only succeeded in gathering the attraction of local or indigenous people but also attracted people from far land. The example is the religion of Buddhism, as the events related to Buddhism attracted the followers of Buddhism in China. As the result, many Buddhist monks from China toured the Buddhist sites of event. Similarly, the birthplace of Jesus or the place where the event of birth of the Jesus took place is now the place of tourism. Thus, the place of birth of Jesus or events of Buddha resulted to event tourism.

Many people visited this place of event as tourists and became a part of event tourism (Page & Connell, 2014). Now, when it is clearly understood that the event tourism is a practice of touring the place of event, it is also important to discuss that how these events were repurposed for economic development. The cultural events makes it much easier to understand that how events were repurposed for economic development. The examples are the festival of Holi in India and the festival of Bull Race in Spain. These events are popular in their country and even attract the people from around the world. Since, it attracted the people from around the world; it provided an opportunity for local people to make profit from tourism, stated by Mihajlovic (2017). Thus, such events were repurposed for economic development.

Various Sectors of Event Industry

According to Raj, Walters & Rashid (2017), there are various sectors of event industry. The example of sectors of event industry is business sector, sports sector, religious sector, social sector and cultural sector. Overall, any sector that provides a chance of events is the sector of event industry. It is difficult to mention particularly the creator of events. However, most commonly the creator of events are government or any agency related to the particular event, for an example, FIFA is the agency related to Soccer and thus they create the event of football world cup. The reason for creating the event may vary but in most of the cases that events are created for economic benefits and entertaining or amusing people.

Various Types of Events

According to Page & Connell (2014), the types of events varies from festival events, academic events, business events, religious events, sports events, political events etc. The festival events are any non-religious celebrations such as concerts by the people. The academic events are the seminars and conference held for academic discussion. The business events are conferences or meetings organised for the business discussion. Religious events are the festival for celebrating any religious practices, as observed by Oklobdžija (2015). Political events are the gathering of political parties or common people for any political issues. The sports events are the competitions such as Olympics and Soccer World Cup.

Differences between Mega, Hallmark, Major and Community Events

As stated by Gruneau & Horne (2015), mega events are the largest events that gather huge population. These events are very prestigious and take place at a specific time. The primary focus of these events may not be the event tourism. The examples of such events are the Mahakumbha Fair in India and Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

As opined by Getz & Page (2016), hallmark events are fairs, cultural, expositions and sporting events at international stage. These events are either help on regular basis or a one-off basis. The Hallmark events have a primary function of providing the host community the opportunity of securing high prominence in the tourism market place. The examples of Hallmark events are the Olympic Games.
Major events are the type of events that generates significant immediate and long-term social, cultural and economic benefits. These types of events help in attracting significant numbers of international spectators or participants. The Major events have a national profile outside the region where it is held and that is what differentiate is from Hallmark events, as remarked by Mihajlovic (2017). The Major events focus on generating international media coverage for tourism opportunities.

According to Jepson & Clarke (2014), community events are types of events that is smallest than other types of events. These events are organised to attract the local or national community. The events do focus on generating the tourism but the number of people is limited. The Community events are small events been organised by the particular community or sometimes by private or government organizations for the welfare or amusement of particular group of people. Thus, Community events are bounded regionally and have limited number of audience. It often does not gather the attraction of international media or tourism, pointed out by Nguyen (2017). The example can be environmental campaigns by local community.

Predominantly Development Outcomes of Events for Regional Economy, Socio-Cultural Change and Environmental Enhancement
As per the view of Getz & Page (2016), events do have predominantly development outcomes such as regional economy, Socio-cultural changes and Environmental enhancement.The example of Olympic Games have predominately development outcomes for regional economy. The event gathers the attraction of people from around the world. They come to support the participants representing their country. Thus, the people from around the world visit host country. These people require hospitality to stay in the host country until the event is over. In addition, the local products also gain the attraction of visitors. Hence, the hospitality services and selling of items to meet the demand of people develops the outcomes of the event for regional economy.

The event of Mahakumbha Fair is the best example to represent that the events have predominantly development outcome for Socio-Cultural change. The people around the country and world visit the event of Mahakumbha to witness the largest fair in the world in terms of human gathering. Hence, people of different society and culture visit the event. The event led to the socio-cultural integration. The people from different cultures and societies interact with each other and this led to socio-cultural integration, as opined by Mihajlovic (2017). The evidence to prove this point and show the socio-cultural changes as the predominantly development outcome of the event is the foreign people becoming Sadhus (Saints) and accepting Hinduism.

As mentioned by Page & Connell (2014), the events also have a predominant development outcome for environmental enhancement. The community events help in better understanding of this fact. The example of environmental campaigns organised by the community helps in proving this fact. These campaigns focus on spreading awareness among people about the environment. The community takes initiatives of educating people about the environmental issues. It eventually has a predominant development outcome for environmental enhancement. As observed by Oklobdžija (2015), the event of political conferences or meetings also has a predominant development outcome for environmental enhancement. In this event, various environmental issues are raised and discussed that helps in environmental enhancement.

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