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Ethical Implications on Multi-generational Workforce Assignment Help

For this assignment, each student is to write a literature review. Research, critique, and/or apply an ethical theory related to ethical decision making and individual capstone research topic. Each student is to write a scholarly paper of 5-7 pages in length (in addition to title page, abstract, and references) and use appropriate citations using APA, 6th edition.

Focus of the literature review should be application of the ethical decision making theory as it relates to each student's capstone research topic (as identified in OLM 503 or other topic with permission/consultation with instructor). In addition to the text, a minimum of four (4) additional academic sources are required.

Regardless of the paper topic, you are expected to fully integrate the literature, topic, and relevance. This is not an opportunity for an opinion paper, rather an opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills reflective of the content and learning objectives of the course.

Potential topics may include, but not limited to:

The analysis and scholarly critique of various ethical theories such as objectivism, subjective relativism, cultural relativism, and emotivism as practiced with the realm of a capstone research topic.

Differentiation between The Four Ethical Dilemmas (truth vs. loyalty; short term vs. long term; individual vs. community; justice vs. mercy) and application to the capstone research area of interest.

Application of an ethical theory and the implications of managing employee situations (denied promotions, managing relatives, managing friends or former colleagues, age disparity among superior/subordinate employees, diversity in advancement, succession planning, empowerment, etc.) situated within the realm of a capstone research topic.

Identification and approach for handling conflict of interest which applying an ethical theory within the realm of a capstone research topic.

Ethical implications as it relates to capstone research topic.

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Organizational ethics is defined as the procedures, policies and culture of doing the right thing to handle complex and controversial situations. How an organization practices ethics is crucial as nowadays social media helps to expose these situations rapidly in the mass media which directly affects the reputation of that organization. The aim of the study is to understand different ethical theories, difference between four ethical dilemmas and application of those ethical theories in employee management. Ethical practices help the organizations to build a good reputation in the market.

Analyzing various ethical theories


Moral values and virtues in ethical objectivism are intrinsic as they are not dependent on other factors. Ethical objectivism moral laws are eternal, which means they cannot be created and does not subject on any human being. Violating laws can result in punishment for a person. Ethical objectivism is also known as Karma and a person continues his or her journey of life until and unless he or she fulfills these moral perfections. According to ‘Law of Karma', if a person acts unethically and do some unwanted activities then he or she will get return those acts eventually. On the other hand, if a person performs some good deeds, then he or she will achieve advancement in spiritual advancement in return (Uidaho, 2019).

Subjective relativism

According to subjective relativism, every action will be called as morally right if others admit it. Approval of a person makes any action right done by others. According to subjective relativism, a person can be morally infallible and he or she does not have any genuine moral disagreement. According to this theory, there is no specific rules and moral principles, whereas the rules can be derived from each situation in relation to other situations. Subjective relativism is solely dependent on the perspective of other persons on a specific matter and how they assess the situation (WWNorton, 2019).

Cultural relativism

People evaluate any situation or object based on his or her cultural background. A person can assume any situation based on how he or she has been accustomed within that situation. Cultural relativism means a person's perspective is solely dependent on how he or she has been seeing any situation based on cultural background. The concept of cultural relativism in directly related to ethnocentrism. The judgement and perception vary from person to person and so as moral values. Ethnocentrism helps to create a bond between the same type of people who belong from same cultures and create discrimination or negative judgement if they are different in nature (Khanacademy, 2019).


According to emotivism, people sometimes express their ethical sentence through emotional attitudes. Within emotivism there are no objective moral facts. Moral statements in emotivism are no proper statement about the feelings of the speaker, whereas it signifies the feelings of the speaker through emotive force. According to this theory, moral judgements represents or describes the attitudes of a person.

Differentiating between the four Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical dilemmas are defined as "right vs right" which signifies both situations which as right as same time but differs from each other. Both the situations are firmly rooted with a person's core values.

Truth vs. loyalty

Truth means conformity for s person regarding something based on different facts and reality. Loyalty on the other hand involves allegiance to a person or body, government, authority or any organization (Rhodes, 2016). Truth is always preferable, and a person always should stand with the truth. At the same time, a person has to be loyal to a certain level to the authority, person or government to maintain certain code of ethics.

Short term vs. long term

Short term factors or concerns are often stimulated based on current or short-term satisfactions for the future which can create long term effects on the future whether they are positive or negative in nature. Long term concerns on the other hand satisfies long term future needs. It is always preferable to plan for the future in the short term keeping in mind for the long-term achievement in future.

Individual vs. community

Individual ethics means a person runs for fulfilling his or her own needs in life without concern for the others and eventually social goods emerges with his or her. Everyone's personal or individual rights have to be preserved and everyone needs a personal space in their life where he or she can spend some time for themselves (Robertson, Voegtlin & Maak, 2017). Community ethics on the other hand deals with concerns where more than one person is involved, and decision taken by one person directly or indirectly affects the community. Individualism is always acceptable if it does not hurt the community.

Justice vs. mercy

Justice flights for the principle and maintains the rules and regulations strictly to preserve the future. On the other hand, mercy offers care to the person based on the scenario and seeks for benevolence in all aspects. Justice is always preferable but if possible, mercy can be a better choice to preserve or safeguard a person or an individual from any harm.

Applying ethical theory to manage different employee situations

Denied promotions

Promotion of the employees is always preferable to motivate them in their respective work environment. Denies promotions have to be dealt with delicacies and the denial have to be assessed thoroughly to understand the cause behind it. If possible, it can be changed to offer promotion and if not possible, the employee has to be encouraged to improve his or her performance so that they can achieve promotion next time (Medeiros et al. 2017). The organization on the other hand have to be professional regarding giving promises to the employees about promotions so that employees do not have to get rejected later.

Managing relatives

Within an organizational structure, employees can be relatives who can work under a manager of higher officials. Managing and maintaining a professionalism is crucial in this situation as they both are working under and organizational structure. According to the organizational code of ethics, the manager can treat his or her relative (Quarshie, Salmi & Leuschner, 2016). Personal relations must not affect within the organizational system as every company has their own ethical codes and personal relations may contradict with that code which is unacceptable. An employee must not reveal confidential information to his or her relatives as it will violate the company rule (Dierksmeier & Seele, 2018).

Managing friends or former colleagues

In a company, friendship must be avoided to maintain adequate professionalism. On the other hand, two people can work in different organizations, but they must not communicate about the confidential information of their respective companies as it will violate the business rule. Professionalism is always preferable if a person is working under any organization. They must follow the company rules and regulations strictly.

Age disparity among superior and subordinate employees

Within an organizational structure, different designations are present from department manager to general employees (Dierksmeier & Seele, 2018). Age is another factor which have to be considered by the officials during communicating with each other. It is often seen that people with lower age holds higher designations from a person with higher age. In spite of the designation, it is necessary to convey adequate respect to those who have higher age group. Age have to be considered before the designation as a person may hold lower designation within a company but he or she carries more experience than the young one. Senior officials can always utilize those experiences in their job roles to achieve better results.

Diversity in advancement

The organizations, which supports diversity in terms of advancement are more applicable and acceptable by individuals. Supporting the diverse values are proven to be helpful regarding the competitive advantage maintenance. Moreover, valuing the diversity values is comes under the ethical consideration followed by the legislation. Being consistent in the competitive market is necessary and in order to do that, change is the most effective approach. In support with this paradigm diversity in advancement takes place (Rhodes, 2016).

Succession planning

Succession planning is considered as a long-term business planning, which identifies the potential and talented individuals to develop the sales revenues. Organizational and individual performance can be enhanced with the help of identification and selection of high potential employees along with the retention of high performing Managers. A strategic positive reinforcement system needs to be considered by the succession planning in order to ethical business values can get enhanced in an organization.


Employees can be given authority or official power to perform specific tasks by their own or by utilizing company's resources or workforce (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2015). However, the person to whom the authority has been given should not utilize this power in a negative way or to fulfill personal agendas. The person must maintain organizational code of ethics and his or her actions have to be focused only for the betterment of that organization. He or she must not utilize the confidential data for personal use or leak in the market which as a result will harm the company to a great extent.

Identifying approaches for handling conflict of interest by applying ethical theory

Within an organizational structure, each and every employee have to be dealt with professionalism and delicacy. However, on the other hand employees also have to be loyal to the corporate in which they are working under. They must follow the ethical codes specified by the authority of that corporate and their every action must be aligned with the code of practice. Creating a strong bond among the company officials and employees can help to maintain a breathable and energetic working environment for both of them. Sometimes employees can choose loyalty over truth or vice-versa based on the scenario (Mayhew, 2019).

Ethical implications

A positive corporate culture is essential for an organization to operate the business efficiently. Maintaining business ethics within an organizational structure not only helps the organization to become popular and reputable in the market, it can also help to attract potential employees and investors to that organization. Maintaining good business ethics also helps to enhance the confidence of the customers and stakeholders towards a company. This also helps them to avoid from any kind of lawsuits as no employee or customer prefers to be discriminated by a corporate body. Maintaining ethical standards also helps to avoid financial liabilities (Leonard, 2019).


Corporate ethics is a code of conduct which helps to maintain a positive and ethical business operations. From the above study it has been concluded that, performing ethical behavior and values in an organization not only supports the overall advancement of an organization but also maintains the competency level in the present market. Moreover, identification and retention of effective employees can also be done. Following a reinforcement system is necessary for maintaining an open and intrinsic environment in the workplace.

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